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Created July 30, 2016 08:11
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  • Save mbainrot/94dee1f26c1c5cec841f7ce890eb4482 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mbainrot/94dee1f26c1c5cec841f7ce890eb4482 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Troublesome entries in ABCnewsmetadata.csv, this file is a diff of the original metadata csv and the one after I killed 36ish bad entires that where causing the import to fail. Quickly looking at it, it appears mostly to be unescaped double quotes. Seems like the only seperator that wouldn't cause any trouble is an open curly brackets.
echo "COPY article_meta_raw FROM '/tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;" > meh.sql
sed '31121d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '46943d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '76305d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '98705d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '110072d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '118533d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '125985d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '126305d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '138460d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '139653d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '146239d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '151936d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '158495d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '175103d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '184673d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '184988d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '186275d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '201247d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '211770d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '226344d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '228980d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '232064d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '232301d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '233345d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '233346d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '243236d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '246310d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '272814d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '302010d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '307600d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '307600d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '309553d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '310158d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '312382d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '317268d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
sed '348763d' /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv > /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp; mv /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv.tmp /tmp/ABCnewsmetadata.sedded.csv; cat meh.sql | psql govhack2016
< "2317072","StillImage","T-shirt with the slogan "Relax, it's just sex" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","T-shirt with the slogan "Relax, it's just sex"","","","","0","0","84","1","13","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2011-05-09 11:55:08","","||"
< "2724124","Text",""I don't do auditions, mate": remembering Bill Hunter - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""I don't do auditions, mate": remembering Bill Hunter","Bill Hunter, obituary","","","1","0","4165","1","756","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2011-05-23 09:00:10","Australian actor Bill Hunter was supposed to have two hours left on Tuesday night but, cantankerously, defiantly, unforgivingly, angrily, not going gentle, persisted 'till Saturday when he died at only 71 in a hospice room full of mates in Melbourne.","|arts-and-entertainment|person|cancer|death|"
< "4127074","StillImage","Danie Mellor's quirky artwork called "Red, White and Blue" (2008) is part of the Menagerie: Contemporary Indigenous Sculpture exhibition at the National Museum. - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Danie Mellor's quirky artwork called "Red, White and Blue" (2008) is part of the Menagerie: Contemporary Indigenous Sculpture exhibition at the National Museum.","Danie Mellor, Red, White and Blue, national museum of australia, Menagerie, Contemporary Indigenous Sculpture exhibition","","","0","0","152","1","23","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2012-07-12 17:17:36","Danie Mellor's quirky artwork called Red, White and Blue (2008) is part of the Menagerie: Contemporary Indigenous Sculpture exhibition at the National Museum.","||"
< "465964","StillImage","Paris Hilton is "like, totally ready to lead". - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Paris Hilton is "like, totally ready to lead".","","","","0","0","42","1","8","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2011-04-28 21:07:48","","||"
< "4873740","Text",""Why's the rubbish there, Dad?" Go ask Coca Cola - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""Why's the rubbish there, Dad?" Go ask Coca Cola","cans, plastic bottles, recycling, pollution, environment","","","1","1","4529","24","767","","0","0","1","0","0","0","2013-08-08 15:49:03","Recycling of cans and plastic bottles has proven to be effective and wildly popular. So why as it not been implemented across the country?","|environmental-impact|environmental-policy|plastics-and-rubber|pollution|recycling-and-waste-management|"
