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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save mbourgon/30f3451914168330a511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EventLog_Capture - save your event logs, from multiple servers, to a database, excluding the noise
#Note this is JUST the capture portion; there's a database component as well
# the 4 scripts below are obviously prereqs, from Hey Scripting Guy and PoshCode
. C:\powershell_scripts\invoke-sqlcmd2.ps1;
. C:\powershell_scripts\split-job.ps1;
. C:\powershell_scripts\write-datatable.ps1;
. C:\powershell_scripts\out-datatable.ps1;
$server_repository = 'yourreposerverhere'
$database_repository = 'yourrepodbhere'
write-host (get-date)
#Get the list of servers and Event Logs we need to connect. For now, just App & System (table = EventLogs_To_Get)
# We have to use the tables because the serverlog table's "last" date is when it last ran, not when it was actually done.
$serverlist = invoke-sqlcmd2 -serverinstance $server_repository -database $database_repository `
-query "
SELECT a.Server_Name,
isnull(MAX(TimeGenerated),DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GetDate()-days_back_to_get), 0)) AS max_timegenerated,
ISNULL(MAX(RecordNumber),minimum_recordnumber) AS max_recordnumber
SELECT Server_Name, EventLog, days_back_to_get, minimum_recordnumber FROM EventLog_Servers
CROSS JOIN EventLogs_To_Get
WHERE Is_Active = 1
--ORDER BY Server_Name
) a LEFT OUTER JOIN [EventLog_Details] WITH (NOLOCK)
ON EventLog_Details.EventLog = a.EventLog
AND EventLog_Details.ComputerName= a.Server_Name
AND TimeGenerated >=GETDATE()-15
GROUP BY a.Server_Name, a.EventLog, days_back_to_get, minimum_recordnumber
ORDER BY a.Server_Name"
# Truncate the staging table #
#have to do it here because we can't have multiples all hitting the same table and truncating it
invoke-sqlcmd2 -serverinstance $server_repository -database $database_repository `
-query "truncate table EventLog_Staged_PoSH"
#now use Split-Job (from POSHcode) to split into a number of Runspaces ("hosted runspaces")
#variables need to be inside the split-job due to scope issues, though there's a parameter (see end) that will import them.
# Need a way to trap for inside errors, since any failure causes an invisible total failure
#$serverlist| %{ #alternate version for testing
$serverlist|Split-Job {%{
#because the scope is separate in here, you need to re-dot-source and reinit your parameters.
. C:\powershell_scripts\invoke-sqlcmd2.ps1;
. C:\powershell_scripts\write-datatable.ps1;
. C:\powershell_scripts\out-datatable.ps1;
#setting these here because the datatypes are screwy if passed directly. (due to the datatable)
$computername = $_.server_name
$eventlog = $_.EventLog
$recordnumber = $_.max_recordnumber
# Clear the staging table ##
#Doing it again in case we somehow dupe.
invoke-sqlcmd2 -serverinstance $server_repository -database $database_repository `
-query "delete from EventLog_Staged_PoSH where computername = '$computername' and eventlog = '$eventlog'"
# get OS version so we know which method to use #
# not currently used; GWMI is fastest of the methods, in my testing
#get version of OS via WMI - lets us know if we can use get-winevent, get-eventlog, etc. Annoyingly, GWMI is currently fastest.
[version]$full_version = (get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computername|select version).version
#now set up a string we can compare against
[string]$usable_version = "$($full_version.Major).$($full_version.Minor)"
## Windows Server 5 (Windows Server 2003, 2003R2) ##
#Unsure if we event _want_ get-winevent for now - in testing, using filterxpath on a 6.0 box took 31 seconds, but 9 using gwmi
#even if I swapped the order to ensure evenness, gwmi is simply faster, at least with 6.0, which can't use hashtables.
if(($full_version.Major -eq "5") -or ($full_version.Major -eq "6")) #doing it this way until I can get the get-winevent added
#for this path, which includes WS 2003, we HAVE to go old-school. Specifically, GWMI, which in our testing was much faster than get-eventlog
$time = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($_.max_timegenerated)
#pull across the min number of fields you need
#Does filtering on RecordNumber speed things up? No, but doesn't seem to slow it down either. Needs more testing!
$EventQuery = @"
Logfile, RecordNumber, Timegenerated, TimeWritten, EventCode, EventType, Type, Category, CategoryString, SourceName, InsertionStrings, ComputerName, User, Message
from Win32_NTlogEvent
where timewritten >='$time'
and LogFile = '$eventlog'
and RecordNumber > $recordnumber
"@ #this line must be un-recessed
#logging the time the eventlog pull starts
$computername + ", " + $eventlog + " pull beginning at " + (get-date)
$LogResults = gwmi -computername $computername -Query $EventQuery |
select @{Label='EventLog';Expression={$_.Logfile}}, `
RecordNumber, `
@{LABEL="TimeGenerated"; EXPRESSION = {$_.convertToDateTime($_.TimeGenerated)}}, `
@{LABEL="TimeWritten"; EXPRESSION = {$_.convertToDateTime($_.TimeWritten)}}, `
@{Label='EventID';Expression={$_.EventCode}}, `
#eventType DOES NOT MATCH existing! One has diff values than other. is 4 = information, 2= warning, 1 = error, 5 = audit failure
EventType, `
@{Label='EventTypeName';Expression={$_.Type}}, `
@{Label='EventCategory';Expression={$_.Category}}, `
@{Label='EventCategoryName';Expression={$_.CategoryString}}, ` #"None" in old, blank here
SourceName, ` #"Perflib" in old, Microsoft-Windows-Perflib here
@{name='Strings';Expression={ $_.InsertionStrings -join '|'}}, ` #Appears to match!
@{name='ComputerName';Expression={$_.ComputerName -replace "\..*",""}}, ` #remove the domain name (
@{Label='SID';Expression={$_.User}}, `
@{Label='Message';Expression={$_.Message}} |out-datatable
#17s/18s with just filter on timewritten and logfile (two tests, mem-pr-repl-01)
#18s/18s including recordnumber (two tests, mem-pr-repl-01)
#Why no results on the console?
#It's due to runspace (aka split-job)
#logging the time the eventlog pull ends
$computername + ", " + $eventlog + " pull ending at " + (get-date)
#Write to the table, so that we can act upon it using the SP
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $server_repository -Database $database_repository -TableName EventLog_Staged_PoSH_insert -Data $LogResults
#logging the time the eventlog write finishes
$computername + ", " + $eventlog + " write to staged ending at " + (get-date)
invoke-sqlcmd2 -serverinstance $server_repository -database $database_repository `
-query "EXEC Eventlog_Blacklist_Removal @ComputerName = '$computername', @EventLog = '$eventlog'"
#logging the time the blacklist SP ends
$computername + ", " + $eventlog + " blacklist removal ending at " + (get-date)
#throw $_.Exception.Message #doesn't remove enough crap
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message #-ErrorAction Stop I dont want to stop it, just throw an error.
#Now, run a (new for this posh version) stored procedure to get it into EventLog_YYYYMM
} -MaxDuration 3200 -MaxPipelines 8 -Variable server_repository, database_repository -NoProgress
#the variable above allows the split-job to read from outside the scope and put it inside
#max of 10 minutes because some will actually take that long; may need to set to 15-20!.
#as you run it initially, it will take the full MaxDuration to get everything downloaded. After several times, will settle down.
#Perms needed – add whatever credential you’re using to “Distributed COM users group”
# and add user to permissions on the wmi namespace “CIMV2” on each server with permissions “Allow” on “Remote Enabled”
write-host (get-date)
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