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Created February 16, 2014 17:09
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A comparison of Reddit's previous and new algorithm
old new
# score > 0
_hot(1, 0, 1262304000) 2850.0 2850.0
_hot(1, 0, 1353107345) 4868.0 4868.0
_hot(1000, 500, 1262304000) 2852.69897 2852.69897
_hot(1000, 500, 1353107345) 4870.69897 4870.69897
# score < 0
_hot(0, 1, 1262304000) -2851.0 2850.0
_hot(0, 1, 1353107345) -4869.0 4868.0
_hot(1000, 1500, 1262304000) -2848.30103 2847.30103
_hot(1000, 1500, 1353107345) -4866.30103 4865.30103
# score == 0
_hot(500, 500, 1353107345) 0.0 4868.0
_hot(1000, 1000, 1262304000) 0.0 2850.0
require 'date'
def score(ups, downs)
ups - downs
def common_hot(ups, downs, date)
s = score(ups, downs)
order = Math.log([s.abs, 1].max, 10)
sign = if s > 0
elsif s < 0
seconds = date - 1134028003
return sign, order, seconds
def old_hot(ups, downs, date)
sign, order, seconds = common_hot(ups, downs, date)
(order + sign * seconds / 45_000).round(7)
def new_hot(ups, downs, date)
sign, order, seconds = common_hot(ups, downs, date)
(sign * order + seconds / 45_000).round(7)
def both_hot(ups, downs, date)
o = old_hot(ups, downs, date)
n = new_hot(ups, downs, date)
{ old: o, new: n }
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