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Last active March 14, 2024 07:07
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ECS implementation w/ dirty Component optimization
namespace P02 {
* An entity is just an ID. This is used to look up its associated
* Components.
type Entity = number
* A Component is a bundle of state. Each instance of a Component is
* associated with a single Entity.
* Components have no API to fulfill.
export abstract class Component {
* If a Component wants to support dirty Component optimization, it
* manages its own bookkeeping of whether its state has changed,
* and calls `dirty()` on itself when it has.
public dirty() {
* Overridden by ECS once it tracks this Component.
public signal: () => void = () => { }
* A System cares about a set of Components. It will run on every Entity
* that has that set of Components.
* A System must specify two things:
* (1) The immutable set of Components it needs at compile time. (Its
* immutability isn't enforced by anything but my wrath.) We use the
* type `Function` to refer to a Component's class; i.e., `Position`
* (class) rather than `new Position()` (instance).
* (2) An update() method for what to do every frame (if anything).
export abstract class System {
* Set of Component classes, ALL of which are required before the
* system is run on an entity.
* This should be defined at compile time and should never change.
public abstract componentsRequired: Set<Function>
* Set of Component classes. If *ANY* of them become dirty, the
* System will be given that Entity during its update().
* Components here need *not* be tracked by `componentsRequired`.
* To make this opt-in, we default this to the empty set.
public dirtyComponents: Set<Function> = new Set()
* update() is called on the System every frame.
public abstract update(
entities: Set<Entity>, dirty: Set<Entity>
): void
* The ECS is given to all Systems. Systems contain most of the game
* code, so they need to be able to create, mutate, and destroy
* Entities and Components.
public ecs: ECS
* This type is so functions like the ComponentContainer's get(...) will
* automatically tell TypeScript the type of the Component returned. In
* other words, we can say get(Position) and TypeScript will know that an
* instance of Position was returned. This is amazingly helpful.
export type ComponentClass<T extends Component> = new (...args: any[]) => T
* This custom container is so that calling code can provide the
* Component *instance* when adding (e.g., add(new Position(...))), and
* provide the Component *class* otherwise (e.g., get(Position),
* has(Position), delete(Position)).
* We also use two different types to refer to the Component's class:
* `Function` and `ComponentClass<T>`. We use `Function` in most cases
* because it is simpler to write. We use `ComponentClass<T>` in the
* `get()` method, when we want TypeScript to know the type of the
* instance that is returned. Just think of these both as referring to
* the same thing: the underlying class of the Component.
* You might notice a footgun here: code that gets this object can
* directly modify the Components inside (with add(...) and delete(...)).
* This would screw up our ECS bookkeeping of mapping Systems to
* Entities! We'll fix this later by only returning callers a view onto
* the Components that can't change them.
class ComponentContainer {
private map = new Map<Function, Component>()
public add(component: Component): void {, component);
public get<T extends Component>(
componentClass: ComponentClass<T>
): T {
return as T;
public has(componentClass: Function): boolean {
public hasAll(componentClasses: Iterable<Function>): boolean {
for (let cls of componentClasses) {
if (! {
return false;
return true;
public delete(componentClass: Function): void {;
* The ECS is the main driver; it's the backbone of the engine that
* coordinates Entities, Components, and Systems. You could have a single
* one for your game, or make a different one for every level, or have
* multiple for different purposes.
export class ECS {
// Main state
private entities = new Map<Entity, ComponentContainer>()
private systems = new Map<System, Set<Entity>>()
// Bookkeeping for entities.
private nextEntityID = 0
private entitiesToDestroy = new Array<Entity>()
// Dirty Component optimization.
private dirtySystemsCare = new Map<Function, Set<System>>()
private dirtyEntities = new Map<System, Set<Entity>>()
// API: Entities
public addEntity(): Entity {
let entity = this.nextEntityID;
this.entities.set(entity, new ComponentContainer());
return entity;
* Marks `entity` for removal. The actual removal happens at the end
* of the next `update()`. This way we avoid subtle bugs where an
* Entity is removed mid-`update()`, with some Systems seeing it and
* others not.
