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Created February 20, 2020 19:09
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(def spy #(do (println "DEBUG:" %) %))
(def items [{:steps 5 :date :ereyesterday}
{:steps 4 :date :yesterday}
{:steps 6 :date :today}
{:steps 7 :date :tomorrow}
{:steps 3 :date :overmorrow}])
(def items-noreach [{:steps 1 :date :ereyesterday}
{:steps 1 :date :yesterday}
{:steps 1 :date :today}
{:steps 1 :date :tomorrow}
{:steps 1 :date :overmorrow}])
(defn goal-reached? [n] (>= n 10))
(defn f-normales-reduce [items]
(let [reductor (fn [{:keys [steps-total] :as acc}
{:keys [steps date]}]
(if (goal-reached? steps-total)
{:steps-total (+ steps-total steps)
:date date}))
intermediate (reduce reductor {:steps-total 0 :date nil} items)]
(cond-> intermediate
(not (goal-reached? (:steps-total intermediate))) (assoc :date nil))))
(defn f-anderer-ansatz-aber-komplexer-und-sackgasse [items]
(let [reductor (fn [{:keys [steps-total]}
{:keys [steps date]}]
(let [new-steps-total (+ steps-total steps)]
{:steps-total new-steps-total
:date (when (goal-reached? new-steps-total) date)}))]
(->> items
(reductions reductor {:steps-total 0 :date nil})
(filter #(goal-reached? (:steps-total %)))
(defn f-winner-so-far [items]
(reduce (fn [result item]
(let [new-steps-total (+ (:steps-total result) (:steps item))]
(if (goal-reached? new-steps-total)
(reduced {:steps-total new-steps-total :date (:date item)})
(assoc result :steps-total new-steps-total))))
{:steps-total 0 :date nil}
(defn f-funktioniert-aber-viel-noise-im-code [items]
(let [reductor (fn [{:keys [steps-total]}
{:keys [steps date]}]
(let [new-steps-total (+ steps-total steps)]
(if (goal-reached? new-steps-total)
(reduced {:steps-total new-steps-total :date date})
{:steps-total new-steps-total :date nil})))]
(reduce reductor {:steps-total 0 :date nil} items)))
(defn f-funktioniert-fast-aber-weniger-noise [items]
(let [reductor (fn [steps-total
{:keys [steps date]}]
(let [new-steps-total (+ steps-total steps)]
(if (goal-reached? new-steps-total)
(reduced {:steps-total new-steps-total :date date})
(reduce reductor 0 items)))
(f-normales-reduce items)
(f-normales-reduce items-noreach)
(f-anderer-ansatz-aber-komplexer-und-sackgasse items)
(f-anderer-ansatz-aber-komplexer-und-sackgasse items-noreach)
(f-winner-so-far items)
(f-winner-so-far items-noreach)
(f-funktioniert-fast-aber-weniger-noise items)
(f-funktioniert-fast-aber-weniger-noise items-noreach)
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