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Last active December 19, 2015 13:29
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This is a comparison of the loading time/memory for the legacy JApplication based app classes versus the proposed app classes built on JApplicationWeb.
This is a comparison of the loading time/memory for the legacy JApplication based app classes versus
the proposed app classes built on JApplicationWeb.
This comparison is taken on joomla/joomla-cms@d28d5d15073561cb4c79f3e7cbfa221119e11e0e (master)
compared to joomla-projects/joomla-cms@d849d4669b3b9f7684dd8dd54e396a859e4acde5 (feature-app)
For both tests, a fresh installation is performed and the "Learn Joomla English (GB) Sample Data" dataset is installed.
For the site tests, the homepage is compared.
For the administrator tests, the login page and control panel pages are compared.
Site Application Summary:
JSite - Time: 677.3 ms Memory: 9.65 MB
JApplicationSite - Time: 752.8 ms Memory: 10.01 MB
JSite Profile:
Time: 0.3 ms / 0.3 ms Memory: 0.618 MB / 0.62 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 195.7 ms / 195.9 ms Memory: 3.274 MB / 3.89 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 127.8 ms / 323.7 ms Memory: 2.123 MB / 6.02 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 245.6 ms / 569.3 ms Memory: 2.974 MB / 8.99 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 12.2 ms / 581.5 ms Memory: 0.171 MB / 9.16 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (About Joomla!)
Time: 20.8 ms / 602.3 ms Memory: 0.138 MB / 9.30 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (About Joomla!)
Time: 0.4 ms / 602.7 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.29 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (This Site)
Time: 20.6 ms / 623.3 ms Memory: 0.117 MB / 9.41 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (This Site)
Time: 0.2 ms / 623.5 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.40 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_login (Login Form)
Time: 8.8 ms / 632.3 ms Memory: 0.066 MB / 9.47 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_login (Login Form)
Time: 0.8 ms / 633.1 ms Memory: 0.002 MB / 9.47 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_breadcrumbs (Breadcrumbs)
Time: 9.9 ms / 643.1 ms Memory: 0.068 MB / 9.54 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_breadcrumbs (Breadcrumbs)
Time: 0.5 ms / 643.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.53 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_custom (Image Module)
Time: 4.1 ms / 647.7 ms Memory: 0.021 MB / 9.56 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_custom (Image Module)
Time: 0.8 ms / 648.5 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.55 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Top)
Time: 13.6 ms / 662.1 ms Memory: 0.030 MB / 9.58 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (Top)
Time: 0.5 ms / 662.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.58 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Time: 9.7 ms / 672.2 ms Memory: 0.026 MB / 9.60 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Time: 5.0 ms / 677.3 ms Memory: 0.049 MB / 9.65 MB Application: afterRender
JApplicationSite Profile:
Time: 0.0 ms / 0.0 ms Memory: 0.617 MB / 0.62 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 169.8 ms / 169.8 ms Memory: 3.740 MB / 4.36 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 107.2 ms / 277.0 ms Memory: 1.926 MB / 6.28 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 334.8 ms / 611.9 ms Memory: 3.048 MB / 9.33 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 12.2 ms / 624.1 ms Memory: 0.173 MB / 9.51 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (About Joomla!)
Time: 21.7 ms / 645.8 ms Memory: 0.138 MB / 9.64 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (About Joomla!)
Time: 0.3 ms / 646.1 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.64 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (This Site)
Time: 22.2 ms / 668.4 ms Memory: 0.117 MB / 9.76 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (This Site)
Time: 0.2 ms / 668.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.75 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_login (Login Form)
Time: 7.9 ms / 676.5 ms Memory: 0.069 MB / 9.82 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_login (Login Form)
Time: 0.5 ms / 677.0 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.82 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_breadcrumbs (Breadcrumbs)
Time: 13.0 ms / 690.0 ms Memory: 0.068 MB / 9.88 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_breadcrumbs (Breadcrumbs)
Time: 0.5 ms / 690.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.88 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_custom (Image Module)
Time: 3.8 ms / 694.3 ms Memory: 0.021 MB / 9.90 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_custom (Image Module)
Time: 0.7 ms / 695.0 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.90 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Top)
Time: 17.1 ms / 712.1 ms Memory: 0.030 MB / 9.93 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (Top)
Time: 0.6 ms / 712.7 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 9.92 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Time: 31.5 ms / 744.1 ms Memory: 0.026 MB / 9.95 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Time: 8.7 ms / 752.8 ms Memory: 0.061 MB / 10.01 MB Application: afterRender
Administrator Application Login Page Summary:
JAdministrator - Time: 258.4 ms Memory: 6.28 MB
JApplicationAdministrator - Time: 283.8 ms Memory: 6.60 MB
JAdministrator Profile:
Time: 4.4 ms / 4.4 ms Memory: 0.719 MB / 0.72 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 134.3 ms / 138.7 ms Memory: 3.503 MB / 4.22 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 6.7 ms / 145.4 ms Memory: 0.224 MB / 4.45 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 54.7 ms / 200.1 ms Memory: 1.295 MB / 5.74 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Time: 49.3 ms / 249.4 ms Memory: 0.440 MB / 6.18 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Time: 3.7 ms / 253.1 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.18 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 5.2 ms / 258.4 ms Memory: 0.106 MB / 6.28 MB Application: afterRender
