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Created August 20, 2013 20:05
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Save mbourgon/6286532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A replication delay monitor for SQL Server 2012 - detects replication delays using the same code that the 72-hour monitor does.
--mdb 2013/06/01 Replication Monitor Part 3 - checking for delayed subscribers-- This script specifically looks for subscribers that haven't had changes applied recently
-- I believe this uses the same code that replication itself does for the "72 hour" inactivation
--2013/06/17 1.10 mdb
-- added filter for "last_distsync is null", which should only be running or never-run.
--2013/08/08 2.00 mdb Version 2 - now works on SQL Server 2012 (via RESULT SETS). 2012 has a bug with sp_describe_first_result_set (please vote!)
DECLARE @min INT, @max INT, @sql NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @repl_server_list TABLE(id INT IDENTITY, srvname sysname)
--build a stripped down temp table; the OPENROWSET allows us to skip fields we don't care about.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_subscriptiondata') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmp_subscriptiondata
create table #tmp_subscriptiondata (
[status] int null,
warning int null ,
subscriber sysname null ,
subscriber_db sysname null ,
publisher_db sysname null ,
publication sysname null ,
publication_type int null ,
subtype int null ,
latency int null ,
latencythreshold int null ,
agentnotrunning int null ,
agentnotrunningthreshold int null ,
timetoexpiration int null ,
expirationthreshold int null ,
last_distsync datetime null ,
distribution_agentname sysname null ,
mergeagentname sysname null ,
mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname null ,
mergeagentlocation sysname null ,
mergeconnectiontype int null ,
mergePerformance int null ,
mergerunspeed float null ,
mergerunduration int null ,
monitorranking int null ,
distributionagentjobid binary(30) null ,
mergeagentjobid binary(30) null ,
distributionagentid int null ,
distributionagentprofileid int null ,
mergeagentid int null ,
mergeagentprofileid int null ,
logreaderagentname sysname NULL,
publisher sysname
--list every server that our current server is handling distribution duties for.
-- we do this since you can tell a different server to be the distributor.
INSERT INTO @repl_server_list
SELECT DISTINCT srvname --b.srvname,a.publisher_db,a.publication
FROM distribution.dbo.MSpublications a, master.dbo.sysservers b
WHERE a.publisher_id=b.srvid
--Get list of all replications--
SELECT @min = MIN(id), @max = MAX(id) FROM @repl_server_list
WHILE @min <= @max
--Transactional Replication
select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=' + @@servername + ';Trusted_Connection=yes'','
+ ' ''set fmtonly off; exec distribution..sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @Publisher="' + srvname + '",@publication_type=0
status int,
warning int,
subscriber sysname,
subscriber_db sysname,
publisher_db sysname,
publication sysname,
publication_type int,
subtype int,
latency int,
latencythreshold int,
agentnotrunning int,
agentnotrunningthreshold int,
timetoexpiration int,
expirationthreshold int,
last_distsync datetime,
distribution_agentname sysname,
mergeagentname sysname,
mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname,
mergeagentlocation sysname,
mergeconnectiontype int,
mergePerformance int,
mergerunspeed float,
mergerunduration int,
monitorranking int,
distributionagentjobid binary(16),
mergeagentjobid binary(16),
distributionagentid int,
distributionagentprofileid int,
mergeagentid int,
mergeagentprofileid int,
logreaderagentname sysname,
publisher sysname
) '')a'
FROM @repl_server_list WHERE id = @min
Insert Into #tmp_subscriptiondata
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Snapshot Replication
select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=' + @@servername + ';Trusted_Connection=yes'','
+ ' ''set fmtonly off; exec distribution..sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @Publisher="' + srvname + '",@publication_type=1
status int,
warning int,
subscriber sysname,
subscriber_db sysname,
publisher_db sysname,
publication sysname,
publication_type int,
subtype int,
latency int,
latencythreshold int,
agentnotrunning int,
agentnotrunningthreshold int,
timetoexpiration int,
expirationthreshold int,
last_distsync datetime,
distribution_agentname sysname,
mergeagentname sysname,
mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname,
mergeagentlocation sysname,
