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Last active May 18, 2018 18:18
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AWS Aurora - reading Cloudwatch logs with Powershell for QUERYs
import-module awspowershell
# removing variables. Note that this will wipe out default region, credentials, etc, if before this line.
Remove-Variable -Name * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-DefaultAWSRegion -Region us-west-1
$now = get-date
# For conversion from Unix Epoch
$origin = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
# here, we use implicit credentials, so there's no $credentials
set-awscredentials -accesskey youraccesskey -secretkey yoursecretkey
$myemail = ""
# Get the current timestamp
$Current_Unix_Timestamp = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()-uformat "%s")) * 1000
# Get the timestamp to start at.
$hours_to_look_back = 72
$Past_Unix_Timestamp = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date((Get-Date).AddHours(-1*$hours_to_look_back)).ToUniversalTime()-uformat "%s")) * 1000
# Get a list of all of our CloudWatch log groups
$All_CW_RDS_Logs = get-CWLLogGroup -LogGroupNamePrefix "/aws/rds" | where {$_.LogGroupName -like "*/myprefix-*"}
foreach ($Specific_CW_Log_Group in $All_CW_RDS_Logs) {
write-host $Specific_CW_Log_Group.LogGroupName
$CW_NextToken = $null # reset for each log group. Required for NextToken to work
#Using $null for NextToken means we can use the same pattern as for regular logs
#NOTE: this hangs if the FilterPattern is invalid. Which apparently includes commas, backslashes, etc.
#$CW_Results =
DO {
#write-host "CWToken $CW_NextToken"
$CW_RDS +=
Get-CWLFilteredLogEvent `
-LogGroupName $Specific_CW_Log_Group.LogGroupName `
-StartTime $Past_Unix_Timestamp `
-EndTime $Current_Unix_Timestamp `
-FilterPattern "QUERY" `
-Limit 2000 `
-NextToken $CW_NextToken
#FilterPattern can't use commas. ",QUERY," should show all create/truncate/drop, but we use QUERY instead
#unlike the regular logs, this one returns a normal powershell dataset - no need to parse it out, just query events
# $CW_RDS.Events # moved to outside the loop.
$CW_NextToken = $CW_RDS.NextToken
}WHILE ($CW_NextToken -ne $null)
# Regex-based filtering
$Log_Filters = "temporary table","truncate "
#We use this line to take our list of log filters and generate a regex that is then compared against
# the replace is needed because I want an exact match of those commas, and the escape($_) does weird stuff to it
# 2018/05/09 removed [regex] at beginning as per
$Log_Filter_regex = (($Log_Filters|foreach {[regex]::escape($_) -replace ",","\,"}) –join "|")
# Applying the regex filter
$final_log = $CW_RDS.Events| where {$_.Message -inotmatch $Log_Filter_regex} `
| select @{Label='TimeStampHR';Expression={$origin.AddSeconds($_.TimeStamp/1000).ToLocalTime()}}, LogStreamName, message
# Making an HTML table
$Style = "
TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
$error_table = $final_log| ConvertTo-HTML -AS Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Cloudwatch Alerts as of $now</h2>"|Out-String
#Save the HTML Web Page as a string so we can email it
[string]$email_table = (ConvertTo-HTML -head $Style -PostContent $error_table)
# Now send the mail
if ($final_log){
#Send email to $myemail. SMTP is a CNAME to the corporate SMTP server we use.
Send-MailMessage -smtpserver `
-To $myemail `
-From "Do_Not_Reply_PoSH <>" `
-Subject "[AWS] Cloudwatch errors in Prod as of $now" `
-body $email_table -BodyAsHtml
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