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Last active March 6, 2018 22:53
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  • Save mbourgon/6873071 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mbourgon/6873071 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EN_to_TFS_1 - a powershell script that will, based on parameters, GET/CHECKOUT objects from TFS, overwrite them with the version from the server scripted via SMO, then ADD/CHECKIN the code. Provide just servername/databasename to script every object in a database.
Will script an object from SQL Server and CHECKIN/ADD to TFS.
sql_script_to_TFS.ps1 -server yourservername -Database yourdatabasname -ScriptType "FULL" -Author yourTFSname -Comment "full checkin of database"
# Purpose - given parameters, script out an object from a SQL Server, using SMO, then check it into TFS.
#Scripting code gleefully copied from Phil Factor - the great parts that work are his, the errors are mine
#Other code from others copied and attributed below.
#mdb 2013/12/03 adding ScriptType so that we can add "create database"-specific changes ONLY.
# To do FULLs you will have to have -ScriptType = 'Full' parameter. By default it will do objects.
#mdb 2013/12/05 trying to better bullet-proof the app against TF failures, which appear to occur randomly
#mdb 2013/12/07 works great, though occasionally it cant script out an item. Trying to bulletproof that
#mdb 2013/12/16 broke the individual-item portion, fixed.
#mdb 2013/12/17 more cleanup and dealing with no objects found.
#mdb 2014/09/08 removing .exe references, and changing folder name, so 2013 works.
#mdb 2018/03/06 the -notmatch doesn't include usp_M* under certain circumstances. Changing to notlike
#param has to be the first line of the script.
[string]$ScriptType ='Object',
#make sure not ObjectToScript blank if scripting out the entire DB; makes checkin better
#these are the parameters for testing
#$Server='sql_repository'# the server it is on
#$Database='model' # the name of the database you want to script as objects
#$SchemaToScript = 'dbo'
#$ObjectToScript = 'spy_tempdef'
#$Author = 'michael.bourgon'
#$ScriptType ='Object'
#$Comment = 'bourgon_test'
#setting up an error code for later
$myerror = 0
cd c:\tfs_cli\en_workspace
if ($comment -eq '')
{ $comment = "generic EN checkin"}
if ($author -eq '')
{ $author = "erxnetwork\sqlservice"}
#field is mandatory, if we dont know, use a known-valid.
$ServerNameClean = "$($Server -replace '[\\\/]','__')"
#writing this out for logging and troubleshooting. These are all the parameters except ScriptType
write-host $Server, $Database, $SchemaToScript, $ObjectToScript, $Author, $Comment
#TFS workspace folder - whatever you set it up as on your server
$DirectoryToSaveTo='C:\TFS_CLI\EN_Workspace' # the directory where you want to store them
# Load SMO assembly, and if we are running SQL 2008 DLLs load the SMOExtended and SQLWMIManagement libraries
$v = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO')
if ((($v.FullName.Split(','))[1].Split('='))[1].Split('.')[0] -ne '9') {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended') | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum') | out-null
set-psdebug -strict # catch a few extra bugs
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$srv = new-object ("$My.Server") $Server # attach to the server
if ($srv.ServerType-eq $null) # if it managed to find a server
Write-Error "Sorry, but I could not find Server '$Server' "
$scripter = new-object ("$My.Scripter") $srv # create the scripter
#Add the various options we care about
$scripter.Options.ToFileOnly = $true
$scripter.Options.ExtendedProperties= $true # yes, we want these
$scripter.Options.DRIAll= $true # and all the constraints
$scripter.Options.Indexes= $true # Yup, these would be nice
$scripter.Options.Triggers= $true # This should be includede
$scripter.Options.AppendToFile = $False
$scripter.Options.AllowSystemObjects = $False
$scripter.Options.ClusteredIndexes = $True
$scripter.Options.DriAll = $True
$scripter.Options.ScriptDrops = $False
$scripter.Options.IncludeHeaders = $False #so you do not get the one line "scripted at..." which would be NOW.
#$scripter.Options.ToFileOnly = $True
#$scripter.Options.Indexes = $True
$scripter.Options.Permissions = $True
$scripter.Options.WithDependencies = $False
$scripter.Options.Bindings = $true
$scripter.Options.IncludeDatabaseRoleMemberships = $true
#First, script out the database "create" itself.#
if (($Database) -and $ObjectToScript -eq '') #if database has a value but there is no object, script out the DB.