mergeconnectiontype int,
mergePerformance int,
mergerunspeed float,
mergerunduration int,
monitorranking int,
distributionagentjobid binary(16),
mergeagentjobid binary(16),
distributionagentid int,
distributionagentprofileid int,
mergeagentid int,
mergeagentprofileid int,
logreaderagentname sysname,
publisher sysname
) '')a'
FROM @repl_server_list WHERE id = @min
Insert Into #tmp_subscriptiondata
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Merge Replication
select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=' + @@servername + ';Trusted_Connection=yes'','
+ ' ''set fmtonly off; exec distribution..sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @Publisher="' + srvname + '",@publication_type=2
status int,
warning int,
subscriber sysname,
subscriber_db sysname,
publisher_db sysname,
publication sysname,
publication_type int,
subtype int,
latency int,
latencythreshold int,
agentnotrunning int,
agentnotrunningthreshold int,
timetoexpiration int,
expirationthreshold int,
last_distsync datetime,
distribution_agentname sysname,
mergeagentname sysname,
mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname,
mergeagentlocation sysname,
mergeconnectiontype int,
mergePerformance int,
mergerunspeed float,
mergerunduration int,
monitorranking int,
distributionagentjobid binary(16),
mergeagentjobid binary(16),
distributionagentid int,
distributionagentprofileid int,
mergeagentid int,
mergeagentprofileid int,
logreaderagentname sysname,
publisher sysname
) '')a'
FROM @repl_server_list WHERE id = @min
Insert Into #tmp_subscriptiondata
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
SET @min = @min + 1
SELECT * FROM #tmp_subscriptiondata
--Reporting Email--
--variables and tablevar defined here to more easily add/modify/test rules
,@MailSubject VARCHAR(100)
, @rowcount INT
DECLARE @final_error_list TABLE (
subscriber sysname null ,
subscriber_db sysname null ,
publisher_db sysname null ,
publication sysname null ,
warning int null ,
last_distsync datetime null ,
hours_delayed INT,
distribution_agentname sysname null
SELECT @MailSubject = '[Replication] Delays/Errors on ' + @@servername
--using an interim table so that we can query it to see how many they are;
-- we could use a CTE but then we have no easy way, short of checking the HTML length,
-- of verifying there are records that need to be emailed.
INSERT INTO @final_error_list
SELECT subscriber, subscriber_db, publisher_db, publication, warning, last_distsync,
DATEDIFF(hh,last_distsync, GETDATE()) AS Hours_Delayed,distribution_agentname
FROM #tmp_subscriptiondata WHERE warning > 0
SELECT subscriber, subscriber_db, publisher_db, publication, warning, last_distsync,
DATEDIFF(hh,last_distsync, GETDATE()) AS Hours_Delayed, distribution_agentname
FROM #tmp_subscriptiondata
--rule 1 - ignore publications that are current in the last hour or are currently running.
DELETE FROM @final_error_list
WHERE last_distsync > DATEADD(mi,-60, GETDATE()) OR last_distsync IS null
--rule 2 - ignore subscriptions that only run once a day, after midnight
DELETE FROM @final_error_list
WHERE (publication = 'yourdailypubname' AND last_distsync > CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),112))
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @final_error_list)>0
select @tableHTML = N'<H3>Replication Delays and Errors</H3>'
+ N'<table border="1">' + N'<tr>'
+ N'<th>Subscriber</th>' +
+ N'<th> Subscriber_DB </th>'
+ N'<th> Publisher_DB </th>'
+ N'<th> Publication </th>'
+ N'<th>Warning</th>'
+ N'<th> Last_Distsync </th>'
+ N'<th> Hours</th>'
+ N'<th> Distribution_AgentName</th>'
+ N'</tr>' + CAST((SELECT td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Subscriber))
,td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Subscriber_DB))
,td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Publisher_DB))
,td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Publication))
,td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Warning))
,td = CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), T.Last_Distsync, 120)
,td = CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), T.Hours_Delayed)
,td = RTRIM(LTRIM(T.Distribution_AgentName))
FROM @final_error_list T
ORDER BY T.[Warning] DESC, T.last_distsync ASC
XML PATH('tr')
) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + N'</table>';
--PRINT @tableHTML
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'thebakingdba', @recipients = '',
@subject = @MailSubject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML';
DROP TABLE #tmp_subscriptiondata
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