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Last active June 5, 2024 11:18
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smart change server not emitting events back to client
//This is the chat model that is been used to test
"status": true,
"chat": {
"_id": "665317595782332ba2ce6d5a",
"user": "66224c1282d7be208a239fb6",
"merchant": "6651fa0606acda67b9ec699d",
"deleted": false,
"createdAt": "2024-05-26T11:04:57.572Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-05-26T11:04:57.572Z",
"__v": 0
//conversation-opened event data
{conversationId: 665317595782332ba2ce6d5a}
//typing event data
{receiverHash: 1c3ac57b89, senderHash: a13d74e1cf, conversationId: 665317595782332ba2ce6d5a}
//new message event data
{receiverHash: 1c3ac57b89, senderHash: a13d74e1cf, message: Send it now i am waiting, role: user, conversationId: 665317595782332ba2ce6d5a}
///From the documentation this is the algorithm
1. when a user taps on a merchant, hit the /chat/check/ endpoint passing in the merchant id,
which checks if a conversation exists, creates one if it does not exists and otherwise returns existing.
2. connect to the socket
3. onsuccessfull connection send "conversation-opened" event to the server, passing in the json {
"conversationId": "///id gotten from step 1"
this event creates a room and adds the user and merchant to it.
4. once step 4 is successfull and only if step 4 is successfull then can we begin to send more messages to the socket, such
as 'typing' and 'newMessage'
1. 'conversation-opened' emits nothing back to the client (me) after sending this event to the server so i cannot know,
if it was successfull or not.
2. if i assume step 1 was successfull (which i have done, so i could try out other events), when i send typing event to the
server, it emits nothing.
3. if i still assume 'conversation-opened' event did create the room and add the user and merchant to it, and send 'newMessage'
event then the server closes and throws error 'WebSocketException: Connection to '' was not upgraded to websocket'
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ** code
///Emit events to server
///Connect to chat socket and listen for events from server
void connectToChatSocket() async {
try {
final token =
await LocalStorage.getFromStorage(key: accessTokenKey, type: String);
socket ="", <String, dynamic>{
'transports': ['websocket'],
'autoConnect': false,
"auth": {'token': token}
socket!.on("connecting", (event) {
logger.d("connecting to the socket");
//This connects successfully.
socket!.on('connect', (_) {
logger.d('Connected successfully');
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
//Send this event, as documentation says, this adds user and merchant to a room and we should make sure
//we send this event before sending anyother event, here we send this event immediately after a successfull
//connection to the server.
//The server emits nothing back, so we have no idea if it was successfull or not.
//assuming it was successfull, let's proceed. (continue...)
socket.emit("conversation-opened", {
"conversationId": "665317595782332ba2ce6d5a" //this is a real conversation id created for the logged in user and merchant by hitting the endpoint /chat/check/
//below is the json response from the server.
"status": true,
"chat": {
"_id": "665317595782332ba2ce6d5a",
"user": "66224c1282d7be208a239fb6",
"merchant": "6651fa0606acda67b9ec699d",
"deleted": false,
"createdAt": "2024-05-26T11:04:57.572Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-05-26T11:04:57.572Z",
"__v": 0
//socket io built in events
socket!.on('error', (e) {
logger.e("Error occurred $e");
socket!.on('disconnect', (_) {
logger.d('Disconnected the connection');
socket!.on('connect_error', (e) {
logger.e('connect error: $e');
logger.d("controller status ${_controller.hasListener}");
socket!.on('connect_timeout', (e) {
logger.d('Connection timeout: $e');
//Smart change api events
//Listen for "typing" event from the server
//Assuming the conversation-opened emitted to the server successfully created the room,
//even after sending "typing" event to server, nothing is emitted back from server.
socket!.on("typing", (e) {
logger.d("even is typing \n\n $e");
//This is the event sent to the server
{ receiverHash: 1c3ac57b89,
senderHash: a13d74e1cf,
conversationId: 665317595782332ba2ce6d5a});
//Also assuming the conversation-opened event sent to the server did create the room successfully
//this message when send the server causes the error below
// WebSocketException: Connection to '' was not upgraded to websocket
//Listen for "newMessage" event from the server
socket!.on("newMessage", (e) {
//newMessage (newMessage)
logger.d("new message $e");
And this is the message sent to the server
{receiverHash: 1c3ac57b89,
senderHash: a13d74e1cf,
message: Send it now i am waiting,
role: user,
conversationId: 665317595782332ba2ce6d5a}
//Listen for "conversation-opened" event from the server
socket!.on("conversation-opened", (e) {
logger.d("event is conversation-opened \n\n $e");
'messageError', (errorData) => {print("message error $errorData")});
} catch (e) {
logger.d("could not connect to socket \t\t $e");
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