$db_scripter = new-object ("$My.Scripter") $srv # script out the database creation
$db_scripter.options=$scripter.options # with the same options
$db_scripter.options.filename="$($DirectoryToSaveTo)\$($ServerNameClean)\$($Database)\$($Database)_database_create.sql" # with the same options
#explcitly creating the path for the DB script here. We still need to do it for all the sub-types.
# Could probably move the $d declaration up here, but leaving it here for readability.
# create the directory if necessary (SMO does not).
if (!( Test-Path -path $SavePath )) # create it if not existing
{Try { New-Item $SavePath -type directory | out-null }
Catch [system.exception]{
Write-Error "error while creating '$SavePath' $_"
#Use TF to see if the object exists on our TFS server.
# Optimization idea: DIR the entire subfolder on a FULL and compare all at once.
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF dir $/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($Database)_database_create.sql 2>&1"
# Running the TF calls this way as per Simon Ejsing to ignore the error state and capture the actual error message
# However, that also means we need
#Note that if the database create has not changed, it will still attempt to CHECKIN, but TFS will ignore as it is the same.
if ($tf -like "No items match*" -or $tf -like "*is not found or not supported*")
"database script does not exist; scripting out and ADDing to TFS"
if(Test-Path -Path $db_scripter.options.filename)
#delete the file manually, since we have seen permission issues where the $script cannot overwrite.
$deleteme = "$SavePath\$($Database)_database_create.sql"
remove-item "$SavePath\$($Database)_database_create.sql" -force
#putting in a try/catch so we get error messages if it breaks, and it can continue.
$db_scripter.Script($srv.Databases[$Database]) # do it
"Error Message trying to script out $SavePath\$Filename"
"database create script done"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF add $/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($Database)_database_create.sql 2>&1"
#use mass checkin at the end
"database script exists; get, check out, script to override, check in"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF get ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($Database)_database_create.sql"" /noprompt 2>&1"
"database script GET results"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF checkout ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($Database)_database_create.sql"" 2>&1"
"database script CHECKOUT results"
"database checkout done"
#If the file exists, manually delete; we have seen permission issues where $script cannot overwrite.
if(Test-Path -Path $db_scripter.options.filename)
$deleteme = "$SavePath\$($Database)_database_create.sql"
#bug exists with standard remove - if there are read-only items in the same folder, -force is required
remove-item "$SavePath\$($Database)_database_create.sql" -force
#putting in a try/catch so we get error messages if it breaks, and it can continue.
$db_scripter.Script($srv.Databases[$Database]) # do it
"Error Message trying to script out $SavePath\$Filename"
"database script out done"
#use mass checkin at the end
## Scripting out Objects ##
# we now get all the object types except extended stored procedures
# first we get the bitmap of all the object types we want
$all =[long] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabaseObjectTypes]::all `
-bxor [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabaseObjectTypes]::ExtendedStoredProcedure
# and we store them in a datatable
$d = new-object System.Data.Datatable
# get almost everything; skipping most service broker, information_schema, system_views, certificates (cannot be scripted)
# there are other items that may need to be skipped, like SymmetricKeys in SSISDB
# Yes, I realize the irony in skipping SB given that it is powering this.
#putting in a try/catch so we get error messages if it breaks, and it can continue.
$d=$srv.databases[$Database].EnumObjects([long]0x1FFFFFFF -band $all) | `
Where-Object {$_.Schema -ne 'sys'-and $_.Schema -ne "information_schema" -and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'ServiceBroker' `
-and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'Certificate' `
-and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'MessageType' `
-and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'ServiceContract' `
-and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'ServiceQueue' `
-and $_.DatabaseObjectTypes -ne 'ServiceRoute' `
-and ($SchemaToScript -eq '' -or $_.Schema -eq $SchemaToScript) `
-and (($ObjectToScript -eq '' -and $ScriptType -eq 'Full') -or $_.Name -eq $ObjectToScript) `
-and ($_.Name -notlike 'sp_MS*') }
# mdb 2013/11/07 previous line skips replication objects. This comment below code as comment lines break extended 1-liner.
