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Created March 29, 2018 18:33
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$ ack --type=julia '@(begin|while|if|for|try|return|break|continue|function|macro|quote|let|local|global|const|do|struct|end|else|catch|finally|true|false)\b' ALL_PACKAGES/
575:@struct ModelRunner{Model<:DiscreteModel,ShowProgress} begin
11:@struct Circuit begin
8:@struct ParametricNonLinEq{F_eval<:Function,F_setp<:Function,F_calcjp<:Function,Scratch} begin
47:@struct LinearSolver begin
134:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
141:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
146:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
154:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
164:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
173:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
199:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
205:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
213: # @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
221:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
228:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
237:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
246:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
254:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
262:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
271:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
278:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
287:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
295:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
423:# @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
64:@struct immutable COFFHeader
102:@struct immutable OptionalHeaderStandard
113:@struct immutable IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY
118:@struct immutable DataDirectories
141: @struct immutable OptionalHeaderWindows
166: @struct immutable OptionalHeader
180: @struct immutable OptionalHeaderWindows
204: @struct immutable OptionalHeader
213:@struct immutable tiny_fixed_string
232:@struct immutable SectionHeader <: ObjFileBase.Section{COFFObjectHandle}
284:@struct immutable SymbolName
309:@struct immutable SymtabEntry <: ObjFileBase.SymtabEntry{COFFHandle}
347:@struct immutable RelocationEntry
681:@struct immutable ImportDirectoryEntry
3:@struct immutable runtime_pseudo_reloc_item_v1
8:@struct immutable runtime_pseudo_reloc_item_v2
14:@struct immutable runtime_pseudo_reloc_v2
30: @struct immutable CUHeader <: DWARF.DWARFCUHeader
37: @struct immutable TUHeader <: DWARF.DWARFTUHeader
46: @struct immutable ARHeader <: DWARF.DWARFARHeader
54: @struct immutable PUBHeader <: DWARF.DWARFPUBHeader
77: @struct immutable CUHeader <: DWARF.DWARFCUHeader
85: @struct immutable TUHeader <: DWARF.DWARFTUHeader
94: @struct immutable ARHeader <: DWARF.DWARFARHeader
102: @struct immutable PUBHeader <: DWARF.DWARFPUBHeader
979: @struct immutable InitialLength
46: @struct immutable Header <: ELF.ELFHeader
62: @struct immutable SectionHeader <: ELF.ELFSectionHeader
75: @struct immutable SymtabEntry <: ELF.ELFSymtabEntry
84: @struct immutable Rel <: ELF.ELFRel
89: @struct immutable Rela <: ELF.ELFRel
95: @struct immutable ProgramHeader <: ELF.ELFProgramHeader
121: @struct immutable Header <: ELF.ELFHeader
137: @struct immutable SectionHeader <: ELF.ELFSectionHeader
150: @struct immutable SymtabEntry <: ELF.ELFSymtabEntry
159: @struct immutable Rel <: ELF.ELFRel
164: @struct immutable Rela <: ELF.ELFRel
170: @struct immutable ProgramHeader <: ELF.ELFProgramHeader
31: @global gpu = false
41: # discard any content that doesn't start with @param or @global
48: # lines starting with @global refer to global solver parameters
49: gparams = filter(p -> p.args[1] == Symbol("@global"), content)
30:# @return Gradient boost model.
94:# @return Function of form (instances) -> predictions.
111:# @return Sample indices.
56:# @return Model.
67:# @return Predictions.
22:# @return Loss.
30:# @return Vector of negative gradient residuals.
37:# @return Scalar value.
12:# @return Weighted median.
38:# @return Two partitions of indices, left and right.
253: @return The index, or NULL if an error occurred.
266: @return The index, or NULL if an error occurred.
277: @return 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred (usually -1; or
290: @return 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.
55: @global threads = CPU_PHYSICAL_CORES
56: @global gpu = false
57: @global showprogress = false
19: @function,
339: throw(ArgumentError("Function $op not available. Use @function to define it."))
37:`@function` registers a function to be used in forwards and backwards mode.
39:Example: `@function f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2`
42:@eval macro ($(:function))(ex) # workaround to define macro @function
113: @function f(x) = 4x;
137: @function f(x) = 2x
138: @function g(x) = ( a = f(x); a^2 )
147: @function g2(x) = ( a = f(f(x)); a^2 )
156: @function f(x) = 2x
161: @function g3(x) = ( a = (f↑2)(x); a^2 )
576:# @return a newly allocated geometry, or NULL on exception
34:# @return Transformed instances.
21:# @return Two partitions of indices, left and right.
34:# @return Returns training set partition.
47:# @return Score of learner.
61:# @return Inferred element type.
83:# @return List where elements are ([outer-key, inner-key, ...], value).
123:# @return Merged nested dictionary.
143:# @return New transformer.
74:@struct PL_FileHeader begin
112:@struct PL_ChanHeader begin
133:@struct PL_EventHeader begin
140:@struct PL_SlowChannelHeader begin
89:export @local
98:@local expression
105: @local using A, ..B, C.D
114: @local importall A, ..B, C.D
123: @local import A, ..B, C.D
132:- Macros cannot be imported using the [`@local`](@ref) macro.
133:- Modules listed in `@local` calls must be literals - not variables.
142: error("invalid expression given: '@local $x'.")
149:build(x) = Expr(:block, [:(@local $arg) for arg in x.args]...)
64: @local using .A
72: @local using .A, .A.B
85: @local import .A
91: @local import .A, .A.B
99: @local importall .A
105: @local importall .A, .A.B
113: @local import PrivateModules
120: @local using PrivateModules
127: @local importall PrivateModules
134: @local import .A: g
141: @local import .A.B: k
148: @local import .A: f, g
149: @local import .A.B: h, k
13: @let count = length(
14: @let kids_per_year = i.children / i.age
198: elseif length(qe)>=3 && ismacro(qe[1], "@from") && ismacro(qe[2], "@let")
28: @test !Query.ismacro(:(@from 1), "@for")
173: @let count = length(
174: @let kids_per_year = i.children / i.age
232: @let k = i.children + closure_var_1
3:export @struct
4:@struct type A
8:@struct type B
12:@struct type C
16:@struct type D
20:@struct type E
24:@struct immutable F
30:@struct type G1 <: abstractG
34:@struct immutable G2 <: abstractG
38:@struct type Hvl_t
23:#@function getindex{T<:Timestamp}(tsa::TimestampArray{T}, d::TimeType)
173:# Wrap type in @struct macro, and replace Array_<type>_<len> immutable types
196: Expr(:macrocall, :@struct, Expr(:type, true, name, Expr(:block, new_vars...)))
143:# Wrap type in @struct macro, and replace Array_<type>_<len> immutable types
166: Expr(:macrocall, :@struct, Expr(:type, true, name, Expr(:block, new_vars...)))
132:# @function AudioQueueAllocateBuffer
230:# @function AudioQueueNewOutput
288:# @function AudioQueueStart
307:# @function AudioQueueStop
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