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Created June 1, 2024 19:48
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simple evaluator with macros
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
from typing import Any, TypeAlias
Expr: TypeAlias = Any
class Context:
env: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
def bind(self, vars: list[str], what: str) -> Context:
return Context(self.env | {v: what for v in vars})
def evaluate(expr: Expr, ctx: Context) -> Any:
return eval(translate_expr(expr, ctx))
def translate_expr(expr: Expr, ctx: Context) -> str:
match expr:
case list():
return f"[{', '.join(translate_expr(x, ctx) for x in expr)}]"
case int(x):
return str(x)
case str(s):
return s
case ("quote", value):
return quote(value, ctx)
case ("let-macro", ((name, *args), mbody), body):
# here it becomes apparent that macros involve compile-time evaluation
fun = evaluate(("lambda", args, mbody), ctx)
body_ctx = ctx.bind([name], fun)
# no recursive macro expansion, yet
return translate_expr(body, body_ctx)
case ("+", *rands):
return f"sum([{', '.join(translate_expr(r, ctx) for r in rands)}])"
case ("lambda", params, body):
body_ctx = ctx.bind(params, "VAR")
return f"(lambda {', '.join(params)}: {translate_expr(body, body_ctx)})"
case (rator, *rands) if is_macro(rator, ctx):
macro = ctx.env[rator]
expansion = macro(*rands)
return translate_expr(expansion, ctx)
case (rator, *rands):
fun = translate_expr(rator, ctx)
args = (translate_expr(a, ctx) for a in rands)
return f"{fun}({', '.join(args)})"
case _:
raise TypeError(expr)
def quote(expr: Expr, ctx: Context) -> str:
match expr:
case list():
return f"[{', '.join(quote(x, ctx) for x in expr)}]"
case ("unquote", x):
return translate_expr(x, ctx)
case tuple():
return f"({', '.join(quote(x, ctx) for x in expr)})"
case _: return repr(expr)
def is_macro(expr: Expr, ctx: Context) -> bool:
return isinstance(expr, str) and ctx.env.get(expr) in _macros
def gensym(name: str="") -> str:
return f"___{name}{_GENSYM_COUNTER}"
_macros = set()
default_ctx = Context()
# an example macro, written in Python
def let_macro(defs: Expr, body: Expr) -> Expr:
vars = [d[0] for d in defs]
vals = [d[1] for d in defs]
return (("lambda", vars, body), *vals)
default_ctx.env["let"] = let_macro
# an example macro, written in Python
def begin_macro(*args: Expr) -> Expr:
vars = [gensym() for _ in args]
return (("lambda", vars, vars[-1]), *args)
default_ctx.env["begin"] = begin_macro
def play(expr: Expr):
print(" ", translate_expr(expr, default_ctx))
print(" ", evaluate(expr, default_ctx))
play(("quote", (("lambda", ["x"], "x"), 42)))
play((("lambda", ["x"], "x"), 42))
play(("let", (("x", 123), ("y", 42)), ("+", "x", "y")))
play(("begin", 1, 2, 3))
play(("begin", ("begin", 1, 2, 3), ("begin", 4, 5, 6)))
play(("let-macro", (("inc", "n"), ("quote", ("+", 1, ("unquote", "n")))), ("inc", ("inc", 40))))
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