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Last active January 15, 2023 22:45
Biased either monad
"An implementation of a right-biased Either monad.
- `success`: any success value (even `nil`)
- `failure`: represented as `errors`
In classical Either monad terms:
- `right` is `success`
- `left` is `failure`
In plain terms (and easiest way to understand it), Either is a fency way to
represent a pair: `[errors successful-value]`.
To construct an either, use one of constructor functions:
- `success`
- `failure`
- `failure-1`
- `from-or-success`
- `from-or-failure`
- `from-or-failure-1`
- `validate`
- `validate-groups`
Do not use a direct constructor for `Either` type! Use constructors above.
As much as possible, avoid using low-level primitives (functions documented as
such) when working with either. Instead, use dedicated functions to transform
success and failure values."
[ :as coll]
[ :as errors]))
;; Compatible with both
(deftype Either [success failure]
(toString [this]
(format "%s/%s %s"
(.getSimpleName (class this))
(if (.failure this) "Failure" "Success")
(pr-str (if-let [f (.failure this)] f (.success this))))))
(defn either?
"[Low-level primitive] Returns `true` if `e` is an either type."
(instance? Either e))
(defn failure?
"[Low-level primitive] Returns `true` if `e` is a failure."
[^Either e]
(boolean (.failure e)))
(defn success?
"[Low-level primitive] Returns `true` if `e` is a success."
(not (failure? e)))
(defn success
"[Constructor] Makes a success, carrying `v`."
(->Either v nil))
(defn failure
"[Constructor] Makes a failure with `errors`."
(->Either nil (errors/make errors)))
(defn failure-1
"[Constructor] Makes a failure with only one `error`."
(failure [error]))
(defn from-or-success
"[Constructor] Returns `x` if `x` is already an either or makes a success with it."
(if (either? x)
(success x)))
(defn from-or-failure
"[Constructor] Returns `x` if `x` is already an either or makes a failure with it."
(if (either? x)
(failure x)))
(defn from-or-failure-1
"[Constructor] Returns `x` if `x` is already an either or makes a failure-1 with it."
(if (either? x)
(failure-1 x)))
(defn- ensure-success! [e]
(when-not (success? e)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Not a success: %s" e)))))
(defn value
"[Low-level primitive] Returns a successful value in `e`.
Throws an exception if `e` is not `success?`."
[^Either e]
(ensure-success! e)
(.success e))
(defn- ensure-failure! [e]
(when-not (failure? e)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Not a failure: %s" e)))))
(defn errors
"[Low-level primitive] Returns errors in `e`.
Throws an exception if `e` is not `failure?`."
[^Either e]
(ensure-failure! e)
(.failure e))
(defn map-both
"Transform `e` depending on what it is with `on-success` or `on-failure`.
`on-success`: can return an either or successful value
`on-failure`: can return an either or errors"
[e on-success on-failure]
(if (success? e)
(from-or-success (on-success (value e)))
(from-or-failure (on-failure (errors e)))))
(defn map-success
"Runs `f` over `e` only if `e` is a success.
This function is a combination of two classical Monad functions (using Haskell type notation):
- `map`: m a -> (a -> b) -> m b
- `bind` (or `>>=` or `flatMap` in some prog. langs): m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
The reasoning for this is that wrapping an either inside another either is
rarely wanted.
See also:
- `map-both`
[e f]
(map-both e f identity))
(defn map-failure
"Runs `f` over `e` only if `e` is a failure.
See also:
- `map-both`"
[e f]
(map-both e identity f))
(defn with-suggested-http-code [e http-code]
(map-failure e #(errors/set-suggested-http-code http-code %)))
(defn validate
"[Constructor] Collect validation errors from `results`.
This is a way to collect many errors at once. E.g.
(when something-1 {:code ...})
(when something-2 {:code ...})
(task/validate ...)
(for [x xs]
{:code ...}))
`results` can be (as seen above):
- a collection of nested results
- nil
- either (NOTE! Successful either is discarded in `validate`!)
- error
- errors
Successful validation is represented as `(success nil)`."
[& results]
(let [errors (->> results
(remove nil?)
(map from-or-failure-1)
(filter failure?)
(mapcat errors)
(if errors
(failure errors)
(success nil))))
(defn lazy-validate-fns
"[Constructor, Low-level primitive] Evaluate `fns` lazily, moving on in case of success."
[& fns]
(loop [[f & rst] fns
e (success nil)]
(if (or (failure? e) (not f))
(recur rst (validate (f))))))
(def continue-if-above-success
"This value is not used. It's just here to satisfy the linter and make the macro below a bit easier to use.")
(defmacro validate-groups
"[Constructor] Breaks code into multiple groups, lazily evaluates one and moves on in case of success."
[& form]
(let [split-fn #(= 'either/continue-if-above-success %)
into-fn (fn [validation-group] `(fn [] ~(vec validation-group)))
fns (->> form (coll/splits-by split-fn) (map into-fn))]
`(lazy-validate-fns ~@fns)))
(defn throw! [e]
(map-failure e #(throw (ex-info "Validation failure" {::validation? true ::errors %}))))
(defn validation-exception? [exception]
(-> exception ex-data ::validation? true?))
