/tychk_nbe.ml Secret
Last active
June 2, 2022 07:19
Typechecking for higher-rank polymorphism
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(* Build with: ocamlfind ocamlc -package angstrom,stdio -linkpkg tychk_nbe.ml -o tychk *) | |
module AST = struct | |
type ty = | |
| TNamed of string | |
| TFun of ty * ty | |
| TForall of string * ty | |
type exp = | |
| Var of string | |
| App of exp * exp | |
| Annot of exp * ty | |
| Lam of string * exp | |
| Let of string * exp * exp | |
end | |
let elem_index a = (* wish OCaml had this in the stdlib *) | |
let rec go i = function | |
| [] -> None | |
| x :: xs -> if x = a then Some i else go (i+1) xs in | |
go 0 | |
module Infer = struct | |
type idx = int | |
type lvl = int | |
type ty = | |
| TVar of idx | |
| TFun of ty * ty | |
| TForall of string * ty | |
| THole of hole ref | |
and vty = | |
| VVar of lvl | |
| VFun of vty * vty | |
| VForall of string * (vty -> vty) | |
| VHole of hole ref | |
and hole = | |
| Empty of { scope: lvl } | |
| Filled of vty | |
| Generalized of lvl | |
type ctx = { type_names: string list; lvl: lvl; env: (string * vty) list } | |
let initial_ctx: ctx = { type_names = []; lvl = 0; env = [] } | |
exception TypeError of string | |
let add_ty_to_ctx (name: string) (ctx: ctx): ctx = | |
{ type_names = name :: ctx.type_names | |
; lvl = ctx.lvl + 1 | |
; env = ctx.env } | |
let add_var_to_ctx (name: string) (ty: vty) (ctx: ctx): ctx = | |
{ type_names = ctx.type_names | |
; lvl = ctx.lvl | |
; env = (name, ty) :: ctx.env } | |
let lookup_var (name: string) (ctx: ctx) = | |
match List.assoc_opt name ctx.env with | |
| Some ty -> ty | |
| None -> raise (TypeError ("variable " ^ name ^ " not in scope")) | |
let ast_ty_to_ty (ast_ty: AST.ty) = | |
let rec helper (env: string list) (ast_ty: AST.ty) = match ast_ty with | |
| TNamed n -> (match elem_index n env with | |
| Some idx -> TVar idx | |
| None -> raise (TypeError ("type variable " ^ n ^ " not in scope"))) | |
| TFun(a, b) -> TFun (helper env a, helper env b) | |
| TForall(n, a) -> TForall (n, helper (n::env) a) in | |
helper [] ast_ty | |
let rec eval (env: vty list) = function | |
| TVar idx -> List.nth env idx | |
| TFun(a, b) -> VFun(eval env a, eval env b) | |
| TForall(name, ty) -> VForall(name, fun x -> eval (x::env) ty) | |
| THole hole -> VHole hole | |
let deref = function | |
| VHole hole -> | |
let rec helper h = match !h with | |
| Filled (VHole h') -> | |
(* path compression *) | |
let a = helper h' in h := Filled a; a | |
| Filled a -> a | |
| _ -> VHole h in | |
helper hole | |
| a -> a | |
let print_ty (ctx: ctx) ty = | |
let parens p s = if p then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s in | |
let rec helper ctx p t = match deref t with | |
| VVar lvl -> List.nth ctx.type_names (ctx.lvl - lvl - 1) | |
| VFun(a, b) -> parens p (helper ctx true a ^ " -> " ^ helper ctx false b) | |
| VForall(n, a) -> | |
let rec freshen_name n = | |
if List.mem n ctx.type_names then freshen_name (n ^ "'") else n in | |
let n' = freshen_name n in | |
let pr_a = helper (add_ty_to_ctx n' ctx) false (a (VVar ctx.lvl)) in | |
parens p ("forall " ^ n' ^ ". " ^ pr_a) | |
| VHole { contents = Empty { scope = lvl } } -> | |
Printf.sprintf "?[at lvl %d]" lvl in | |
helper ctx false ty | |
(* when filling in a hole, a few things need to be checked: | |
- occurs check: check that you aren't making recursive types | |
- scope check: check that you aren't using bound vars outside its scope | |
*) | |
let unify_hole_prechecks (ctx: ctx) (hole: hole ref) (scope: lvl) ty = | |
let initial_lvl = ctx.lvl in | |
let rec helper ctx t = match deref t with | |
| VVar lvl -> | |
if lvl >= scope && lvl < initial_lvl | |
then raise (TypeError ("type variable " ^ print_ty ctx (VVar lvl) ^ " escaping its scope")) | |
| VFun(a, b) -> helper ctx a; helper ctx b; | |
| VForall(n, a) -> | |
helper (add_ty_to_ctx n ctx) (a (VVar ctx.lvl)) | |
| VHole ({ contents = Empty { scope = l } } as h) -> | |
if h = hole | |
then raise (TypeError "occurs check: can't make infinite type") | |
else if l > scope then h := Empty { scope } | |
in helper ctx ty | |
let rec unify (ctx: ctx) a b = match deref a, deref b with | |
| VHole hole_a, _ -> unify_hole_ty ctx hole_a b | |
| _, VHole hole_b -> unify_hole_ty ctx hole_b a | |
| VVar lvl_a, VVar lvl_b when lvl_a = lvl_b -> () | |
| VFun(a1, a2), VFun(b1, b2) -> unify ctx a1 b1; unify ctx a2 b2 | |
| VForall(n, a_fun), VForall(_, b_fun) -> | |
let new_ctx = add_ty_to_ctx n ctx in | |
