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Last active November 16, 2022 18:09
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Save mboynes/0b1dc4dec2180049dd9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WP-CLI methods to iterate over any number of posts efficiently and reliably
// DEPRECATED. See as the successor to this trait.
* Chunk up the task when you need to iterate over many posts.
* For instance, to iterate over every post on the site and add post meta:
* $this->bulk_task( function( $post ) {
* update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'some_meta', 'some value' );
* } );
* To do the same thing, but only the "post" post type, you might:
* $this->bulk_task( [ 'post_type' => 'post' ], function( $post ) {
* update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'some_meta', 'some value' );
* } );
* Posts are iterated by ID, so changing data is relatively safe. For instance,
* $this->bulk_task( 'wp_delete_post' );
* would iterate fine. Comparing this to normal pagination, if you delete posts
* or change the query criteria, and you aren't paginating in reverse, you'd
* end up missing ~half of your posts.
* If your class has a method `stop_the_insanity()` available to prevent memory
* leaks, it will be called after each chunk. For an example, see
* {link}
* @author Matthew Boynes, Alley Interactive
* @license GPLv2
* @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
trait Alley_CLI_Bulk_Task {
* Store the current WP_Query object hash for bulk tasks.
* @var string
protected $bulk_task_object_hash;
* Store the last max ID for bulk task pagination.
* @var integer
protected $bulk_task_min_id;
* Manipulate the WHERE clause of a bulk task query to paginate by ID.
* This checks the object hash to ensure that we don't manipulate any other
* queries that might run during a bulk task.
* @param string $where The current $where clause.
* @param WP_Query &$query WP_Query object.
* @return string WHERE clause with our pagination added.
public function bulk_task_posts_where( $where, $query ) {
if ( spl_object_hash( $query ) === $this->bulk_task_object_hash ) {
return "AND {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->posts}.ID > {$this->bulk_task_min_id} {$where}";
return $where;
* Loop through any number of posts efficiently with a callback, and output
* the progress.
* @param array $args {
* Optional. WP_Query args. Some have overridden defaults, and some are
* fixed. Anything not mentioned below will operate as normal.
* @type string $post_type Defaults to 'any'.
* @type string $post_status Defaults to 'any'.
* @type int $posts_per_page Defaults to 100.
* @type bool $suppress_filters Always false.
* @type bool $ignore_sticky_posts Always true.
* @type int $paged Always 1.
* @type string $orderby Always 'ID'.
* @type string $order Always 'ASC'.
* }
* @param callable $callable Required. Callback function to invoke for each
* post. The callable will be passed a WP_Post
* object.
protected function bulk_task( $args, $callable = null ) {
// $args is optional, so if it's callable, assume it replaces $callable.
if ( is_callable( $args ) ) {
$callable = $args;
$args = array();
// Ensure that we have a callable.
if ( ! is_callable( $callable ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( 'You must pass a callable to `bulk_task()`' );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'post_type' => 'any',
'post_status' => 'any',
'posts_per_page' => 100,
) );
// Force some arguments and don't let them get overridden.
$args['suppress_filters'] = false;
$args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true;
$args['paged'] = 1;
$args['orderby'] = 'ID';
$args['order'] = 'ASC';
// Ensure $bulk_task_min_id always starts at 0.
$this->bulk_task_min_id = 0;
$current_page = 0;
// Handle pagination.
add_filter( 'posts_where', array( $this, 'bulk_task_posts_where' ), 9999, 2 );
// Output the empty status.
echo "\n";
// All systems go.
do {
// Build the query object, but don't run it without the object hash.
$query = new WP_Query();
// Store the unique object hash to ensure we only manipulate this
// query in `bulk_taks_posts_where()`.
$this->bulk_task_object_hash = spl_object_hash( $query );
// Run the query
$query->query( $args );
// Invoke the callable over every post
array_walk( $query->posts, $callable );
// Update our min ID for the next query
$this->bulk_task_min_id = max( wp_list_pluck( $query->posts, 'ID' ) );
// Contain memory leaks
if ( method_exists( $this, 'stop_the_insanity' ) ) {
// Update the status
$this->do_bulk_status( ++$current_page, $query->max_num_pages + $current_page - 1 );
} while ( $query->found_posts && $query->max_num_pages > 1 );
echo "\n";
$this->bulk_task_min_id = null;
* Output the status of a bulk task.
* This includes a progress bar, page/total pages, and a rough approximation
* of the time remaining based on the average number of seconds per page
* that the task has taken.
* @param integer $page Current page number.
* @param integer $max Total number of pages to process.
protected function do_bulk_status( $page = 0, $max = 0 ) {
static $start;
if ( ! $start || ! $page ) {
$start = microtime( true );
if ( ! $page || ! $max ) {
$seconds_per_page = ( microtime( true ) - $start ) / $page;
'%s%' . ( strlen( $max ) + 2 ) . "d/%d complete; %s remaining\r",
$this->progress_bar( $page / $max ),
date( 'H:i:s', ( $max - $page ) * $seconds_per_page )
* Get a progress bar given a percent completion.
* This is a bit nicer than WP_CLI's progress bar and it fits nicely with
* the bulk task status.
* @param float $percent Percent complete, from 0.00 - 1.00.
* @return string
protected function progress_bar( $percent ) {
return sprintf( ' [%-50s] ', str_repeat( '#', floor( $percent * 50 ) ) );
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jmslbam commented Mar 2, 2021

@mboynes I got a notice about the where clause, that &$query shouldn't be passed by reference. I removed the & which fixed it for me.


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jmslbam commented Mar 2, 2021

Thank you for the Class, was building it myself and thought: Ah maybe somebody already wrote a bulk task class and tada, here it is 👍

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mboynes commented Mar 2, 2021

@jmslbam thanks for the note, I updated the gist!

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mboynes commented Nov 16, 2022

For posterity, we've replaced this trait with

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