JApplicationAdministrator Profile:
Time: 2.1 ms / 2.1 ms Memory: 0.719 MB / 0.72 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 154.0 ms / 156.2 ms Memory: 3.757 MB / 4.48 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 12.8 ms / 169.0 ms Memory: 0.224 MB / 4.70 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 57.5 ms / 226.5 ms Memory: 1.349 MB / 6.05 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Time: 48.4 ms / 274.8 ms Memory: 0.441 MB / 6.49 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Time: 3.9 ms / 278.7 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.49 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 5.1 ms / 283.8 ms Memory: 0.114 MB / 6.60 MB Application: afterRender
Administrator Application Control Panel Summary:
JAdministrator - Time: 498.9 ms Memory: 7.04 MB
JApplicationAdministrator - Time: 525.1 ms Memory: 7.40 MB
JAdministrator Profile:
Time: 2.4 ms / 2.4 ms Memory: 0.720 MB / 0.72 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 133.5 ms / 135.9 ms Memory: 3.461 MB / 4.18 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 6.0 ms / 141.9 ms Memory: 0.224 MB / 4.41 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 31.0 ms / 172.9 ms Memory: 0.664 MB / 5.07 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_logged (Logged-in Users)
Time: 44.0 ms / 216.9 ms Memory: 0.517 MB / 5.59 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_logged (Logged-in Users)
Time: 0.3 ms / 217.3 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 5.58 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_popular (Popular Articles)
Time: 62.5 ms / 279.8 ms Memory: 0.413 MB / 6.00 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_popular (Popular Articles)
Time: 0.3 ms / 280.1 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 5.98 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_latest (Recently Added Articles)
Time: 27.1 ms / 307.2 ms Memory: 0.214 MB / 6.20 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_latest (Recently Added Articles)
Time: 0.4 ms / 307.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.18 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_quickicon (Quick Icons)
Time: 33.1 ms / 340.7 ms Memory: 0.295 MB / 6.47 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_quickicon (Quick Icons)
Time: 1.8 ms / 342.5 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.45 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 2.5 ms / 344.9 ms Memory: 0.080 MB / 6.54 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_submenu (Admin Submenu)
Time: 4.4 ms / 349.3 ms Memory: 0.010 MB / 6.54 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_submenu (Admin Submenu)
Time: 7.3 ms / 356.6 ms Memory: 0.031 MB / 6.58 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_status (User Status)
Time: 8.8 ms / 365.4 ms Memory: 0.048 MB / 6.62 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_status (User Status)
Time: 0.4 ms / 365.8 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.62 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_version (Joomla Version)
Time: 4.5 ms / 370.3 ms Memory: 0.018 MB / 6.64 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_version (Joomla Version)
Time: 0.6 ms / 370.9 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.64 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Admin Menu)
Time: 126.0 ms / 496.9 ms Memory: 0.359 MB / 7.00 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (Admin Menu)
Time: 2.0 ms / 498.9 ms Memory: 0.044 MB / 7.04 MB Application: afterRender
JApplicationAdministrator Profile:
Time: 2.2 ms / 2.2 ms Memory: 0.719 MB / 0.72 MB Application: afterLoad
Time: 198.0 ms / 200.2 ms Memory: 3.741 MB / 4.46 MB Application: afterInitialise
Time: 10.6 ms / 210.9 ms Memory: 0.224 MB / 4.68 MB Application: afterRoute
Time: 34.3 ms / 245.2 ms Memory: 0.692 MB / 5.38 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_logged (Logged-in Users)
Time: 41.4 ms / 286.6 ms Memory: 0.519 MB / 5.90 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_logged (Logged-in Users)
Time: 0.2 ms / 286.9 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 5.89 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_popular (Popular Articles)
Time: 25.4 ms / 312.3 ms Memory: 0.418 MB / 6.31 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_popular (Popular Articles)
Time: 0.3 ms / 312.6 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.30 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_latest (Recently Added Articles)
Time: 49.2 ms / 361.7 ms Memory: 0.219 MB / 6.51 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_latest (Recently Added Articles)
Time: 0.4 ms / 362.1 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.50 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_quickicon (Quick Icons)
Time: 33.2 ms / 395.3 ms Memory: 0.295 MB / 6.79 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_quickicon (Quick Icons)
Time: 1.7 ms / 396.9 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.77 MB Application: afterDispatch
Time: 4.7 ms / 401.7 ms Memory: 0.081 MB / 6.85 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_submenu (Admin Submenu)
Time: 4.3 ms / 406.0 ms Memory: 0.010 MB / 6.86 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_submenu (Admin Submenu)
Time: 5.5 ms / 411.4 ms Memory: 0.031 MB / 6.90 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_status (User Status)
Time: 9.6 ms / 421.0 ms Memory: 0.055 MB / 6.95 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_status (User Status)
Time: 0.4 ms / 421.4 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.95 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_version (Joomla Version)
Time: 4.1 ms / 425.5 ms Memory: 0.017 MB / 6.97 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_version (Joomla Version)
Time: 0.6 ms / 426.1 ms Memory: 0.000 MB / 6.96 MB Application: beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Admin Menu)
Time: 97.1 ms / 523.2 ms Memory: 0.364 MB / 7.33 MB Application: afterRenderModule mod_menu (Admin Menu)
Time: 1.9 ms / 525.1 ms Memory: 0.072 MB / 7.40 MB Application: afterRender
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