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Last active July 26, 2020 00:27
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Recursive backtracking algorithm for solving the "8 Queens" problem
const UNASSIGNED = -1;
const ASSIGNED = 1;
class Board {
constructor(size, options) {
this.board = [];
this.size = size;
this.options = options;
for (let row = 0; row < size; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < size; col++) {
this.board[row][col] = UNASSIGNED;
positionHasQueen(row, col) {
return this.board[row][col] === ASSIGNED;
testQueenAtPosition(row, col) {
// check for other queens to the left of position
for (let currCol = 0; currCol < col; currCol++) {
if (this.positionHasQueen(row, currCol)) {
return false;
// check for queens on top left diagonal of position
for (
let currRow = row-1, currCol = col-1;
currRow >= 0 && currCol >= 0;
currRow--, currCol--
) {
if (this.positionHasQueen(currRow, currCol)) {
return false;
// check for queens on bottom left diagonal of position
for (
let currRow = row+1, currCol = col-1;
currRow < this.size && currCol >= 0;
currRow++, currCol--
) {
if (this.positionHasQueen(currRow, currCol)) {
return false;
return true;
placeQueen(row, col) {
if (this.board[row][col] === ASSIGNED) {
throw new Error(`board: queen already exists at ${row}, ${col}`);
this.board[row][col] = ASSIGNED;
if (this.options.debug)
removeQueen(row, col) {
if (this.board[row][col] === UNASSIGNED) {
throw new Error(`board: no queen to remove at ${row}, ${col}`);
this.board[row][col] = UNASSIGNED;
if (this.options.debug)
toString() {
let output = '';
for (let row = 0; row < this.size; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < this.size; col++) {
const printedPosition = this.board[row][col] === UNASSIGNED
? '[ ]'
: '[Q]'
output += printedPosition
output += '\n';
return output;
function solve8QueensWorker(board, col) {
if (col === board.size) {
return true;
for (let row = 0; row < board.size; row++) {
if (board.testQueenAtPosition(row, col)) {
board.placeQueen(row, col);
if (solve8QueensWorker(board, col+1)) return true;
board.removeQueen(row, col);
return false // tried all choices, no solution found, backtrack
function solve8Queens(board) {
return solve8QueensWorker(board, 0);

"8 Queens Puzzle"

The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two queensthreaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.


Using a recursive backtracking approach with heuristics to filter out invalid positions, we can quickly find answer to the problem.

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