unify new_ctx (a_fun (VVar ctx.lvl)) (b_fun (VVar ctx.lvl)) | |
| _ -> | |
let a', b' = print_ty ctx a, print_ty ctx b in | |
raise (TypeError ("mismatch between " ^ a' ^ " and " ^ b')) | |
and unify_hole_ty (ctx: ctx) hole ty = | |
let Empty { scope } = !hole in | |
if ty <> VHole hole | |
then (unify_hole_prechecks ctx hole scope ty; hole := Filled ty) | |
let rec eagerly_instantiate (ctx: ctx) = function | |
| VForall(n, a) -> | |
let new_hole = ref (Empty { scope = ctx.lvl }) in | |
eagerly_instantiate ctx (a (VHole new_hole)) | |
| a -> a | |
(* The mutually-recursive typechecking functions *) | |
let rec check (ctx: ctx) (term: AST.exp) (ty: vty) = match term, deref ty with | |
| _, VForall(n, a) -> | |
check (add_ty_to_ctx n ctx) term (a (VVar ctx.lvl)) | |
| Lam(var, body), VFun(a, b) -> | |
check (add_var_to_ctx var a ctx) body b | |
| Let(var, exp, body), a -> | |
let exp_ty = infer ctx exp in | |
check (add_var_to_ctx var exp_ty ctx) body a | |
| _, a -> | |
let inferred_ty = infer_and_inst ctx term in | |
unify ctx inferred_ty a | |
and infer (ctx: ctx) (term: AST.exp) = match term with | |
| Var var -> lookup_var var ctx | |
| Annot(e, ast_ty) -> | |
let ty = eval [] (ast_ty_to_ty ast_ty) in | |
check ctx e ty; ty | |
| App(f, arg) -> | |
let f_ty = infer_and_inst ctx f in | |
begin match deref f_ty with | |
| VFun(a, b) -> check ctx arg a; b | |
| VHole ({ contents = Empty { scope } } as hole) -> | |
let a = VHole (ref (Empty { scope })) in | |
let b = VHole (ref (Empty { scope })) in | |
hole := Filled (VFun(a, b)); | |
check ctx arg a; | |
b | |
| _ -> raise (TypeError "not a function type") | |
end | |
| Lam(var, body) -> | |
let arg_ty = VHole (ref (Empty { scope = ctx.lvl })) in | |
let res_ty = infer_and_inst (add_var_to_ctx var arg_ty ctx) body in | |
VFun(arg_ty, res_ty) | |
| Let(var, exp, body) -> | |
let exp_ty = infer ctx exp in | |
infer (add_var_to_ctx var exp_ty ctx) body | |
and infer_and_inst (ctx: ctx) (term: AST.exp) = | |
let ty = infer ctx term in eagerly_instantiate ctx ty | |
end | |
module Parser = struct | |
open AST | |
open Angstrom (* parser combinators library *) | |
let keywords = ["forall"; "let"; "in"; "fun"] | |
let whitespace = take_while (String.contains " \n\t") | |
let lexeme a = a <* whitespace | |
let ident = lexeme ( | |
let is_ident_char c = | |
c = '_' || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') in | |
let* i = take_while is_ident_char in | |
if String.length i > 0 then return i else fail "expected ident") | |
let str s = lexeme (string s) *> return () | |
let name = | |
let* i = ident in | |
if List.mem i keywords then fail (i ^ " is a keyword") else return i | |
let keyword k = | |
let* i = ident in | |
if i = k then return () else fail ("expected " ^ k) | |
let parens p = str "(" *> p <* str ")" | |
let ty = fix (fun ty -> | |
let simple_ty = parens ty <|> lift (fun n -> TNamed n) name in | |
let forall_ty = | |
let+ () = keyword "forall" | |
and+ names = many1 name | |
and+ () = str "." | |
and+ a = ty in | |
List.fold_right (fun n a -> TForall(n, a)) names a in | |
let fun_ty = | |
let+ arg_ty = simple_ty | |
and+ () = str "->" | |
and+ res_ty = ty in | |
TFun(arg_ty, res_ty) in | |
forall_ty <|> fun_ty <|> simple_ty <?> "type") | |
let exp = fix (fun exp -> | |
let atomic_exp = parens exp <|> lift (fun n -> Var n) name in | |
let make_app (f::args) = | |
List.fold_left (fun f arg -> App(f,arg)) f args in | |
let simple_exp = lift make_app (many1 atomic_exp) in | |
let annot_exp = | |
let+ e = simple_exp | |
and+ annot = option (fun e -> e) | |
(lift (fun t e -> Annot(e,t)) (str ":" *> ty)) in | |
annot e in | |
let let_exp = | |
let+ () = keyword "let" | |
and+ n = name | |
and+ () = str "=" | |
and+ e = exp | |
and+ () = keyword "in" | |
and+ body = exp in | |
Let(n, e, body) in | |
let fun_exp = | |
let+ () = keyword "fun" | |
and+ args = many1 name | |
and+ () = str "->" | |
and+ body = exp in | |
List.fold_right (fun arg body -> Lam(arg, body)) args body in | |
let_exp <|> fun_exp <|> annot_exp <?> "expression") | |
let parse (s: string) = | |
match parse_string ~consume:All (whitespace *> exp) s with | |
| Ok e -> e | |
| Error msg -> failwith msg | |
end | |
let main () = | |
let stdin = Stdio.In_channel.(input_all stdin) in | |
let exp = Parser.parse stdin in | |
let () = print_endline "parsed" in | |
let open Infer in | |
let ctx = initial_ctx in | |
let ty = infer ctx exp in | |
print_endline ("input : " ^ print_ty ctx ty) | |
let () = main () | |
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