< "5022480","Text","Melbourne's "Faith, Fashion, Fusion" exhibition celebrates style of Australia's Muslim women - Australia Network News - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Melbourne's "Faith, Fashion, Fusion" exhibition celebrates style of Australia's Muslim women","fashion, burqa, hijab, muslim, islam, melbourne","-37.8099","144.962","1","0","4828","43","851","","1","0","0","1","1","0","2013-10-15 08:54:42","A new generation of Muslim women say while dressing modestly is an integral part of their life, that doesn't mean they can't be stylish at the same time.","|fashion|islam|melbourne-3000|asia|"
< "5143778","Text","3D computer modelling helps bring outback Qld dinosaur 'Wade" to life - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","3D computer modelling helps bring outback Qld dinosaur 'Wade" to life","wade, 3d modelling, bones, dr stephen poropat, scott hucknull","-22.3826","143.041","1","0","1876","17","340","","0","0","1","0","1","0","2013-12-09 09:59:57","The final touches are being made to scientific research on a new species of dinosaur discovered in outback Queensland.","|fossils|research|palaeontology|winton-4735|longreach-4730|mount-isa-4825|"
< "5149374","StillImage",""No matter how difficult the route is, they have to save their lives.": Zakir - Australia Network News - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""No matter how difficult the route is, they have to save their lives.": Zakir","","","","0","0","66","1","11","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2013-12-13 14:43:11","","||"
< "5340200","Sound",""You cannot eat ore, farming is important" - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""You cannot eat ore, farming is important"","gold, tomingley, alkane, farming","-32.2549","148.602","0","0","120","1","20","230","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-03-24 10:56:23","Farming and mining, the neighbour relationship.","|mining-rural|gold|sustainable-and-alternative-farming|dubbo-2830|tomingley-2869|"
< "5357872","Text","Malaysia Airlines MH370: Pilot's last words not "All right, good night", Malaysia's civil aviation authority says - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Malaysia Airlines MH370: Pilot's last words not "All right, good night", Malaysia's civil aviation authority says","malaysia airlines, mh370, flight, plane, aircraft, indian ocean, missing","-26","134.5","1","0","4955","35","852","","1","0","2","1","1","1","2014-04-01 07:23:05","Malaysia's civil aviation authority has clarified the last words spoken by one of the pilots of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, changing a previous account that the pilot's last words were All right, good night. We would like to confirm that the last conversation in the transcript between the air traffic controller and the cockpit is at 0119 (Malaysian Time) and is Good night Malaysian three seven zero, the Department of Civil Aviation said in a statement . The correction of the official account of the last words was made as Malaysian authorities face heavy criticism for their handling of the disappearance, particularly from families of the Chinese passengers on board who have accused Malaysia of mismanaging the search and holding back information. The development comes as an Australian Navy ship carrying specialist equipment to detect the black box of the missing plane is en route to the southern Indian Ocean search area. The Ocean Shield, carrying a towed pinger locator","|air-and-space|accidents|disasters-and-accidents|defence-forces|australia|malaysia|"
< "5461446","StillImage","OneSteel Recycling's Townsville manager Glenn Scoble with the "steel bale'' at this year's NQ Field Days - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","OneSteel Recycling's Townsville manager Glenn Scoble with the "steel bale'' at this year's NQ Field Days","2014 North Queensland Field Days, OneSteel Recycling, steel bale, compacting","-19.2643","146.812","0","0","333","1","58","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-05-19 14:11:21","","|agricultural-shows|townsville-4810|"
< "5547908","StillImage",""Otonaroid" and "Kodomoroid' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""Otonaroid" and "Kodomoroid'","","","","0","0","94","1","16","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-06-25 01:57:05","","||"
< "5644202","Text","Peter Sculthorpe's 'Djilile" performed by the Sydney Youth Orchestra - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Peter Sculthorpe's 'Djilile" performed by the Sydney Youth Orchestra","","","","0","0","199","2","32","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-08-08 16:54:22","Michael Thrift conducts the Sinfonietta of the Sydney Youth Orchestra in playing Djilile by Peter Sculthorpe. Djilile is a melody based on an Aboriginal chant which means 'whistling duck on a billabong'.","||"
< "5868140","MovingImage",""From little things, big things grow." - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""From little things, big things grow."","","","","1","0","90","1","16","404","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-11-05 12:57:45","Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly join to perform this land rights anthem at the Whitlam Memorial.","||"
< "5992062","MovingImage",""Family feud' behind shooting - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""Family feud' behind shooting","Condell Park, shooting, feud, police","-33.9249","151","0","0","97","1","18","110","0","0","0","0","0","0","2014-12-29 19:44:20","Police say a feud between two families is behind the fatal shooting of a man in Sydney's south-west.","|law-crime-and-justice|police|condell-park-2200|"
