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Last active February 6, 2018 16:13
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Forcing invariance with compiler-generated traits and classes.
trait Immutable
class A
class B extends A
sealed trait AImm extends A with Immutable
sealed trait BImm extends B with AImm with Immutable
final class APrim extends AImm
final class BPrim extends BImm
object Test {
var a: A = new A()
var b: A = new B()
var c: A = new APrim()
var d: A = new BPrim()
var dd: B = new BPrim()
var ddd: AImm = new BPrim()
var dddd: BImm = new BPrim()
//Does not work
//var ddddd: APrim = new BPrim()
trait Immutable
abstract class Maybe[+A]
case class Ingenting() extends Maybe[Nothing]
case class Just[+A](value: A) extends Maybe[A]
sealed trait OptionImm[+A] extends Maybe[A]
final class IngentingImm extends Ingenting with OptionImm[Nothing]
final class JustImm[+A](value: A) extends Just[A](value) with OptionImm[A]

The overriding method is covariant in the return type and invariant in the argument types. That means that the return type of the overriding method can be a subclass of the return type of the overridden method, but the argument types must match exactly.

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