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// NSObject+setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary.h
// Created by Tom Harrington on 12/29/11.
// Tweaked by Mark Dalrymple
// Copyright (c) 2011 Atomic Bird, LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Safe version of -setValuesForKeysWithDictionary that doesn't throw
// if there are unexpected keys in the dictionary (which can be bad if you
// don't control the web site).
// It walks the properties of the class (and the corresponding ivars) and sees
// if they're in the pased-in "json" dictionary. If so, the values are set onto
// |self| via KVC. Any values in the dictionary that don't have corresponding
// properties/ivars are not even considered.
@interface NSObject (XXSetValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary)
- (void) xx_setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary: (NSDictionary *) keyedValues
dateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dateFormatter;
- (void) xx_setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary: (NSDictionary *) keyedValues;
// NSObject+setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary.m
// Created by Tom Harrington on 12/29/11.
// Tweaked by Mark Dalrymple
// Copyright (c) 2011 Atomic Bird, LLC. All rights reserved.
#import "NSObject+setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation NSObject (XXSetValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary)
// Alternative implementation - class_getProperty, driven by the keyedValues
- (void) xx_setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary: (NSDictionary *) keyedValues
dateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dateFormatter {
// Walk the current class, as well as superclasses. The property or ivar
// to set might be up in the inheritance chain.
for (Class clas = [self class]; clas; clas = class_getSuperclass(clas)) {
// Walk the properties seeing if any of the properties appear in
// the dictionary of JSON values.
unsigned int propertyCount;
objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList(clas, &propertyCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) {
objc_property_t property = properties[i];
// See if the property name is being used in the JSON dictionary.
// If so, get the current value.
NSString *keyName = @( property_getName(property) );
id value = [keyedValues objectForKey:keyName];
// If not, see if it's the backing ivar name being supplied
// in the JSON dictionary.
if (value == nil) {
// Pull the ivar name out of the property.
char *ivarPropertyName = property_copyAttributeValue(property, "V");
// Make sure we're not dealing with a @dynamic property
if (ivarPropertyName != NULL) {
// See if that lives in the incoming dictionary.
// We don't need to change the value of keyName to match the
// ivar because it already matches the property, and
// setValue:forKey: of that property name will Just Work.
NSString *ivarName = @( ivarPropertyName );
value = [keyedValues objectForKey: ivarName];
free (ivarPropertyName);
if (value == nil) {
// This property doesn't have anything in the incoming dictionary.
// otherwise, process the value
char *typeEncoding = property_copyAttributeValue(property, "T");
// No type available, so we're done.
if (typeEncoding == NULL) {
// We got here because this property has a corresponding new chunk of
// data in the json dictionary. Time to put it into |self|.
// We might have to morph the incoming value (such as a provided number,
// but it needs to converted to a string).
switch (typeEncoding[0]) {
case '@': {
// Object
Class propertyClass = nil;
size_t typeEncodingLength = strlen(typeEncoding);
if (typeEncodingLength >= 3) {
char *className = strndup (typeEncoding + 2,
typeEncodingLength - 3);
propertyClass = NSClassFromString (@(className));
free (className);
// Check for type mismatch and attempt to compensate.
if ([propertyClass isSubclassOfClass:[NSString class]]
&& [value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
// number converted into a string.
value = [value stringValue];
} else if ([propertyClass isSubclassOfClass:[NSNumber class]]
&& [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// String converted into a number. We can't tell what its
// intention ls (float, integer, etc), so let the number
// formatter make a best guess for us.
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
value = [numberFormatter numberFromString:value];
} else if (dateFormatter
&& [propertyClass isSubclassOfClass:[NSDate class]]
&& [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// If the caller provided a date formatter, try converting
// the date into a string.
value = [dateFormatter dateFromString:value];
case 'i': // int
case 's': // short
case 'l': // long
case 'q': // long long
case 'I': // unsigned int
case 'S': // unsigned short
case 'L': // unsigned long
case 'Q': // unsigned long long
case 'f': // float
case 'd': // double
case 'B': // BOOL
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
value = [numberFormatter numberFromString:value];
case 'c': // char
case 'C': // unsigned char
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
char firstCharacter = (char)[value characterAtIndex:0];
value = [NSNumber numberWithChar:firstCharacter];
if (value) {
[self setValue: value forKey: keyName];
free (properties);
} // setValues with dateFormatter
- (void) xx_setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary: (NSDictionary *) keyedValues {
[self xx_setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary:keyedValues dateFormatter:nil];
} // setValues
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