"Error Message trying to enumerate the database - may be logshipped or being restored"
$myerror = 1
# List every item that we are going to do
$d = $d | sort -Property DatabaseObjectTypes,Schema,Name
$d | select databaseobjecttypes, schema, name
if ($d.Count -gt 10000)
"skipping the database objects - more than 10000"
# Now write out each scriptable object as a file in the directory you specify
#it appears that an empty array never actually enters the FOREACH, leaving variables unset
# -and -$d.Count -ne 0
if ($myerror -eq 0 -and $d.Count -lt 10001) #20k of objects takes up 5gb of RAM in the PS script and causes problems
$d| FOREACH-OBJECT { # for every object we have in the datatable.
"" #blank line so each block of error messages is separated out
# create the directory if necessary (SMO does not).
if (!( Test-Path -path $SavePath )) # create it if not existing
{Try { New-Item $SavePath -type directory | out-null }
Catch [system.exception]{
Write-Error "error while creating '$SavePath' $_"
# tell the scripter object where to write it, and make sure it is actually writeable
if ($_.schema)
$Filename = "$($_.schema -replace '[\\\/\:\.]','-').$($ -replace '[\\\/\:\.\ ]','-').sql";
$Filename = "$($ -replace '[\\\/\:\.]','-').sql";
$scripter.Options.FileName = "$SavePath\$Filename"
$scripter.Options.FileName #print it out so we know what is being done
$UrnCollection = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.urnCollection')
# TFS code for each object #
#Use TF to see if the object exists on our TFS server
"checking to see if object exists"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF dir $/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($_.DatabaseObjectTypes)/$Filename 2>&1"
# Running all the TF commands this way as per Simon Ejsing to ignore the error state and capture the actual error message.
if ($tf -like "No items match*" -or $tf -like "*is not found or not supported*")
"no items match; scripting out and ADDing to TFS"
"Error Message trying to script out $SavePath\$Filename"
"script done"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF add /noprompt ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($_.DatabaseObjectTypes)/$Filename"" 2>&1"
#mdb 2013/11/07 only do ONE checkin at the end if we are doing an entire database; all will have the same comment
if ($ObjectToScript -ne '')
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF checkin /author:$author /comment:""$comment"" /noprompt 2>&1"
"item exists; get, check out, script to override, check in"
#noprompt causes it to crash, virtually every time
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF get ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($_.DatabaseObjectTypes)/$Filename"" 2>&1"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF checkout ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($_.DatabaseObjectTypes)/$Filename"" 2>&1"
#Delete file before scripting; we have seen permission issues.
if(Test-Path -Path $scripter.options.filename)
remove-item "$SavePath\$Filename" -force
"Error Message trying to script out $SavePath\$Filename"
#mdb 2013/12/03 making this part only run if it is a specific object; that way we can rerun an entire database
if ($ObjectToScript -ne '')
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF checkin /author:$author /noprompt /comment:""$comment"" ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/$($_.DatabaseObjectTypes)/$Filename"" 2>&1"
#If it is a mass add or a database-specific, CHECKIN now.
if ($ObjectToScript -eq '')
"final mass checkin"
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF checkin /author:$author /comment:""$comment"" /noprompt 2>&1"
#$tf we do not need this one here because it will be shown below
"mass checkin done"
#if the checkin failed, UNDO so the next one does not make it worse.
#The next checkin would probably fix it, but I have had to go back and manually undo. Not fun.
#mdb 20131107 If there were any items to check in, get the results. Throws an error otherwise.
#using Stej code to verify the variable exists; if no objects, $tf is never set, so it bombs here
if (Test-Path variable:local:tf)
if ($tf -like "Changeset * checked in." -or $tf -like "There are no remaining changes to check in.")
#mdb 20131107 If there were any items to check in, get the results. Throws an error otherwise.
if ((Test-Path variable:local:d) -and $ObjectToScript -eq '')
"changes not made - errorlog follows"
"================================UNDO BEGINS=================================="
$tf = &cmd /c "c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF undo ""$/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/$Database/*.*"" /recursive 2>&1"
"=================================UNDO ENDS==================================="
"No objects found, nothing done"
#TFS rollback code, should look something like this
#c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF undo $/Randolph/$ServerNameClean/VOAgent/DatabaseRole/*.*
#No files checked in due to conflicting changes. These conflicting changes have been automatically resolved. Please try the check-in again.
#rolling back code: c:\TFS_CLI\App_2013\TF undo $/Randolph/cm-01/VOAgent/DatabaseRole/*.*
#for some reason "override:" did not work.
#item exists; get, check out, script to override, check in
#All files are up to date.
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