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Last active June 24, 2020 19:49
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Angular, Azure Static Apps and Azure Functions

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cd swa-angular
cd angular-app
npm install
npm start

Local Site: http://localhost:4200

List of all my VS Code Extensions

❯ code --list-extensions | % { "code --install-extension $_" }
code --install-extension Azurite.azurite
code --install-extension CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2
code --install-extension eg2.tslint
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
code --install-extension
code --install-extension
code --install-extension lostintangent.vsls-whiteboard
code --install-extension ms-azuretools.vscode-azurefunctions
code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
code --install-extension ms-kubernetes-tools.porter-vscode
code --install-extension ms-python.devicesimulatorexpress
code --install-extension ms-python.python
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl
code --install-extension
code --install-extension ms-vscode.powershell
code --install-extension ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
code --install-extension ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio
code --install-extension PKief.material-icon-theme
code --install-extension redhat.vscode-yaml
code --install-extension ritwickdey.LiveServer
code --install-extension slevesque.vscode-autohotkey
code --install-extension softwaredotcom.swdc-vscode
code --install-extension vsls-contrib.codetour
code --install-extension vsls-contrib.gistfs
code --install-extension vsls-contrib.spaces
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