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Created April 7, 2012 22:20
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pack to force-directed transition
$(function() {
var w = $('#container').width()/2,
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// Load data from Bitdeli
var sourceId = "i-04bb3fe3b92b1b-e31198a8",
groupsUrl = ""+sourceId+"/groups/";
window.baseData = [];
// Get group from Bitdeli
function loadGroup(groupId) {
var items = [],
initialUrl = groupsUrl+groupId+"?max=100";
getWholeGroup(initialUrl, function(items) {
baseData = _(items).pluck("object");
name: foodgroups[groupId],
foods: baseData
function getWholeGroup(url, complete) {
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
items.push.apply(items, json.items);
if ( {
getWholeGroup(, complete);
} else {, items);
// Redraw visualization
function redraw(data) {
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([w - 4, h - 4])
var node ='g.node')
.attr('class', function(d) {
return _.isUndefined(nutrients[]) ? "parent" : "";
.text(function(d) {return || nutrients[].name});
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.attr("fill", function(d) {
return _.isUndefined(nutrients[]) ? "#aaa" : fill(nutrients[].name)})
.attr('cx', function(d) { return d.x;})
.attr('cy', function(d) {return d.y})
.attr("class", function(d) {
return _.isUndefined(nutrients[]) ? "" : "nut c" +;})
.attr("id", function(d){
return _.isUndefined(nutrients[]) ? "" :
.attr("fill-opacity", function(d) {
return _.isUndefined(nutrients[]) ? 0.5 : 0.7
// Attach mouse handlers
$('.nut').hover(function() {
var curC = $(this).attr("class").substr(4);
}, function() {
var curC = $(this).attr("class").substr(4);
function getRdiChildren(parent) {
if (parent.foods) {
return _(parent.foods).filter(function(food) {
return rdiFiltered(food).length > 0;
} else if (parent.nutrients) {
return rdiFiltered(parent);
} else {
return undefined;
function rdiFiltered(food) {
return _(food.nutrients).filter(function(nut) {
return recommendations[];
function getRdiFraction(nut) {
return nut.amount/recommendations[]['rdi'];
window.drawForce = function() {
var c = vis.selectAll("circle.nut");
var circle = c.each(function(d) {
var my =;
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return d.x; })
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// Move d to be adjacent to the cluster node.
function cluster(alpha) {
var max = {};
// Find the largest node for each cluster.
circle.forEach(function(d) {
if (!( in max) || (d.radius > max[].radius)) {
max[] = d;
return function(d) {
var node = max[],
i = -1;
if (node == d) return;
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y = d.y - node.y;
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r = d.radius + node.radius;
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l = (l - r) / l * alpha;
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d.y -= y *= l;
node.x += x;
node.y += y;
// Resolves collisions between d and all other circles.
function collide(alpha) {
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var r = d.radius + padding,
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nx2 = d.x + r,
ny1 = d.y - r,
ny2 = d.y + r;
quadtree.visit(function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (quad.point && (quad.point !== d)) {
var x = d.x - quad.point.x,
y = d.y - quad.point.y,
l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
r = d.radius + quad.point.radius + ( !== * padding;
if (l < r) {
l = (l - r) / l * alpha;
d.x -= x *= l;
d.y -= y *= l;
quad.point.x += x;
quad.point.y += y;
return x1 > nx2
|| x2 < nx1
|| y1 > ny2
|| y2 < ny1;
// Initialize group changer
var changer = $("#group-changer");
changer.append(_(foodgroups).map(function(name, id) {
return $("<option/>").text(name).attr("value", id)[0];
})).change(function() {
$('#forceDrawer').click(function() {drawForce();});
// Set initial group
var foodgroups = {
"1300": "Beef Products",
"1200": "Nut and Seed Products",
"1900": "Sweets",
"0400": "Fats and Oils",
"2500": "Snacks",
"0500": "Poultry Products",
"2000": "Cereal Grains and Pasta",
"1500": "Finfish and Shellfish Products",
"0200": "Spices and Herbs",
"1400": "Beverages",
"0300": "Baby Foods",
"2200": "Meals, Entrees, and Sidedishes",
"3600": "Restaurant Foods",
"0100": "Dairy and Egg Products",
"0900": "Fruits and Fruit Juices",
"1700": "Lamb, Veal, and Game Products",
"0700": "Sausages and Luncheon Meats",
"1800": "Baked Products",
"3500": "Ethnic Foods",
"1600": "Legumes and Legume Products",
"0800": "Breakfast Cereals",
"0600": "Soups, Sauces, and Gravies",
"1100": "Vegetables and Vegetable Products",
"2100": "Fast Foods",
"1000": "Pork Products"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Food Groups</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="foodgroups.js"></script>
<script src="nutrients.js"></script>
<script src="recommendations.js"></script>
<script src="bd_groups.js"></script>
.nut {
h2 {
#container {
button {
border:1px solid #ccc;
<div id="container">
<h1>Food Group</h1>
<select id="group-changer"></select>
<button id="forceDrawer">Force it!</button>
<div id="charts">
<div id="main"></div>
var nutrients = {
"214": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Maltose",
"tagname": "MALS"
"212": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fructose",
"tagname": "FRUS"
"213": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Lactose",
"tagname": "LACS"
"210": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Sucrose",
"tagname": "SUCS"
"211": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Glucose (dextrose)",
"tagname": "GLUS"
"666": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 i",
"tagname": ""
"665": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 t not further defined",
"tagname": ""
"664": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:1 t",
"tagname": ""
"663": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:1 t",
"tagname": "F18D1T"
"662": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "16:1 t",
"tagname": "F16D1T"
"620": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:4 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F20D4"
"627": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:4",
"tagname": "F18D4"
"626": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "16:1 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F16D1"