public removeEntity(entity: Entity): void {
// API: Components
public addComponent(entity: Entity, component: Component): void {
// Let Component signal ECS when it gets dirty.
component.signal = () => {
this.componentDirty(entity, component);
// Initial dirty signal to broadcast to interested Systems so
// that it gets a first update.
public getComponents(entity: Entity): ComponentContainer {
return this.entities.get(entity);
public removeComponent(
entity: Entity, componentClass: Function
): void {
// API: Systems
public addSystem(system: System): void {
// Checking invariant: systems should not have an empty
// Components list, or they'll run on every entity. Simply remove
// or special case this check if you do want a System that runs
// on everything.
if (system.componentsRequired.size == 0) {
console.warn("System not added: empty Components list.");
// Give system a reference to the ECS so it can actually do
// anything.
system.ecs = this;
// Save system and set who it should track immediately., new Set());
for (let entity of this.entities.keys()) {
this.checkES(entity, system);
// Bookkeeping for dirty Component optimization.
for (let c of system.dirtyComponents) {
if (!this.dirtySystemsCare.has(c)) {
this.dirtySystemsCare.set(c, new Set());
this.dirtyEntities.set(system, new Set());
* Note: Removed the removeSystem() function here because it was
* just for proof-of-concept in the initial post. If we kept it,
* we'd need to remove the system from `dirtySystemsCare` and
* `dirtyEntities`.
* This is ordinarily called once per tick (e.g., every frame). It
* updates all Systems, then destroys any Entities that were marked
* for removal.
public update(): void {
// Update all systems. (Later, we'll add a way to specify the
// update order.)
for (let [system, entities] of {
system.update(entities, this.dirtyEntities.get(system));
// Remove any entities that were marked for deletion during the
// update.
while (this.entitiesToDestroy.length > 0) {
// Private methods for doing internal state checks and mutations.
private destroyEntity(entity: Entity): void {
for (let [system, entities] of {
// Remove Entity from System (if applicable).
entities.delete(entity); // no-op if doesn't have it
// Remove Entity from dirty list if it was there.
if (this.dirtyEntities.has(system)) {
// Again, simply a no-op if it's not in there.
private checkE(entity: Entity): void {
for (let system of {
this.checkES(entity, system);
private checkES(entity: Entity, system: System): void {
let have = this.entities.get(entity);
let need = system.componentsRequired;
if (have.hasAll(need)) {
// should be in system; // no-op if in
} else {
// should not be in system; // no-op if out
private componentDirty(entity: Entity, component: Component): void {
// For all systems that care about this Component becoming
// dirty, tell them, but only if they're actually tracking
// this Entity.
if (!this.dirtySystemsCare.has(component.constructor)) {
for (let system of this.dirtySystemsCare.get(
) {
if ( {
// ---
// Demo Component / System and little testing function below.
// ---
class Health extends Component {
constructor(private _maximum: number, private _current: number) {
public get current(): number {
return this._current
public set current(value: number) {
this._current = value;
public get maximum(): number {
return this._maximum
public set maximum(value: number) {
this._maximum = value;
class LatestHealthLogger extends System {
componentsRequired = new Set<Function>([Health]);
dirtyComponents = new Set<Function>([Health]);
update(entities: Set<Entity>, dirty: Set<Entity>): void {
for (let entity of dirty) {
let health = this.ecs.getComponents(entity).get(Health);
console.log(health.current + "/" + health.maximum);
function main(): void {
let ecs = new ECS();
ecs.addSystem(new LatestHealthLogger());
let entity = ecs.addEntity();
let health = new Health(10, 10);
ecs.addComponent(entity, health);
ecs.update(); // should print "10/10" (Component starts dirty)
ecs.update(); // should not print anything
health.current = 8;
ecs.update(); // should print "8/10"
ecs.update(); // should not print anything
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