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Created March 3, 2016 17:41
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Bitrix application 3 type with authorization
// for log errors
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// autoload classes
include_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// define variables
const APPLICATION_ID = 'local.56d4c44e94a076.41291969';
const APPLICATION_SECRET = '891fb1cf1312fae25b48eccebe65c846';
const PROTOCOL = 'https';
const DOMAIN = '';
const REDIRECT_URL = '';
const PATH = 'https';
// Get code and member_id if not exist
if(empty($_GET['code']) || empty($_GET['member_id'])){
$params = array(
"response_type" => "code",
"client_id" => APPLICATION_ID,
"redirect_uri" => REDIRECT_URL,
$path = "/oauth/authorize/";
Header("HTTP 302 Found");
Header("Location: ".PATH.'://'.DOMAIN.$path."?".http_build_query($params));
// create log
$log = new \Monolog\Logger('bitrix24');
$log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('./bitrix24.log', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG));
//create bitrix24 objects
$obB24App = new \Bitrix24\Bitrix24(false, $log);
// set user-specific settings
// get information about all tasks
$tasks = new \Bitrix24\Task\Items($obB24App);
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