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Last active March 10, 2019 02:15
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Create LUKS encrypted storage, remount


$DEV=/dev/sdXY # This is the device that gets blown away and encrypted
$MAP=backup # This is an identifier, will create a node at /dev/mapper/$MAP

Create encrypted volume:

cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat $DEV

To open it, check status:

cryptsetup luksOpen $DEV $MAP
ls -l /dev/mapper/$MAP
cryptsetup -v status $MAP
cryptsetup luksDump $DEV

This will erase all patterns, helps keeping it safe (takes forever, though):

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/backup2 status=progress

Now create a FS:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$MAP

If OS doesn't auto-mount:

mkdir /mnt/$MAP
mount /dev/mapper/$MAP /mnt/$MAP

Now check it's there:

df -H
cd /mnt/$MAP
ls -l

You're good!


umount /mnt/$MAP
cryptsetup luksClose $MAP


cryptsetup luksOpen $DEV $MAP
mount /dev/mapper/$MAP /mnt/$MAP
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