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C++ Class Properties Hack
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
namespace misc {
* \brief Abstract class for classes that have some way to access properties
* Inheriting this class and using the proper macros, derived classes can access
* some members via strings.
* \code {.cpp}
class A : public Object_With_Properties
DECLARE_PROPERTY_GET_FUNCTOR(A,int2,[](const A& self){return std::to_string(self.number()-789);})
// Allow some properties to be accessed by other means
std::string access_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const override { return name == "bar" ? "Bar" : ""; }
bool has_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const override { return name == "bar"; }
std::string get_string() const;
void set_string(const std::string&) const;
int number() const;
double foo;
}; \endcode
* \note DECLARE_PROPERTY_* macros are best if called outside the class,
* in an implementation file inside an unnamed namespace.
* This will avoid unnecessary overhead during object construction.
class Object_With_Properties
* \brief Magic class used by macros, do not use
virtual bool has( const std::string& property) const { return false; }
virtual bool has_writable( const std::string& property) const { return false; }
virtual std::string get(const Object_With_Properties& obj, const std::string& property) const {return "";}
virtual void set(Object_With_Properties& obj, const std::string& property, const std::string& value) const {}
static PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS& instance() { static PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS s; return s; }
* \brief Method used internally to get the dynamic magic object
virtual const PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS& get_magic() const = 0;
* \brief Override if you want some extra properties
virtual std::string get_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const { return ""; }
* \brief Override if you want some extra properties
virtual bool has_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const { return false; }
* \brief Override if you want some extra writable properties
virtual void set_undeclared_property(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) const { return; }
* \brief Override if you want some extra writable properties
virtual bool has_writable_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const { return false; }
* \brief Get property by name
* \param name Name of the property
* \return The property value or an empty string if there's no property with that given name
std::string get_property(const std::string& name) const
return get_magic().has(name) ? get_magic().get(*this,name) : get_undeclared_property(name);
* \brief Set property by name
* \param name Name of the property
* \param value Value as string
void set_property(const std::string&name, const std::string& value)
return get_magic().has_writable(name) ? get_magic().set(*this,name,value) : set_undeclared_property(name,value);
* \brief Whether a property exists
* \param name Name of the property
bool has_property(const std::string& name) const
return get_magic().has(name) || has_undeclared_property(name);
* \brief Whether a writable property exists
* \param name Name of the property
bool has_writable_property(const std::string& name) const
return get_magic().has_writable(name) || has_writable_undeclared_property(name);
* \brief Enable property magic for classes that don't inherit Object_With_Properties directly
* \param c Class
* \param base Base class, must be derived from Object_With_Properties
#define PROPERTY_MAGIC_INHERIT(c,base) \
std::map<std::string,std::function<std::string (const misc::Object_With_Properties&)>> getters; \
std::map<std::string,std::function<void (misc::Object_With_Properties&, const std::string&)>> setters; \
std::string get(const misc::Object_With_Properties& obj, const std::string& property) const override { \
auto it = getters.find(property); \
return it != getters.end() ? it->second(obj) : base::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance().get(obj,property); } \
bool has(const std::string& property) const override { \
return getters.find(property) != getters.end() || base::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance().has(property); } \
virtual void set(misc::Object_With_Properties& obj, const std::string& property, const std::string& value) const override {\
auto it = setters.find(property); \
return it != setters.end() ? it->second(obj,value) : base::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance().set(obj,property,value); }\
bool has_writable(const std::string& property) const override { \
return setters.find(property) != setters.end() || base::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance().has_writable(property); } \
static PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS& instance() { static PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS s; return s; } \
template<class T> static T setter_argument(const std::string& value, void(c::*)(T)) \
{ T v; std::istringstream(value) >> v; return v; } \
const static std::string& setter_argument(const std::string& value,void(c::*)(const std::string&)) \
{ return value; } \
template<class T> static T setter_value(const std::string& value, const T&) \
{ T v; std::istringstream(value) >> v; return v; } \
const static std::string& setter_value(const std::string& value,const std::string&) \
{ return value; } \
}; \
const misc::Object_With_Properties::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS& get_magic() const override { \
return PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance(); } \
static PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS& get_static_magic() { return PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::instance(); } \
* \brief Enable property magic
* \param c Class
#define PROPERTY_MAGIC(c) PROPERTY_MAGIC_INHERIT(c,misc::Object_With_Properties)
* \brief Declare a property read using a functor
* \param c Class
* \param name Property name as a C++ symbol
* \param functor Functor returning a std::string
#define DECLARE_PROPERTY_GET_FUNCTOR(c,name,functor) \
struct PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS_GET_##c_##name { \
c::get_static_magic().getters[#name] = [](const misc::Object_With_Properties& obj){ \
return ((functor)((c&)obj)); }; }\
* \brief Declare a property read using a getter method
* \param c Class
* \param name Property name as a C++ symbol
* \param method Name of the method used to access the property
* \note \c c::method must return a type which overload the stream operator <<
[](const c& obj){ std::stringstream ss; ss << obj.method(); return ss.str();} )
* \brief Declare a property written using a functor
* \param c Class
* \param name Property name as a C++ symbol
* \param functor Functor returning a std::string
#define DECLARE_PROPERTY_SET_FUNCTOR(c,name,functor) \
struct PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS_SET_##c_##name { \
c::get_static_magic().setters[#name] = [](misc::Object_With_Properties& obj, const std::string& value){ \
return ((functor)((c&)obj,value)); }; }\
* \brief Declare a property written using a setter method
* \param c Class
* \param name Property name as a C++ symbol
* \param method Name of the method used to access the property
* \note \c c::method must take a type which overload the stream operator >> and return void
[](c& obj, const std::string& value){ obj.method(c::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::setter_argument(value,&c::method));} )
* \brief Declare a property read and written using accessor methods
* \param c Class
* \param name Property name as a C++ symbol
* \param getter Getter method
* \param setter Setter method
#define DECLARE_PROPERTY(c,name,getter,setter) DECLARE_PROPERTY_GETTER(c,name,getter) DECLARE_PROPERTY_SETTER(c,name,setter)
* \brief Declare a property accessible directly with an attribute
* \param c Class
* \param name property/attribute name
* \note \c c::name must be of a type which overload the stream operator << and >>
[](const c& obj){ std::stringstream ss; ss <<; return ss.str();} ) \
DECLARE_PROPERTY_SET_FUNCTOR(c,name,[](c&obj,const std::string&value) { \ = c::PROPERTY_MAGIC_CLASS::setter_value(value,; })
} // namespace
using namespace misc;
class A : public Object_With_Properties
std::string get_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const override { return "Bar"; }
bool has_undeclared_property(const std::string& name) const override { return name == "bar"; }
std::string s;
A(std::string s) : s(s) {}
void set_string(const std::string& st) { s = st; }
std::string string() const { return s; }
int number() const { return 1234789; }
class B : public A
void set_undeclared_property(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) const override {
std::cout << "B: " << name << " = " << value << '\n';
B(std::string s) : A(s) {}
float real = 89;
void set_real(float x) { real = x; }
float get_real() const { return real; }
namespace {
DECLARE_PROPERTY_GET_FUNCTOR(B,test,[](const A& self){return "lol";})
DECLARE_PROPERTY_GET_FUNCTOR(A,int2,[](const A& self){return std::to_string(self.number()- 789);})
int main()
B a("Foo");
//A& a = b;
std::cout << a.get_property("string") << a.get_property("int")
<< a.get_property("int2") << a.get_property("nothing")
<< a.get_property("s") << a.get_property("test") << "\n";
std::cout << a.has_property("string") << a.has_property("nothing") << a.has_property("bar") << "\n";
std::cout << a.get_property("real") << a.get_property("string") << '\n';
std::cout << a.get_property("real") << a.get_property("string") << '\n';
return 0;
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