"693": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic",
"tagname": "FATRNM"
"696": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "13:0",
"tagname": "F13D0"
"669": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 t,t",
"tagname": "F18D2TT"
"695": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total trans-polyenoic",
"tagname": "FATRNP"
"406": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Niacin",
"tagname": "NIA"
"405": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Riboflavin",
"tagname": "RIBF"
"404": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Thiamin",
"tagname": "THIA"
"341": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Tocopherol, beta",
"tagname": "TOCPHB"
"342": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Tocopherol, gamma",
"tagname": "TOCPHG"
"343": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Tocopherol, delta",
"tagname": "TOCPHD"
"629": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:5 n-3 (EPA)",
"tagname": "F20D5"
"287": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Galactose",
"tagname": "GALS"
"674": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:1 c",
"tagname": "F18D1C"
"675": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 n-6 c,c",
"tagname": "F18D2CN6"
"676": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:1 c",
"tagname": ""
"670": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 CLAs",
"tagname": "F18D2CLA"
"671": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "24:1 c",
"tagname": "F24D1C"
"672": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:2 n-6 c,c",
"tagname": "F20D2CN6"
"673": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "16:1 c",
"tagname": "F16D1C"
"263": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Theobromine",
"tagname": "THEBRN"
"262": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Caffeine",
"tagname": "CAFFN"
"269": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Sugars, total",
"tagname": "SUGAR"
"268": {
"unit": "kJ",
"name": "Energy",
"tagname": "ENERC_KJ"
"415": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Vitamin B-6",
"tagname": "VITB6A"
"417": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Folate, total",
"tagname": "FOL"
"410": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Pantothenic acid",
"tagname": "PANTAC"
"418": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin B-12",
"tagname": "VITB12"
"291": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fiber, total dietary",
"tagname": "FIBTG"
"319": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Retinol",
"tagname": "RETOL"
"318": {
"unit": "IU",
"name": "Vitamin A, IU",
"tagname": "VITA_IU"
"313": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Fluoride, F",
"tagname": "FLD"
"312": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Copper, Cu",
"tagname": "CU"
"317": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Selenium, Se",
"tagname": "SE"
"618": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:2 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F18D2"
"315": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Manganese, Mn",
"tagname": "MN"
"429": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Dihydrophylloquinone",
"tagname": "VITK1D"
"428": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Menaquinone-4",
"tagname": "MK4"
"521": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Hydroxyproline",
"tagname": "HYP"
"613": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "16:0",
"tagname": "F16D0"
"421": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Choline, total",
"tagname": "CHOLN"
"309": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Zinc, Zn",
"tagname": "ZN"
"301": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Calcium, Ca",
"tagname": "CA"
"303": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Iron, Fe",
"tagname": "FE"
"304": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Magnesium, Mg",
"tagname": "MG"
"305": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Phosphorus, P",
"tagname": "P"
"306": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Potassium, K",
"tagname": "K"
"307": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Sodium, Na",
"tagname": "NA"
"697": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "15:1",
"tagname": "F15D1"
"641": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Beta-sitosterol",
"tagname": "SITSTR"
"518": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Serine",
"tagname": "SER_G"
"645": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total monounsaturated",
"tagname": "FAMS"
"646": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated",
"tagname": "FAPU"
"511": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Arginine",
"tagname": "ARG_G"
"510": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Valine",
"tagname": "VAL_G"
"513": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Alanine",
"tagname": "ALA_G"
"512": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Histidine",
"tagname": "HISTN_G"
"515": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Glutamic acid",
"tagname": "GLU_G"
"514": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Aspartic acid",
"tagname": "ASP_G"
"517": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Proline",
"tagname": "PRO_G"
"516": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Glycine",
"tagname": "GLY_G"
"621": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:6 n-3 (DHA)",
"tagname": "F22D6"
"578": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin B-12, added",
"tagname": ""
"612": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "14:0",
"tagname": "F14D0"
"338": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Lutein + zeaxanthin",
"tagname": "LUT+ZEA"
"625": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "14:1",
"tagname": "F14D1"
"624": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:0",
"tagname": "F22D0"
"573": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Vitamin E, added",
"tagname": ""
"334": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Cryptoxanthin, beta",
"tagname": "CRYPX"
"337": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Lycopene",
"tagname": "LYCPN"
"628": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:1",
"tagname": "F20D1"
"454": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Betaine",
"tagname": "BETN"
