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Impact/Likelihood High Medium Low
Marketing Cloud Segmentation Tools



Publish to Data Extensions

Publish to AWS S3

Segmentation Criteria


B2C Attributes

B2B Attributes


Solution Option Data Replication Automation Out-of-the-box UI Capabilities Benefits Key Considerations
Manual spreadsheets No Low Low-tech way to capture data changes during system unavailability

At a minimum, this can (and should) be used as a last contingency for worst-case scenarios in which the primary Salesforce instance and other BCP solutions are unavailable at the same time.
Need to sync data back to production

Need to determine high value data
Salesforce Full Sandbox Automated Same Salesforce UI Production-like system Refresh limit only once every 29 days

May take long time to refresh

Many potential gotchas to consider (for example, outbound email limitations)
Secondary Production Instance Custom Same Salesforce UI Full production system Licensing cost

Control of data center location
Heroku Connect or AppExchange solutions Custom Custom UI Ne
Heroku Connect
No-Code and Low-Code Native Tools Developer Native Salesforce Tools AppExchange Partners Platform-Unaware Tools
Data Export Services
mbraga-sfdc /
Created August 24, 2021 18:44
Use a table like the one here to track different metrics for test assessment, including DB time, application CPU time, and concurrency errors.
What to Measure How to measure Baseline Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 After Change Iteration 1 After Change Iteration 2 After Change Iteration 3
EPT Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
Number of XHRs Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
Run time Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
Number of actions Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
Number of triggers Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
DB total time Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
CPU time Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
Apex limit errors Eagle Eyes/Event Monitoring
mbraga-sfdc /
Created August 24, 2021 18:38
Compare the deviation from production for each scale test metric with a table like this.
Metrics Value from production peak hour Value from the test Difference/Deviation
Normalized DMLs /execution
Normalized XHR requests/execution
Normalized API calls/execution
Normalized SOQL/execution
Normalized Trigger/execution
mbraga-sfdc /
Created August 24, 2021 18:37
Use a table like the one below to track the results from your test iterations.
Test Stage Target Throughput Transactions greater than SLA Number of Failed Transactions Number of Concurrent Errors Number of Rowlock Errors Remarks
1 Baseline(X) 0 ~0 ~0 ~0
2 2X 0 ~0 ~0 ~0
3 3X 0 ~0 ~0 ~0
4 Maximum Throughput 0 ~0 ~0 ~0
Tool/Service Identifies Salesforce Offering Cost Description
Static Code Analyzer Code Quality No PMD is free; others involve cost Static Code Analyzers help identify code quality and security. Different tools are required for analyzing Apex and LWC (JavaScript).
Security Scanner Security Yes Free This tool is used to perform a static analysis scan of all unpackaged code in your organization.
Salesforce Optimizer Holistic High Level Org Assessment Yes Free The Salesforce Optimizer app analyzes more features than the existing PDF report and in a more interactive and actionable format.
FieldTrip Field Usage No Free FieldTrip is a common AppExchange t
(Case_Age__c * $CustomMetadata.Case_Score_Weight.Age__c) + (Case_Data_Completness_Tracking__c * $CustomMetadata.Case_Score_Weight.Completeness__c) +
(Contact_Account_Relevancy__c * $CustomMetadata.Case_Score_Weight.Relevancy__c)