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Last active December 14, 2015 17:59
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EXTNull is a subclass of NSNull that acts more like nil.
Calling unrecognized methods on EXTNull *will not* throw
a NSInvalidArgumentException but again return EXTNull.
You can redefine `EXTNull` to `Null` if you like clean-looking
code (just insert #define EXTNULL_SHORTHAND in your prefix file).
[Null dasherized] ~> Null
[@[@"A", Null, @"C"] map:method(lowercased)] ~> @[@"a", Null, @"c"];
(`lowercased` returns a copy of self with lowercased strings)
(`method()` makes a block out of a method – an equivalent of & operator in ruby)
[@[@"a", Null, @"c"] compacted] ~> @[@"a", @"c"]
(compacted returns a copy of self with NSNull values removed)
Beware of passing EXTNull as an argument; the method would
need to support this. See [NSObject ext_pure] for how to avoid this.
id string = Null;
[@"life" appendString:string] ~> Exception, since Null is not a NSString
[self gooutwith:string] ~> Exception, since Null is not a Person
@see RACTuple from ReactiveCocoa
@see the Maybe monad ( as a possible replacement
@see license and updates at
#define EXTNull ((id)[_EXTNull null])
Changes nil to EXTNull
id unknown = nil;
@[maybe(unknown), maybe(@"")] ~> @[Null, @""];
id one, id two = nil, @"two"
[@[maybe(one), maybe(two)] joinedBy:@" "] ~> @"two" (instead of @" two")
(joinedBy is implemented as [[array compacted] componentsJoinedByString:...])
(compacted returns a copy of self with NSNull values removed)
@see [NSObject pure], the reverse of maybe()
#define ext_maybe(OBJECT) ((id)(OBJECT ?: EXTNull))
@interface _EXTNull : NSObject
+ (instancetype)null;
@interface NSNull (EXTNullAdditions)
- (instancetype)ext_pure;
@interface NSObject (EXTNullAdditions)
Returns YES if self isn't nil or NSNull or EXTNull
id value = Null;
!!value ~> YES
[value isNotNull] ~> NO
- (BOOL)ext_isNotNull;
Returns the underlying value of the object.
For most objects, it returns self.
EXTNull overrides this method to return nil.
Null.pure ~> nil
@"".pure ~> @""
- (instancetype)ext_pure;
#define Null EXTNull
#define maybe ext_maybe
@interface NSObject (EXTNullShorthandAdditions)
- (BOOL)isNotNull;
- (instancetype)pure;
#import "EXTNull.h"
@see license and updates at
@implementation _EXTNull
+ (instancetype)null
static dispatch_once_t once;
static id null;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
null = [self new];
return null;
// Overrides 'ext_pure' from NSObject+EXTNullAdditions
- (instancetype)ext_pure
return nil;
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)sel
return YES;
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:sel]
?: [super methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(ext_pure)];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation
id null = self;
[invocation setReturnValue:&null];
- (instancetype)returnNull
return self;
- (BOOL)isKindOfClass:(Class)aClass
return [aClass isSubclassOfClass:NSNull.class]
|| [super isKindOfClass:aClass];
- (BOOL)isMemberOfClass:(Class)aClass
return [aClass isSubclassOfClass:NSNull.class]
|| [super isMemberOfClass:aClass];
@implementation NSNull (EXTNullAdditions)
// Overrides 'ext_pure' from NSObject+EXTNullAdditions
- (instancetype)ext_pure
return nil;
@implementation NSObject (EXTNullAdditions)
- (BOOL)ext_isNotNull
return self.ext_pure;
- (instancetype)ext_pure
return self;
@implementation NSObject (EXTNullShorthandAdditions)
- (BOOL)isNotNull
return self.ext_isNotNull;
- (instancetype)pure
return self.ext_pure;
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