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Created April 17, 2023 03:00
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  • Save mberman84/6cb59595b388599c8037b8b06eda7ea4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mberman84/6cb59595b388599c8037b8b06eda7ea4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import openai
import os
import subprocess
from github import Github, GithubException
from dotenv import load_dotenv
def commit_and_push_folder_to_github(github_repo, folder_path):
# Get the list of files in the remote GitHub repository
remote_files = [content.path for content in github_repo.get_contents("")]
except GithubException as e:
if e.status == 404:
# If the repository is empty, set remote_files to an empty list
remote_files = []
raise e
# Get the list of files in the local folder
local_files = [os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, name), folder_path)
for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path) for name in files]
# Check if the lists of files match
if set(remote_files) == set(local_files):
print("The folder has already been pushed to the GitHub repository.")
# Get the repository's SSH URL
repo_ssh_url = github_repo.ssh_url
# Change the current working directory to the target folder
# Initialize a Git repository in the folder
print("Initializing Git repository...")["git", "init"])
# Add the remote repository
print("Adding remote repository...")["git", "remote", "add", "origin", repo_ssh_url])
# Add all files in the folder to the Git repository
print("Adding all files to the Git repository...")["git", "add", "."])
# Commit the changes
print("Committing changes...")["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"])
# Push the changes to the remote GitHub repository
print("Pushing changes to the remote GitHub repository...")["git", "push", "-u", "origin", "main"])
print("Successfully pushed the folder to the GitHub repository.")
def get_current_code(github_repo):
# Load the file content from the GitHub repository
file_content = github_repo.get_contents("")
current_code = file_content.decoded_content.decode("utf-8")
except GithubException as e:
if e.status == 404:
current_code = ""
raise e
return current_code
def not_stopping_condition(iteration):
# Set a stopping condition, e.g., a maximum number of iterations
max_iterations = 10
return iteration < max_iterations
def get_user_suggestions():
# Collect user input for new directions or features
user_input = input("Enter suggestions for new directions or features: ")
return user_input.split(",")
def review_code(openai, code):
prompt = f"Please review the following Python code and provide suggestions for improvements:\n\n{code}\n"
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant specialized in code review and improvement suggestions."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
suggestions = response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
return suggestions
def implement_suggestions(openai, current_code, combined_suggestions, model='gpt-3.5-turbo'):
suggestions_text = '\n'.join(combined_suggestions)
prompt = f"Given the following Python code:\n\n{current_code}\n\nPlease implement these suggestions:\n{suggestions_text}\n\nImproved code:"
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
improved_code = response.choices[0].text.strip()
return improved_code
def get_approved_code(current_code, improved_code):
# Show the user the current and improved code for approval
print("Current code:\n", current_code)
print("\nImproved code:\n", improved_code)
approval = input("\nDo you approve the improved code? (yes/no): ")
return improved_code if approval.lower() == "yes" else current_code
def commit_code(github_repo, approved_code, iteration):
# Create a commit message with the current iteration
commit_message = f"Commit for iteration {iteration}"
# Get the current SHA of the main branch
main_branch = github_repo.get_branch("main")
main_sha = main_branch.commit.sha
# Get the contents of the current file
file = github_repo.get_contents("path/to/your/", ref="main")
# Update the contents of the file with the approved code
def main():
# Initialize ChatGPT 4 agents (using the same API key for both)
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
# Initialize GitHub instance
github_access_token = os.environ["GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"]
github_instance = Github(github_access_token)
# Get the repository or create a new one if it doesn't exist
repo_name = os.environ.get("REPO_NAME")
if not repo_name:
repo_name = input("Enter a repository name: ")
user = github_instance.get_user()
github_repo = user.get_repo(repo_name)
print(f"Repository found: {repo_name}")
except GithubException:
github_repo = user.create_repo(repo_name, description="Generated by ChatGPT", private=True)
print(f"Repository not found. Created a new repository: {repo_name}")
# Get the path of the current script's directory
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Check if the repository is empty
print("Files already exist in the repository.")
except GithubException as e:
if e.status == 404:
# Commit and push the entire folder to the GitHub repository
print("Committing and pushing files to the repository...")
commit_and_push_folder_to_github(github_repo, script_directory)
current_code = get_current_code(github_repo)
# Start the iterative process
iteration = 0
while not_stopping_condition(iteration):
print(f"\nIteration {iteration}")
# Get user suggestions for new directions or features
print("Getting user suggestions...")
user_suggestions = get_user_suggestions()
# Agent 2 suggests improvements to the current code
print("Reviewing code with ChatGPT...")
agent2_suggestions = review_code(openai, current_code)
# Combine user suggestions and Agent 2 suggestions
combined_suggestions = user_suggestions + agent2_suggestions
# Agent 1 generates an improved version of the code based on combined suggestions
print("Implementing suggestions with ChatGPT...")
improved_code = implement_suggestions(openai, current_code, combined_suggestions)
# Compare the current and improved code and present to the user for approval
approved_code = get_approved_code(current_code, improved_code)
# Commit the approved code to GitHub
print("Committing approved code to GitHub...")
commit_code(github_repo, approved_code, iteration)
# Update the current code and iteration count
current_code = approved_code
iteration += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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