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Created October 4, 2023 14:32
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Create a FunctionalChaosResult with extra-features.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create a FunctionalChaosResult with extra-features.
Compute Sobol' first order (closed) and total indices of a group of variables.
Michaël Baudin, 2023
import openturns as ot
class SuperFunctionalChaosResult:
def __init__(self, polynomialChaosResult, verboseThreshold=0.01):
Create a FunctionalChaosResult with extra-features.
polynomialChaosResult : ot.PolynomialChaosResult
The polynomial chaos result.
verboseThreshold : float, strictly positive
The threshold value used to print coefficients.
self.polynomialChaosResult = polynomialChaosResult
# Get enumerate function
basis = polynomialChaosResult.getOrthogonalBasis()
self.enumerateFunction = basis.getEnumerateFunction()
self.coefficients = polynomialChaosResult.getCoefficients()
self.nbCoeffs = self.coefficients.getSize()
self.indices = polynomialChaosResult.getIndices()
self.variance = self._computeVariance()
self.verboseThreshold = verboseThreshold
return None
def _computeVariance(self):
Returns the variance of the chaos.
This is a Python implementation of
variance : float
The variance of the polynomial chaos.
variance = 0.0
for i in range(self.nbCoeffs):
# Loop over the coefficients
coefi = self.coefficients[i][0]
j = self.indices[i]
multiIndex = self.enumerateFunction(j)
degreei = sum(multiIndex)
if degreei > 0:
variance += coefi**2
return variance
def getSobolGroupedIndex(self, group, verbose=False):
Returns the first order indices of a group of variables.
This is a Python implementation of
group : list(int)
The indices of the variables in the group.
verbose : bool
Set to True to print intermediate messages
S : float
The first order Sobol" index of the group.
S = 0.0
for i in range(self.nbCoeffs):
# Loop over the coefficients
j = self.indices[i]
coefi = self.coefficients[i][0]
multiIndex = self.enumerateFunction(j)
status = self._first_indicator(multiIndex, group)
fractionOfVariance = coefi**2 / self.variance
if status and verbose and fractionOfVariance > self.verboseThreshold:
"(getSobolGroupedIndex) %s, FoVar=%.4f"
% (str(multiIndex), fractionOfVariance)
if status:
S += coefi**2
S = S / self.variance
return S
def getSobolGroupedTotalIndex(self, group, verbose=False):
Returns the total order indices of a group of variables.
This is a Python implementation of
group : list(int)
The indices of the variables in the group.
verbose : bool
Set to True to print intermediate messages
S : float
The total order Sobol" index of the group.
S = 0.0
for i in range(self.nbCoeffs):
# Loop over the coefficients
j = self.indices[i]
coefi = self.coefficients[i][0]
multiIndex = self.enumerateFunction(j)
status = self._total_indicator(multiIndex, group)
fractionOfVariance = coefi**2 / self.variance
if status and verbose and fractionOfVariance > self.verboseThreshold:
"(getSobolGroupedTotalIndex) %s, FoVar=%.4f"
% (str(multiIndex), fractionOfVariance)
if status:
S += coefi**2
S = S / self.variance
return S
def _first_indicator(self, multiIndex, group):
Return True if the multiindex is OK for first order Sobol" index of the group.
Returns True if the given multiindice must be taken into
account for the computation fo the first order Sobol" indices
of the group.
The rule is the following:
if all variables not in the group have a zero degree and
if at least one variable in the group have a nonzero degree,
then the multiindice must be taken into account.
multiIndex : list(int)
The multiindex.
group : list(int)
The group
status : bool
Set to True if the multiindex is to be included to compute
the first order Sobol index of the group.
The variables are X0, X1, X2, X3.
The group is (X1, X2).
indicator([0,0,0,0],[1,2]) : False (exception)
indicator([0,1,1,0],[1,2]) : True (because X1 and X2 have a nonzero degree
and X0 and X3 have a zero degree)
indicator([0,1,2,0],[1,2]) : True
indicator([0,2,1,0],[1,2]) : True
indicator([0,1,0,0],[1,2]) : False (because X2 has a zero degree)
indicator([1,1,1,0],[1,2]) : False (because X0 has a nonzero degree)
indicator([1,0,0,0],[1,2]) : False
indicator([1,0,1,0],[1,2]) : False
indicator([0,0,0,1],[1,2]) : False
d = len(multiIndex)
degreei = sum(multiIndex)
# Skip the constant term
if degreei == 0:
status = False
# List of variables with nonzero degree in the multindice
nonzeroIndiceList = []
for i in range(d):
if multiIndex[i] > 0:
# Check that each variable in the nonzero degree list is in the group
status = True
for varIndex in nonzeroIndiceList:
if varIndex not in group:
status = False
return status
def _total_indicator(self, multiIndex, group):
Return True if the multiindex is OK for total order Sobol" index of the group.
Returns True if the given multiindice must be taken into
account for the computation fo the total order Sobol" indices
of the group.
The rule is the following:
if any variable within the group has a nonzero degree,
then the multiindice must be taken into account.
multiIndex : list(int)
The multiindex.
group : list(int)
The group
status : bool
Set to True if the multiindex is to be included to compute
the first order Sobol index of the group.
