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Last active October 1, 2016 11:28
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Linux - RHEL Conf Tips

Linux - RHEL Conf Tips

Disable firewalld with systemctl

  • Check if service is running:

    systemctl status firewalld 
    ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-09-19 07:59:20 BST; 1 weeks 2 days ago

Main PID: 960 (firewalld) Memory: 24.1M CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service └─960 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid

In this case active/running see **active (running)**

- Disable RHEL 7 firewalld service

systemctl stop firewalld

and check the status

systemctl status firewalld

This is usefull in case of testing VM port binding (in this case *nginx to port 80*)

> Links: [how-to-stop-start-and-disable-enable-firewall-on-redhat-7-linux-system](

## Disable selinux temporalily

echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

Will remain switched off until next reboot.

## Disable selinux pernamently

vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux


Than restart the server.



Should look like

SELinux status: disabled

> Links: [] (

## Change security limits

In case we need to change the default values for num. of opened processes, files etc.

vim /etc/security/limits.conf

e.g (TODO add desctiption)
  •           hard    nofile            65536
  •           soft    nofile            65536
  •           hard    nproc            10000
  •           soft    nproc            10000
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