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Last active September 25, 2015 10:28
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Linear regression by Linear Programming
# (C) 2011 Mathieu Blondel
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as linalg
import pylab as pl
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
def f(x):
return 0.8 * x + 0.5
def add_noise(y, loc, scale):
signs = np.sign(np.random.random(len(y)) - 0.5)
return y + np.random.normal(loc, scale, size=len(y)) * signs
x = np.random.random(20)
y = add_noise(f(x), loc=0, scale=0.1)
indices = np.arange(len(x))
indices = indices[:3]
y[indices] = add_noise(y[indices], loc=0, scale=1.0)
# least-squares solution
# min ||X^T w - y||^2 where w = [beta, alpha]
X = np.array([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T
w_ls = linalg.solve(, X),, y))
def f_ls(x):
return x * w_ls[0] + w_ls[1]
# linear programming solution
# min \sum_i e_i
# s.t. -e_i <= alpha + beta x_i - y_i <= e_i
c = np.ones(len(x) + 2)
c[-2:] = 0
G11 = G12 = np.diag(-np.ones(len(x)))
G21 = np.array([-x, -np.ones(len(x))])
G22 = np.array([+x, np.ones(len(x))])
G_left = np.vstack((G11, G21))
G_right = np.vstack((G12, G22))
G = np.hstack((G_left, G_right))
h = np.ravel(np.vstack((-y, y)))
c = matrix(c.tolist())
G = matrix(G.tolist())
h = matrix(h.tolist())
sol = solvers.lp(c, G, h)
w_lp = list(sol['x'])[-2:]
def f_lp(x):
return x * w_lp[0] + w_lp[1]
pl.plot([-0.5, 1.5], [f_ls(-0.5), f_ls(1.5)], "r--", label="least-squares")
pl.plot([-0.5, 1.5], [f_lp(-0.5), f_lp(1.5)], "b--", label="linear programming")
pl.scatter(x, y, color="black", label="training points")
pl.legend(loc='upper left')
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