< "5995800","MovingImage","Benedict Cumberbatch: "People say I never do comedy, but Alan Turing was funny." - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Benedict Cumberbatch: "People say I never do comedy, but Alan Turing was funny."","Alan Turing, Enigma, The Imitation Game","54","-2","1","0","193","2","33","333","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-01-01 10:42:06","News Breakfast's Katherine Tulich talks to Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, who star in The Imitation Game.","|film-movies|arts-and-entertainment|united-kingdom|united-states|australia|"
< "6010088","StillImage","Paris est Charlie" (Paris is Charlie) is projected onto the Arc de Triomphe - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Paris est Charlie" (Paris is Charlie) is projected onto the Arc de Triomphe","arc de triomph, charlie hebdo, rally, francois hollande, shooting","","","0","0","99","1","19","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-01-10 10:48:22","","||"
< "6282170","MovingImage",""They do deserve punishment, but does anyone deserve their life to be taken?" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""They do deserve punishment, but does anyone deserve their life to be taken?"","bali 9, Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran, indonesia, bali","-26","134.5","1","0","170","1","27","286","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-03-05 09:28:46","Reverend Christie Buckingham shares her experience of getting to know Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran on her regular visits to Kerobokan prison over the past three years.","|law-crime-and-justice|community-and-society|government-and-politics|australia|"
< "6404894","StillImage","Turkish guide Alim Kocabiyik said the increasing number of visitors had been "very, very good for the economy". - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Turkish guide Alim Kocabiyik said the increasing number of visitors had been "very, very good for the economy".","","","","0","0","107","1","18","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-04-20 08:18:27","","||"
< "6547724","MovingImage","Arbib to Dastyari: "Mate, it's bad" - The Killing Season (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Arbib to Dastyari: "Mate, it's bad"","","-26","134.5","1","0","92","1","16","57","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-06-05 15:58:48","Sam Dastyari recounts a conversation with Mark Arbib on the day of the Labor leadership coup.","|government-and-politics|rudd-kevin|gillard-julia|australia|"
< "6573828","StillImage",""The ABC is clearly Australian, it's on the side of Australia," Mark Scott said. - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""The ABC is clearly Australian, it's on the side of Australia," Mark Scott said.","","","","0","0","74","1","14","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-06-25 21:38:01","","||"
< "6604392","StillImage","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7" vinyl records out of chocolate - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7" vinyl records out of chocolate","Julia Drouhin, vinyl, records, chocolate, mould, artist, cooking, radiophonic, sweet tribology, wax cylinder, 1880s, radio, art project, women, eating, Spain, Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania, silicone, sound, French","-42.8847","147.33","0","0","74","1","12","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-07-09 17:57:13","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7 vinyl records out of chocolate.","|community-and-society|early-music|music-industry|arts-and-entertainment|music|food-safety|art-and-creativity|food-processing|food-and-beverage|women|food-and-cooking|hobart-7000|sandfly-7150|tas|"
< "6606984","StillImage","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7" vinyl records out of chocolate - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7" vinyl records out of chocolate","Julia Drouhin, vinyl, records, chocolate, mould, artist, cooking, radiophonic, sweet tribology, wax cylinder, 1880s, radio, art project, women, eating, Spain, Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania, silicone, sound, French","-42.8847","147.33","0","0","79","1","11","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-07-09 18:06:06","Julia Drouhin creates edible and playable 7 vinyl records out of chocolate.","|community-and-society|early-music|music-industry|arts-and-entertainment|music|food-safety|art-and-creativity|food-processing|food-and-beverage|women|food-and-cooking|hobart-7000|sandfly-7150|tas|"
< "6618456","Sound","Farmers chant "fair go, fair go" as National Farmers' Federation president Ian McLachlan says, "we're sick and tired of subsidising the rest of Australia". - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Farmers chant "fair go, fair go" as National Farmers' Federation president Ian McLachlan says, "we're sick and tired of subsidising the rest of Australia".","","-35.2772","149.129","0","0","153","1","28","94","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-08-10 08:51:45","On the first of July 1985, 45,000 farmers rallied at what is now Old Parliament House to protest taxes on fuel and other taxes imposed on primary producers.","|agricultural-policy|government-and-politics|canberra-2600|"
