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Created December 23, 2017 23:27
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Simple problem from advent of code 2017. Solved as complicated as possible in as few lines as possible.
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
--- Part One ---
-- Bind using the reader monad:
-- x >>= k = \w-> k (x w) w
-- head >>= foldrM bar = \w -> foldrM bar (head w) w
foo = head >>= foldrM bar
-- The writer monad will sum the first elements
-- the second element will be fed into bar again in the fold.
bar x y | (x==y) = (x,x)
| otherwise = (mempty,x)
-- Read a line, read out the digits and wrap them in the Sum monoid.
-- Send the list of Sums to foo.
-- Unwrap the Sum from the Writer.
-- Print it.
main =
(getSum . fst . foo
. map (Sum . digitToInt))
>>= print
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