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Last active October 18, 2020 16:56
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How to get a transducer type without higher kinds
import Foundation
// A bunch of convenience things
func const <A, B> (b: B) -> A -> B {
return { _ in b }
func repeat <A> (n: Int) -> A -> [A] {
return { a in
return map(Array(1...n), const(a))
infix operator |> {associativity left}
func |> <A, B> (x: A, f: A -> B) -> B {
return f(x)
func |> <A, B, C> (f: A -> B, g: B -> C) -> A -> C {
return { g(f($0)) }
func append <A> (xs: [A], x: A) -> [A] {
return xs + [x]
func square (x: Int) -> Int {
return x*x
func isPrime (p: Int) -> Bool {
if p <= 1 { return false }
if p <= 3 { return true }
for i in 2...Int(sqrtf(Float(p))) {
if p % i == 0 {
return false
return true
func incr (x: Int) -> Int {
return x + 1
// Here's the good stuff
class Transducer <A, B> {
func step <R> (_: (R, A) -> R) -> (R, B) -> R {
fatalError("should be overriden")
class CompositionTransducer <A, B, C> : Transducer <A, C> {
let lhs: Transducer<B, C>
let rhs: Transducer<A, B>
init (_ lhs: Transducer<B, C>, _ rhs: Transducer<A, B>) {
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
override func step <R> (reducer: (R, A) -> R) -> (R, C) -> R {
return self.lhs.step(self.rhs.step(reducer))
func |> <A, B, R> (reducer: (R, A) -> R, transducer: Transducer<A, B>) -> (R, B) -> R {
return transducer.step(reducer)
func |> <A, B, C> (lhs: Transducer<A, B>, rhs: Transducer<B, C>) -> Transducer<A, C> {
return CompositionTransducer<A, B, C>(rhs, lhs)
class Mapping <B, A> : Transducer <B, A> {
let f: A -> B
init(_ f: A -> B) {
self.f = f
override func step <R> (reducer: (R, B) -> R) -> (R, A) -> R {
return { accum, a in
return reducer(accum, self.f(a))
class FlatMapping <B, A> : Transducer <B, A> {
let f: A -> [B]
init(_ f: A -> [B]) {
self.f = f
override func step <R> (reducer: (R, B) -> R) -> (R, A) -> R {
return { accum, a in
return reduce(self.f(a), accum, reducer)
class Filtering <A> : Transducer <A, A> {
let p: A -> Bool
init (_ p: A -> Bool) {
self.p = p
override func step <R> (reducer: (R, A) -> R) -> (R, A) -> R {
return { accum, a in
return self.p(a) ? reducer(accum, a) : accum
let xs = Array(1...100)
reduce(xs, [], append
|> FlatMapping(repeat(3))
|> Filtering(isPrime)
|> Mapping(square |> incr)
let compositeTransducer = FlatMapping(repeat(3)) |> Filtering(isPrime) |> Mapping(square |> incr)
reduce(xs, 0, (+) |> compositeTransducer)
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amotion commented Dec 10, 2014


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Hi Brandon, intellectually, I love your construction with transducers. But, if you want only to solve the last problem you give as an example, maybe you could keep it simple? Like this:

3 * reduce(xs, 0) { acc, x in
let elem = x * x + 1
return isPrime(elem) ? acc + elem : acc

I don't think we miss in readability ...

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@ThierryDarrigrand: totally, my example was contrived.

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