"257": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Adjusted Protein",
"tagname": ""
"255": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Water",
"tagname": "WATER"
"855": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:4 n-6",
"tagname": "F20D4N6"
"856": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:3i",
"tagname": ""
"857": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "21:5",
"tagname": "F21D5"
"851": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA)",
"tagname": "F18D3CN3"
"852": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:3 n-3",
"tagname": "F20D3N3"
"853": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:3 n-6",
"tagname": "F20D3N6"
"858": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:4",
"tagname": "F22D4"
"859": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:1-11t (18:1t n-7)",
"tagname": "F18D1TN7"
"654": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "24:0",
"tagname": "F24D0"
"652": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "15:0",
"tagname": "F15D0"
"653": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "17:0",
"tagname": "F17D0"
"508": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Phenylalanine",
"tagname": "PHE_G"
"509": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Tyrosine",
"tagname": "TYR_G"
"506": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Methionine",
"tagname": "MET_G"
"507": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Cystine",
"tagname": "CYS_G"
"504": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Leucine",
"tagname": "LEU_G"
"505": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Lysine",
"tagname": "LYS_G"
"502": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Threonine",
"tagname": "THR_G"
"503": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Isoleucine",
"tagname": "ILE_G"
"501": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Tryptophan",
"tagname": "TRP_G"
"630": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:1 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F22D1"
"631": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "22:5 n-3 (DPA)",
"tagname": "F22D5"
"401": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid",
"tagname": "VITC"
"636": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Phytosterols",
"tagname": "PHYSTR"
"638": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Stigmasterol",
"tagname": "STID7"
"639": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Campesterol",
"tagname": "CAMD5"
"221": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Alcohol, ethyl",
"tagname": "ALC"
"605": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total trans",
"tagname": "FATRN"
"607": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "4:0",
"tagname": "F4D0"
"606": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Fatty acids, total saturated",
"tagname": "FASAT"
"601": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Cholesterol",
"tagname": "CHOLE"
"609": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "8:0",
"tagname": "F8D0"
"608": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "6:0",
"tagname": "F6D0"
"322": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Carotene, alpha",
"tagname": "CARTA"
"323": {
"unit": "mg",
"name": "Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)",
"tagname": "TOCPHA"
"320": {
"unit": "mcg_RAE",
"name": "Vitamin A, RAE",
"tagname": "VITA_RAE"
"321": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Carotene, beta",
"tagname": "CARTB"
"326": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)",
"tagname": "CHOCAL"
"324": {
"unit": "IU",
"name": "Vitamin D",
"tagname": "VITD"
"325": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)",
"tagname": "ERGCAL"
"328": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin D (D2 + D3)",
"tagname": "VITD"
"203": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Protein",
"tagname": "PROCNT"
"619": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:3 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F18D3"
"205": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Carbohydrate, by difference",
"tagname": "CHOCDF"
"204": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Total lipid (fat)",
"tagname": "FAT"
"207": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Ash",
"tagname": "ASH"
"209": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "Starch",
"tagname": "STARCH"
"208": {
"unit": "kcal",
"name": "Energy",
"tagname": "ENERC_KCAL"
"610": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "10:0",
"tagname": "F10D0"
"611": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "12:0",
"tagname": "F12D0"
"617": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:1 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F18D1"
"614": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:0",
"tagname": "F18D0"
"615": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:0",
"tagname": "F20D0"
"435": {
"unit": "mcg_DFE",
"name": "Folate, DFE",
"tagname": "FOLDFE"
"432": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Folate, food",
"tagname": "FOLFD"
"689": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "20:3 undifferentiated",
"tagname": "F20D3"
"430": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Vitamin K (phylloquinone)",
"tagname": "VITK1"
"685": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "18:3 n-6 c,c,c",
"tagname": "F18D3CN6"
"687": {
"unit": "g",
"name": "17:1",
"tagname": "F17D1"
"431": {
"unit": "mcg",
"name": "Folic acid",
"tagname": "FOLAC"
var recommendations = {
"203": {
"dos": [],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 50,
"unit": "g"
"205": {
"dos": [],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 300,
"unit": "g"
"406": {
"dos": [41,42,43,44,17,39,45],
"donts": [46,47,48,30],
"rdi": 20,
"unit": "mg"
"405": {
"dos": [40,39],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 1.7,
"unit": "mg"
"404": {
"dos": [37,38,31,39],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 1.5,
"unit": "mg"
"415": {
"dos": [22,16,19,56,61,34],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 2,
"unit": "mg"
"418": {
"dos": [],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 6,
"unit": "mcg"
"268": {
"dos": [14,15,16,17,04],
"donts": [],
"rdi": 2000,
"unit": "kJ"
"291": {
"dos": [14,15,16,17,04],
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