< "6618474","Sound",""No one likes a disaster. The Ord was a grand idea, it was just built too soon and perhaps in the wrong place." - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""No one likes a disaster. The Ord was a grand idea, it was just built too soon and perhaps in the wrong place."","","-15.779","128.742","0","0","147","1","25","95","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-08-10 08:51:45","An irrigation farmer and his wife talk to the ABC Rural department about the possibility of leaving the Ord River scheme after several failed crops.","|irrigation|agribusiness|kununurra-6743|"
< "6710600","MovingImage",""There's been too much of an adult-centric focus ," Sen. Zed Seselja on adoptions - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""There's been too much of an adult-centric focus ," Sen. Zed Seselja on adoptions","adoption, children","-26","134.5","1","0","237","1","42","329","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-08-20 09:17:36","ACT Senator Zed Seselja says there are too many children in care and more needs to be done to remove the barriers to local adoption. He's deputy chair of a parliamentary committee looking at measures which could see more local kids adopted.","|adoption|australia|"
< "6741456","Sound","Former refugee recalls 'horror" of Nauru detention centre - Pacific Beat - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Former refugee recalls 'horror" of Nauru detention centre","Mohamed, Ali, Baqri","0","-160","1","0","3332","14","573","209","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-09-01 16:26:00","One former refugee says living at the Nauru detention centre was a horrific experience.","|immigration|refugees|pacific|nauru|australia|"
< "6979502","Sound","AFP whistleblower's claims of extra-judicial killings in PNG not credible": local reporter - Pacific Beat - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","AFP whistleblower's claims of extra-judicial killings in PNG not credible": local reporter","police, whistle blower, extra judicial killings, police brutality, journalism, afp, australian federal police","0","-160","1","0","826","6","142","297","0","0","0","0","0","0","2015-11-26 18:10:00","Police in Papua New Guinea have rejected claims made by an Australian Federal Police officer that they conducted extra-judicial killings in a village near Lae.","|police|journalism|pacific|papua-new-guinea|"
< "719518","StillImage","A woman looks at "L'Odalisque, harmonie bleue" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","A woman looks at "L'Odalisque, harmonie bleue"","L'Odalisque, harmonie bleue, Henri Matisse, Impressionist, Modern Art, Christie's","38","-97","0","0","222","1","41","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2007-11-07 14:56:00","A woman looks at L'Odalisque, harmonie bleue, 1937 by Henri Matisse, on display as part of the Impressionist and Modern Art sale held at Christie's in New York on November 6, 2007, where it sold for a record price of US33.6million.","|art-history|painting|united-states|"
< "7230862","StillImage",""You also get rope burn from the silks," said aerialist Kayleigh McMullen. - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""You also get rope burn from the silks," said aerialist Kayleigh McMullen.","acrobatics, circus, silks, dance","-26.5345","153.091","0","0","70","1","12","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-03-08 17:47:20","","|dance|performance-art|coolum-beach-4573|"
< "7230878","StillImage",""You also get rope burn from the silks," said aerialist Kayleigh McMullen. - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)",""You also get rope burn from the silks," said aerialist Kayleigh McMullen.","acrobatics, circus, silks, dance","-26.5345","153.091","0","0","70","1","12","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-03-08 17:47:20","","|dance|performance-art|coolum-beach-4573|"
< "7243030","StillImage","Syrian civilians and activists hold a banner reading in Arabic "Long live Syria, down with Assad" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Syrian civilians and activists hold a banner reading in Arabic "Long live Syria, down with Assad"","","","","0","0","105","1","16","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-03-13 14:05:15","","||"
< "7246936","StillImage","Syrian civilians and activists hold a banner reading in Arabic "Long live Syria, down with Assad" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","Syrian civilians and activists hold a banner reading in Arabic "Long live Syria, down with Assad"","","","","0","0","99","1","15","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-03-15 10:24:33","","||"
< "7260780","StillImage","A protester holds a sign that reads "You're not my Mum, Mike" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","A protester holds a sign that reads "You're not my Mum, Mike"","lockout laws, sydney, protest","","","0","0","66","1","13","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-03-19 16:59:15","A protester holds a sign with a message for NSW Premier Mike Baird.","||"
< "7292746","StillImage","University of Queensland Professor Darren Martin holding the "world's thinnest, strongest condom" in a Brisbane lab in March 2016 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)","University of Queensland Professor Darren Martin holding the "world's thinnest, strongest condom" in a Brisbane lab in March 2016","","","","0","0","128","1","21","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-04-01 14:39:04","","||"
< "7448424","","Malcolm Turnbull FIZZA poster is back after electoral advertising complaints - Hack - triple j","","","","","0","0","0","0","1","","0","0","0","0","0","0","2016-05-26 18:06:02",""You light him up, there's a bit of a fizz, but then nothing… nothing."","||"
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