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Created July 7, 2014 14:10
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Forward-backward IIR filter that uses Gustafsson's method.
# Forward-backward IIR filter that uses Gustafsson's method.
# Apply the IIR filter defined by `(b,a)` to `x` twice, first forward
# then backward, using Gustafsson's initial conditions [1]_.
# Let `y_fb` be the result of filtering first forward and then backward,
# and let `y_bf` be the result of filtering first backward then forward.
# Gustafsson's method is to compute initial conditions for the forward
# pass and the backward pass such that `y_fb == y_bf`.
# Based upon [1] and the proposed SciPy implemenation [2]. Not thoroughly
# tested or verified. Requires an implementation of `filt` that allows
# setting initial conditions [3].
# References
# ----------
# .. [1] F. Gustaffson. Determining the initial states in forward-backward
# filtering. Transactions on Signal Processing, 46(4):988-992, 1996.
# .. [2]
# .. [3]
function filtfilt{T}(b::Vector{T}, a::Vector{T}, x::Vector{T}, irlen=div(size(x,1),2))
order = max(length(b), length(a)) - 1
if order == 0
# The filter is just scalar multiplication, with no state.
scale = (b[1] / a[1])^2
return scale * x
# n is the number of samples in the data to be filtered.
n = size(x,1)
# m is the number of samples in which to consider edge effects
n < 2*irlen && throw(ArgumentError("irlen too long"))
m = irlen
# Create 𝒪, the observability matrix
# This matrix can be interpreted as the operator that propagates
# an arbitrary initial state to the output, assuming the input is
# zero.
# In Gustafsson's paper, the forward and backward filters are not
# necessarily the same, so he has both 𝒪_f and 𝒪_b. We use the same
# filter in both directions, so we only need 𝒪. The same comment
# applies to S below.
𝒪 = zeros(T, (m, order))
zi = zeros(T, order)
zi[1] = 1
𝒪[:, 1] = filt(b, a, zeros(T, m), zi)
for k in 2:order
𝒪[k:end, k] = 𝒪[1:end+1-k, 1]
# 𝒪ᴿ is Gustafsson's notation for row-reversed 𝒪
𝒪ᴿ = flipud(𝒪)
# Create S. S is the matrix that applies the filter to the reversed
# propagated initial conditions. That is,
# out =
# is the same as
# tmp, _ = lfilter(b, a, zeros(), zi=zi) # Propagate ICs.
# out = lfilter(b, a, tmp[::-1]) # Reverse and filter.
# Equations (5) & (6) of [1]
S = hcat([filt(b, a, 𝒪ᴿ[:,c]) for c = 1:size(𝒪ᴿ,2)]...)
Sᴿ = flipud(S)
# M is [(Sᴿ - O), (Oᴿ - S)]
if m == n
M = hcat(Sᴿ - 𝒪, 𝒪ᴿ - S)
# Matrix described in section IV of [1].
# TODO: use blkdiag once implemented for dense matrices
M = zeros(T, 2*m, 2*order)
M[1:m, 1:order] = Sᴿ - 𝒪
M[m+1:end, order+1:end] = 𝒪ᴿ - S
# Naive forward-backward and backward-forward filters.
# These have large transients because the filters use zero initial
# conditions.
y_f = filt(b, a, x)
y_fb = reverse!(filt(b, a, reverse(y_f)))
y_b = reverse!(filt(b, a, reverse(x)))
y_bf = filt(b, a, y_b)
delta_y_bf_fb = y_bf - y_fb
if m == n
delta = delta_y_bf_fb
start_m = delta_y_bf_fb[1:m,:]
end_m = delta_y_bf_fb[end-m+1:end,:]
delta = vcat(start_m, end_m)
# ic_opt holds the "optimal" initial conditions.
# The following code computes the result shown in the formula
# of the paper between equations (6) and (7).
ic_opt = M \ delta
# Now compute the filtered signal using equation (7) of [1].
# First, form [Sᴿ, 𝒪ᴿ] and call it W.
if m == n
W = hcat(Sᴿ, 𝒪ᴿ)
W = zeros(T, 2*m, 2*order)
W[1:m, 1:order] = Sᴿ
W[m+1:end, order+1:end] = 𝒪ᴿ
# Equation (7) of [1] says
# Y_fb^opt = Y_fb^0 + W * [x_0^opt; x_{N-1}^opt]
# `wic` is (almost) the product on the right.
if m == n
y_opt = y_fb + W * ic_opt
wic = W * ic_opt
y_opt = y_fb
y_opt[1:m,:] += wic[1:m,:]
y_opt[end-m+1:end] += wic[end-m+1:end]
return y_opt
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