The variables are X0, X1, X2, X3.
The group is (X1, X2).
indicator([1,1,0,0],[1,2]) : True (because X1 has a nonzero degree)
indicator([1,0,0,0],[1,2]) : False (because X1 and X2 have a zero degree)
indicator([1,0,1,0],[1,2]) : True (because X2 has a nonzero degree)
indicator([0,0,0,1],[1,2]) : False (because X1 and X2 have a zero degree)
degreei = sum(multiIndex)
# Skip the constant term
if degreei == 0:
status = False
# Check that any variable in in the group has a nonzero degree
status = False
for varIndex in group:
if multiIndex[varIndex] > 0:
status = True
return status
def draw_Sobol_indices(self):
Draw Sobol indices.
graph : ot.Graph
The Sobol" indices.
metamodel = self.polynomialChaosResult.getMetaModel()
input_names = metamodel.getInputDescription()
dimension = metamodel.getInputDimension()
pce_SA = ot.FunctionalChaosSobolIndices(self.polynomialChaosResult)
first_order = [pce_SA.getSobolIndex(i) for i in range(dimension)]
total_order = [pce_SA.getSobolTotalIndex(i) for i in range(dimension)]
graph = ot.SobolIndicesAlgorithm.DrawSobolIndices(
input_names, first_order, total_order
return graph
def printCoefficientsTable(self):
Print the coefficients of the polynomial chaos.
Only coefficients with a part of variance
greater than verboseThreshold are printed.
The part of variance of a coefficient a[k] is :
PoV[k] = a[k] ** 2 / variance(PCE)
variance(PCE) = a[1] ** 2 + ... + a[number_of_coeffs] ** 2
that is, the sum of squared coefficients, except the first a[0].
polynomialChaosResult : ot.PolynomialChaosResult
The polynomial chaos result.
def __str__(self):
Print the coefficients of the polynomial chaos.
Only coefficients with a part of variance
greater than verboseThreshold are printed.
The part of variance of a coefficient a[k] is :
PoV[k] = a[k] ** 2 / variance(PCE)
variance(PCE) = a[1] ** 2 + ... + a[number_of_coeffs] ** 2
that is, the sum of squared coefficients, except the first a[0].
polynomialChaosResult : ot.PolynomialChaosResult
The polynomial chaos result.
coefficients = self.polynomialChaosResult.getCoefficients()
basis = self.polynomialChaosResult.getOrthogonalBasis()
enumerateFunction = basis.getEnumerateFunction()
indices = self.polynomialChaosResult.getIndices()
nbCoeffs = indices.getSize()
s = ""
s += "Number of coefficients : %d\n" % (nbCoeffs)
s += "# Indice, Multi-indice, Degree : Value \n"
for k in range(nbCoeffs):
absoluteIndex = indices[k]
multiindex = enumerateFunction(absoluteIndex)
c = coefficients[k][0]
fractionOfVariance = c**2 / self.variance
if fractionOfVariance > self.verboseThreshold:
s += "#%d (%d), %s : %.4f \n" % (k, absoluteIndex, multiindex, c)
return s
def _repr_html_(self):
"""Get HTML representation."""
coefficients = self.polynomialChaosResult.getCoefficients()
basis = self.polynomialChaosResult.getOrthogonalBasis()
enumerateFunction = basis.getEnumerateFunction()
indices = self.polynomialChaosResult.getIndices()
nbCoeffs = indices.getSize()
# Table of attributes
inputDimension = self.polynomialChaosResult.getMetaModel().getInputDimension()
outputDimension = self.polynomialChaosResult.getMetaModel().getOutputDimension()
basisSize = self.polynomialChaosResult.getIndices().getSize()
relativeErrors = self.polynomialChaosResult.getRelativeErrors()
residuals = self.polynomialChaosResult.getResiduals()
# Header
html = ""
html += "<ul>\n"
html += " <li>Input dimension : %d</li>\n" % (inputDimension)
html += " <li>Output dimension : %d</li>\n" % (outputDimension)
html += " <li>Basis size : %d</li>\n" % (basisSize)
html += " <li>Relative errors : %s</li>\n" % (relativeErrors)
html += " <li>Residuals : %s</li>\n" % (residuals)
html += "</ul>\n"
# Table of coefficients
html += "<table>\n"
# Header
html += "<tr>\n"
html += " <th>Index</th>\n"
html += " <th>Global index</th>\n"
html += " <th>Multi-index</th>\n"
html += " <th>Coefficient</th>\n"
html += "</tr>\n"
# Content
for k in range(nbCoeffs):
absoluteIndex = indices[k]
multiindex = enumerateFunction(absoluteIndex)
html += "<tr>\n"
html += " <td>%d</td>\n" % (k)
html += " <td>%d</td>\n" % (absoluteIndex)
html += " <td>%s</td>\n" % (multiindex)
html += " <td>%s</td>\n" % (coefficients[k])
html += "</tr>\n"
html += "</table>\n"
return html
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