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Created September 26, 2023 11:45
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simple evaluator with pattern matching
import ast
import dataclasses
from typing import Any, Optional, TypeAlias
Expr: TypeAlias = Any
class Context:
def __init__(self, env=None):
self.env = env or {}
def extend(self, env):
return Context(env=self.env | env)
def lookup(self, name):
return self.env[name]
def evaluate(expr: Expr, ctx: Context) -> Any:
while True:
match expr:
case list():
return [evaluate(x, ctx) for x in expr]
case ("apply", rator, *rands):
fun = evaluate(rator, ctx)
args = [evaluate(a, ctx) for a in rands]
expr, ctx = fun.lazy_apply(args)
case ("lambda", params, body):
return Lambda(params, body, ctx)
case ("tag", name, *args):
return (name, *(evaluate(a, ctx) for a in args))
case ("matchfn", *arms):
arms = [(, b) for p, b in arms]
return MatchFn(arms, ctx)
case int(x):
return x
case str(s):
return ctx.lookup(s)
case _:
raise TypeError(expr)
class Lambda:
params: list[str]
body: Expr
captured_context: Context
def lazy_apply(self, args: list[Any]) -> tuple[Expr, Context]:
ctx = self.captured_context.extend(dict(zip(self.params, args)))
return self.body, ctx
class Pattern:
pat: list[Any]
def build(template):
return Pattern(template)
def matched(self, values: list[Any]):
if len(values) != len(self.pat):
return False
return pattern_match(self.pat, values, {})
def pattern_match(pat, val, env):
match pat, val:
case "_", _:
return env
case int(), _:
if pat == val:
return env
return False
case str(), _:
if pat not in env:
return env | {pat: val}
if env[pat] != val:
return False
return env
case [*pa], [*va] if len(pa) == len(va):
env = {}
for p, v in zip(pa, va):
env = pattern_match(p, v, env)
if env is False:
return False
return env
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(pat, val)
class MatchFn:
arms: list[tuple[Pattern, Expr]]
captured_context: Context
def lazy_apply(self, args: list[Any]) -> tuple[Expr, Context]:
for pattern, body in self.arms:
env = pattern.matched(args)
if env is not False:
return body, self.captured_context.extend(env)
raise ValueError("no pattern matched")
print(evaluate(("apply", ("lambda", ["x"], "x"), 42), Context()))
print(evaluate(("tag", "Foo", 123), Context()))
print(evaluate(("matchfn", ([1], 10), ([2], 20), (["_"], 0)), Context()))
("matchfn", ([1], 10), ([2], 20), (["x", ["x", "y", "y", "x"]], ["x", "y"])),
[5, 1, 1, 5],
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