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Created September 25, 2020 16:09
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Clean unused posters/art/banners from Plex
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# At least for movies, it looks like it copies the 'selected' stuff into the
# _stored/ folder. It also seems to use the _combined/ folder for access.
# so, I shoud be able to delete anything that's not those two.
# And after that, in the _combined folder, I can/should delete any broken links
# and remove them from <art> and <posters> in Info.xml.
# remove <reviews> from Info.xml too, since it seems to be unused.
# As far as I can tell, extras.xml can just be deleted?
# Same for Artists
# In Albums, similar, but just 'posters'.
# Probably just delete 'lyrics' because it's also unused?
# TV Shows similar - art, banners, posters, themes. seasons is probably more complicated - need to revisit.
require 'pathname'
require 'nokogiri'
metadata ='/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/')
['Albums','Movies','TV Shows','Artists'].each do |dir|
puts dir
(metadata+dir).each_child do |a|
puts a.basename
a.each_child do |path|
path += 'Contents'
next unless path.exist?
path.each_child do |dir|
dir.rmtree unless ['_stored','_combined'].include? dir.basename.to_s
path += '_combined'
#delete extras.xml
extras = path + 'extras.xml'
extras.unlink if extras.exist?
#open _combined/Info.xml
next unless (path + 'Info.xml').exist?
info_file = (path + 'Info.xml').to_s
info_xml ={|f| Nokogiri::XML(f)}
#remove <reviews><item> and <lyrics><items> from Info.xml
['reviews','lyrics'].each do |type|"//#{type}/item").each{|i| i.remove}"//#{type}").each{|n| n.inner_html = n.inner_html.gsub(/\n\s*\n/,'')}
['art','banners','posters','themes'].each do |type|
next unless (path+type).exist?
(path + type).each_child do |link|
next unless link.symlink?
unless link.exist?
name = link.basename.to_s
link.unlink #delete broken symlink
#remove from Info.xml"//#{type}/item[@preview='#{name}']").remove"//#{type}/item[@media='#{name}']").remove
end"//#{type}").each{|n| n.inner_html = n.inner_html.gsub(/\n\s*\n/,'')}
#write Info.xml, 'w'){|f| f.write info_xml.to_xml}
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Rayzaj commented Jul 19, 2022

I managed to get this working on Synology. Install the Ruby package from Synocommunity, then install nokogiri using "gem install nokogiri" in the terminal. Once done, modify this script to match the paths on Synology, and then run it.

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pearlythepirate commented Feb 18, 2023

This script is not working for me but this other repo has a script that works instead!

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