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Created July 6, 2015 09:16
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An example of conversions of run-time value to compile-time objects used in function calls
* \file
* \brief An example of conversions of run-time value to compile-time objects used in function calls
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
* \brief Stores any value
using Value = std::string;
* \brief Arguments passed to a function
using Arguments = std::vector<Value>;
* \brief Base template to convert run-time values to the given type
template<class T>
T convert(const Value& v)
throw std::domain_error("Invalid conversion requested");
* \brief Specialized conversion to int
int convert<int>(const Value& v)
return std::stoi(v);
* \brief Specialized conversion to double
double convert<double>(const Value& v)
return std::stod(v);
* \brief Specialized conversion to string
Value convert<Value>(const Value& v)
return v;
namespace detail {
* \brief Dummy class to a get compile-time sequence of indices from a parameter pack
* \tparam Indices Sequence if indices from 0 to sizeof...(Indices)
template <int... Indices>
struct IndexPack {};
* \brief Dummy class that builds an integer pack from a single integer
* \param N The number which needs to be converted to a pack
* \param Indices Pack of indices for \c IndexPack, starts out empty
template <int N, int... Indices>
struct IndexPackBuilder : IndexPackBuilder<N-1, N-1, Indices...> {};
* \brief Termination for \c IndexPackBuilder
template <int... Indices>
struct IndexPackBuilder<0, Indices...> : IndexPack<Indices...> {};
* \brief Helper for \c call(), uses the \c IndexPack to extract the arguments
* \tparam Ret Return type
* \tparam Args Function parameter types
* \tparam Indices Pack of indices for \c Args, deduced by the dummy parameter
template<class Ret, class... Args, int... Indices>
Ret call_helper(Ret(*func)(Args...), const Arguments& args, IndexPack<Indices...>)
if ( args.size() != sizeof...(Args) )
throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong number of arguments");
return func(convert<Args>(args[Indices])...);
* \brief Dummy function to find the return type of a pointer to member function
* (Not needed in C++14)
template <class Class, class Ret, class... Args>
Ret member_return(Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const);
template <class Class, class Ret, class... Args>
Ret member_return(Ret(Class::*)(Args...));
* \brief Dummy function to build an index pack for the parameters of a pointer to member function
template <class Class, class Ret, class... Args, class Index = IndexPackBuilder<sizeof...(Args)>>
Index member_index(Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const){ return {}; }
template <class Class, class Ret, class... Args, class Index = IndexPackBuilder<sizeof...(Args)>>
Index member_index(Ret(Class::*)(Args...)){ return {}; }
* \brief Helper for \c call(), uses the \c IndexPack to extract the arguments
* \tparam Ret Return type
* \tparam Args Function parameter types
* \tparam Indices Pack of indices for \c Args, deduced by the dummy parameter
template<class Functor, class Ret, class... Args, int... Indices>
Ret call_functor_helper(const Functor& functor, const Arguments& args,
Ret(Functor::*)(Args...) const, IndexPack<Indices...>)
if ( args.size() != sizeof...(Args) )
throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong number of arguments");
return functor(convert<Args>(args[Indices])...);
template<class Functor, class Ret, class... Args, int... Indices>
Ret call_functor_helper(Functor& functor, const Arguments& args,
Ret(Functor::*)(Args...), IndexPack<Indices...>)
if ( args.size() != sizeof...(Args) )
throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong number of arguments");
return functor(convert<Args>(args[Indices])...);
} // namespace detail
* \brief Calls a function pointer with the given vector as arguments
template<class Ret, class... Args>
Ret call(Ret(*func)(Args...), const Arguments& args)
return detail::call_helper(func, args, detail::IndexPackBuilder<sizeof...(Args)>{});
* \brief Calls a functor with the given vector as arguments
template<class Functor, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&Functor::operator())>::value>::type>
call(const Functor& func, const Arguments& args)
return detail::call_functor_helper(func, args, &Functor::operator(), detail::member_index(&Functor::operator()));
template<class Functor, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&Functor::operator())>::value>::type>
call(Functor& func, const Arguments& args)
return detail::call_functor_helper(func, args, &Functor::operator(), detail::member_index(&Functor::operator()));
void foo(int i, std::string s)
std::cout << "foo(" << i << ',' << s << ")\n";
int main()
call(foo, {"123","bar"});
auto lambda = [](std::string s, double d)
std::cout << "lambda(" << s << ',' << d << ")\n";
return 5;
call(lambda, {"hello","1.23"});
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