(defn unwrap-exception [exception]
(-> exception ex-data ::errors))
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[ :as sut]
[ :as errors]))
(defn- equivalent [m1 m2]
(if (sut/success? m1)
(is (sut/success? m2))
(is (= (sut/value m1) (sut/value m2))))
(is (sut/failure? m2))
(is (= (sut/errors m1) (sut/errors m2))))))
(def ^:private return sut/success)
(def ^:private bind sut/map-success)
;; haskell: return a >>= h === h a
(defn left-identity [h a]
(equivalent (bind (return a) h) (h a)))
;; haskell: m >>= return === m
(defn right-identity [m]
(equivalent (bind m return) m))
;; haskell: (m >>= g) >>= h === m >>= (\x -> g x >>= h)
(defn associativity [m g h]
(equivalent (bind (bind m g) h)
(bind m (fn [x] (bind (g x) h)))))
(deftest monad-laws
(left-identity #(sut/success (inc %)) 1)
(left-identity (fn [_] (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})) 1)
(right-identity (sut/success 1))
(right-identity (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a}))
(associativity (sut/success 1) #(sut/success (inc %)) #(sut/success (* 2 %)))
(associativity (sut/success 1) #(sut/success (inc %)) (fn [_] (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})))
(associativity (sut/success 1) (fn [_] (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})) #(sut/success (inc %)))
(associativity (sut/success 1) (fn [_] (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})) (fn [_] (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/b})))
(associativity (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a}) #(sut/success (inc %)) #(sut/success (* 2 %))))
(deftest toString
(is (= "Either/Success nil" (str (sut/success nil))))
(is (= "Either/Success 1" (str (sut/success 1))))
(is (= "Either/Failure [{:code :either/a}]"
(str (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})))))
(deftest failure?
(is (sut/failure? (sut/failure nil)))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/failure [])))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/failure [{:code :either/a}])))
(is (false? (sut/failure? (sut/success nil)))))
(deftest success?
(is (sut/success? (sut/success nil)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/success true)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/success :a)))
(is (false? (sut/success? (sut/failure [{:code :either/a}])))))
(deftest from-or-success
(is (sut/success? (sut/from-or-success nil)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/from-or-success (sut/success nil))))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/from-or-success (sut/failure [{:code :either/a}])))))
(deftest from-or-failure
(is (sut/failure? (sut/from-or-failure [{:code :either/a}])))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/from-or-failure (sut/failure [{:code :either/a}]))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/from-or-failure (sut/success nil)))))
(deftest from-or-failure-1
(is (sut/failure? (sut/from-or-failure-1 {:code :either/a})))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/from-or-failure-1 (sut/failure [{:code :either/a}]))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/from-or-failure-1 (sut/success nil)))))
(deftest value
(is (= 1 (sut/value (sut/success 1))))
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (sut/value (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})))))
(deftest errors
(is (= [:either/a] (errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})))))
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (sut/errors (sut/success nil)))))
(deftest map-success
(is (= 2 (sut/value (sut/map-success (sut/success 1) inc))))
(is (sut/failure? (sut/map-success (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a}) inc)))
(let [f (fn [x] (if (< x 0)
(sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})
(inc x)))]
(is (= 2 (sut/value (sut/map-success (sut/success 1) f))))
(is (= [:either/a] (errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/map-success (sut/success -1) f)))))))
(deftest map-failure
(is (= ["a"] (errors/messages (sut/errors (sut/map-failure (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a})
#(errors/with-message {:either/a "a"} %))))))
(is (= 1 (sut/value (sut/map-failure (sut/success 1) identity))))
(let [f (fn [errors] (if (seq errors) errors (sut/success 0)))]
(is (= [:either/a] (errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/map-failure (sut/failure-1 {:code :either/a}) f)))))
(is (= 0 (sut/value (sut/map-failure (sut/failure nil) f))))))
(deftest validate
(is (nil? (sut/value (sut/validate))))
(is (nil? (sut/value (sut/validate nil))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/validate (sut/validate nil))))
(is (= [:either/a] (errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate {:code :either/a})))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate
{:code :either/a}
{:code :either/b})))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate
{:code :either/a}
{:code :either/b}
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate
[{:code :either/a}]
[[[{:code :either/b}]]]
(is (= [:either/a]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate (sut/validate {:code :either/a}))))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate
(sut/validate {:code :either/a})
{:code :either/b}))))))
(deftest lazy-validate-fns
(is (sut/success? (sut/lazy-validate-fns)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly nil))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly nil) (constantly nil))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly []))))
(is (sut/success? (sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly [nil nil]))))
(is (= [:either/a]
(sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly nil) (constantly {:code :either/a}))))))
(is (= [:either/a]
(sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly {:code :either/a})
(constantly {:code :either/b}))))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(sut/lazy-validate-fns (constantly [{:code :either/a} {:code :either/b}])))))))
(deftest validate-groups
(is (sut/success? (sut/validate-groups)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/validate-groups nil)))
(is (sut/success? (sut/validate-groups [nil])))
(is (= [:either/a] (errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate-groups {:code :either/a})))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate-groups
{:code :either/a}
{:code :either/b})))))
(is (= [:either/a :either/b]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate-groups
{:code :either/a}
{:code :either/b}
{:code :either/c})))))
(is (= [:either/c]
(errors/codes (sut/errors (sut/validate-groups
{:code :either/c}))))))
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