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Last active June 12, 2017 22:16
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Save mbacou/6605510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Spatial operations: dissolve and overlay
# Load GAUL 2008 (release 2009) adm-2 from Darby
g <- readOGR("./maps/admin", "g2008_2")
# Dissolve multi-feature districts
# Note that this might kill the server, maybe best to run continent by continent or country by country
g.merged <- unionSpatialPolygons(g, ID=g$ADM2_CODE)
# Merge back all attributes from [g] into [g.merged]
g <- data.table(g@data)
setkey(g, ADM2_CODE)
g <- unique(g)
g.merged <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(g.merged, data.frame(g), match.ID=FALSE)
# Load all CRP layers into a list
f <- list.files("./2013-CRP/maps", glob2rx("*.shp"), recursive=TRUE)
l <- data.frame(dir=dirname(f), base=str_replace(basename(f), ".shp", ""), stringsAsFactors=F)
f <- lapply(1:dim(l)[1], function(i) readOGR(paste0("./2013-CRP/maps/", l[i, "dir"]), l[i, "base"]))
# Make sure the coordinate systems are identical before overlaying
# If they don't match then reproject the layers
sapply(f, slot, "proj4string")
# [[1]]
# CRS arguments:
# +proj=longlat +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +no_defs
# If no projection is available, then assume same as others or best guess, e.g.
f[[4]]@proj4string <- f[[1]]@proj4string
# CRS arguments:
# +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# They don't match, so reproject all CRP layers to match GAUL
f <- lapply(f, spTransform, g.merged@proj4string)
# Define generic overlay function (att is a vector of CRP attributes we want to keep)
# e.g. att <- c("title", "description", "resolution", etc..)
gaulOverlay <- function(x, att) {
tmp <- over(x, g.merged)
tmp <- data.table(featureID=row.names(x),
g.merged@data[tmp, c("ADM0_CODE", "ADM0_NAME", "ADM1_CODE", "ADM1_NAME", "ADM2_CODE", "ADM2_NAME")])
tmp[, att] <- x@data[, att]
# Overlay CRP layer by CRP layer
att <- c("title", "description", "resolution", "source")
out <- lapply(f, gaulOverlay, att)
# Combine all
out <-, out)
# For a quick visual check
plot(g.merged[g.merged$ADM2_CODE %in% out[[1]]$ADM2_CODE,], col="red")
plot(f[[1]][out[[1]]$featureID,], col="#D9D9D920", add=TRUE)
# This shows that all intersected districts are returned by over() even if only a tiny area intersects
# We can tweak that behavior to discard small sleeves
# Or check interactively through Github's new geojson feature
writeOGR(g.merged[g.merged$ADM2_CODE %in% out[[1]]$ADM2_CODE,],
dsn="./test.geojson", layer="lyr1", driver="GeoJSON")
dsn="./test.geojson", layer="lyr2", driver="GeoJSON")
# View on github =>
# (only showing Ethiopia districts in this example)
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