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Last active May 10, 2021 13:15
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MPR Classical Daily Download Downloader
# Downloads an MPR Classical "Daily Download" mp3 file
# to $HOME/music/mprdailydownload.
# Supply a date argument as YYYY-MM-DD for a specific date's download
# or omit the argument for today's download.
# If the command `ffprobe` (from `ffmpeg`) is available, the file will be renamed as
# YYYYMMDD-Composer_composer-Title-title.mp3
# Example cron entry (every weekday morning at 7am), with logfile
# 0 7 * * 1-5 /path/to/ >> /path/to/mprdailydownload.log 2>&1
# Accepts a date argument as YYYY-MM-DD or defaults to today
filedate=$(date -d "$date" +%Y%m%d)
# URL root
downloadfile="$(date -d "$date" +%Y/%m/%d)/daily_download_${filedate}_128.mp3"
savefile="${downloads_dir}/mprdailydownload_$(basename $downloadfile)"
mkdir -p $downloads_dir
# Download via wget
wget -nv -O "$savefile" "${root}${downloadfile}"
# Rename the file with composer-title if ffprobe from ffmepg is available
# Originally used id3info, but that fails to read some tag formats
# ffprobe seems more reliable, and might be more widely available anyway.
if [ "$(command -v ffprobe)" ]
# Retrieve individual id3 tag frames, replace space with underscores, trim leading _
#composer=$(id3info $savefile | grep TCOM | cut -d: -f2- | tr ' ' '_' |sed -e 's/^_//g')
composer=$(ffprobe $savefile 2>&1 | grep -e 'composer \+: ' | cut -d: -f2 | tr ' ' _ | sed -e 's/^_//g')
#title=$(id3info $savefile | grep TIT2 | cut -d: -f2- | tr ' ' '_' | sed -e 's/^_//g')
title=$(ffprobe $savefile 2>&1 | grep -e 'title \+: ' | cut -d: -f2 | tr ' ' _ | sed -e 's/^_//g')
echo "Renaming $(basename $savefile) to ${metaname}..."
mv "$savefile" "${downloads_dir}/${metaname}"
# Michael Berkowski, 2019
# GitHub @mberkowski
# Special thanks to MPR Classical for providing the daily download
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