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Last active February 4, 2020 14:17
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Save mbafford/5333101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick and simple program to convert the Diecast podcast ( RSS feed into something my podcast reader can handle. It simply pulls the mp3 URL from the description and adds an enclosure element pointing at that URL.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Expects the AWS_ enviornment variables to be set for boto to know how to connect to AWS/S3 - they are:
# Change the bucket name from mbafford-static for your own uses.
# Obvious enhancements would be to add the necessary tags for displaying artwork for the show in podcast software.
# This is just a hacky way to take the existing blog RSS feed and make it readable by podcast software
# validated and found mostly not broken with:
import re
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import boto
def findSourceURL(item, type):
itemxml = item.toxml()
m ="<source[^>]+src=[\"']([^\"']*\\.mp3)[\"']", itemxml)
if m: return
return None
def fetch_rss_feed_xml():
# Circumvent a potential bot blocker, see
url = ''
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent' : "Diecast feed generator ("})
conn = urlopen(req)
rss =
# a mix of UTF-8 and windows-1252 makes for an XML parsing error
# in the case of this script, fixing the errors isn't that important
# so just get rid of them
rss = rss.decode('utf-8', errors='replace').replace(u"\uFFFD", "")
rssxml = parseString(rss)
return rssxml
def podcastify_xml(rssxml):
# For iTunes
feedNodes = rssxml.getElementsByTagName("rss")
if feedNodes: feedNodes[0].setAttribute("xmlns:itunes", "")
for link in rssxml.getElementsByTagName("atom:link"):
link.parentNode.removeChild( link )
for item in rssxml.getElementsByTagName("item"):
mp3url = findSourceURL(item, 'mp3')
if mp3url:
if not mp3url.startswith("http"):
if mp3url.startswith("/"):
mp3url = "" + mp3url
mp3url = "" + mp3url
# remove existing enclosures, if any
enclosures = item.getElementsByTagName("enclosure")
for enclosure in enclosures:
enclosure.parentNode.removeChild( enclosure )
enclosure = rssxml.createElement("enclosure")
enclosure.setAttribute("url", mp3url)
enclosure.setAttribute("type", "audio/mpeg")
enclosure.setAttribute("length", "75000000") # for iTunes
channel = rssxml.getElementsByTagName("channel")[0]
image = rssxml.createElement("itunes:image")
image.setAttribute("href", "")
channel.insertBefore(image, channel.firstChild)
author = rssxml.createElement("itunes:author")
author.appendChild( rssxml.createTextNode("Twenty Sided") )
channel.insertBefore(author, channel.firstChild)
category = rssxml.createElement("itunes:category")
category.setAttribute("text", "Games & Hobbies")
channel.insertBefore(category, channel.firstChild)
explicit = rssxml.createElement("itunes:explicit")
explicit.appendChild( rssxml.createTextNode("no") )
channel.insertBefore(explicit, channel.firstChild)
link = rssxml.createElement("atom:link")
link.setAttribute("href", "")
link.setAttribute("rel", "self")
link.setAttribute("type", "application/rss+xml")
channel.insertBefore( link, channel.firstChild )
def upload_xml( rssxml ):
s3 = boto.connect_s3( is_secure=False )
bucket = s3.get_bucket('mbafford-static')
s3key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
s3key.key = 'diecast.xml'
s3key.set_contents_from_string( rssxml.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type' : 'application/rss+xml'}, policy='public-read' )
def write_xml_to_file( rssxml, filename ):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write( rssxml.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8') )
rssxml = fetch_rss_feed_xml()
write_xml_to_file( rssxml, 'original-rss.xml' )
podcastify_xml( rssxml )
write_xml_to_file( rssxml, 'diecast.xml' )
upload_xml( rssxml )
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Merged and re-run. Updated feed at works with iTunes 11.0.2 now. Thank you for the patch!

It's a shame that iTunes requires a length parameter that it's going to then ignore. I remember having to do this a long time ago with another similar project, but I'd forgotten all about that requirement.

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