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Last active June 2, 2016 09:51
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Save mbannert/9124890 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
data_sets <- c("mtcars")
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Drop-down selection box for which data set
output$choose_dataset <- renderUI({
selectInput("dataset", "Data set", as.list(data_sets))
# select a car
output$choose_car <- renderUI({
# Check boxes
output$choose_columns <- renderUI({
# If missing input, return to avoid error later in function
# Get the data set with the appropriate name
dat <- get(input$dataset)
colnames <- names(dat)
# Create the checkboxes and select them all by default
checkboxGroupInput("columns", "Choose columns",
choices = colnames,
selected = colnames)
output$radar <- renderPlot({
which(rownames(mtcars) == input$car), y.cols = input$columns,add=F)
# Output the data
output$data_table <- renderTable({
# If missing input, return to avoid error later in function
# Get the data set
dat <- get(input$dataset)
# Make sure columns are correct for data set (when data set changes, the
# columns will initially be for the previous data set)
if (is.null(input$columns) || !(input$columns %in% names(dat)))
# Keep the selected columns
dat <- dat[, input$columns, drop = FALSE]
# Return first 20 rows
head(dat, 20)
headerPanel("Car Comparison Radar"),
a(href = "",
"Radar by Alan Vaughn from statisticstoproveanything"),
a(href = "",
"Find the shiny code gist here.")
plotOutput(outputId = "radar", height = "600px"),
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tts commented May 27, 2014

Your app works fine but this code throws me an error on "get(input$dataset)". Do you run this code exactly at glimmer?

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tts commented May 27, 2014

Sorry, my mistake/misunderstanding. Errors were warnings, and the radar chart do pops up. Case closed, and thanks for sharing!

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ghost commented Jun 12, 2014

hi, tts! I'm having the same problem you had at first. It throws me some errors:
Error in get(input$dataset) : invalid first argument
Warning in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
cannot open file 'radar.R': No such file or directory
Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
cannot open the connection
Warning in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
cannot open file 'radar.R': No such file or directory
Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
cannot open the connection

Would you give me a hint how you fixed this? Thanks!!

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ghost commented Jun 12, 2014

Okay, I got it. I just had to run together the webplot function available at:

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