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Created January 18, 2023 17:07
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// A fix for
// to handle cancellation.
struct TaskBuilder {
static func buildExpression<Success: Sendable>(_ task: Task<Success, Never>) -> [Task<Success, Never>] {
static func buildBlock<Success: Sendable>(_ tasks: [Task<Success, Never>]...) -> [Task<Success, Never>] {
tasks.flatMap { $0 }
static func buildFinalResult<Success: Sendable>(_ tasks: [Task<Success, Never>]) -> Task<[Success], Never> {
Task {
await withTaskGroup(of: Success.self, returning: [Success].self) { taskGroup in
tasks.forEach { task in
taskGroup.addTask {
await withTaskCancellationHandler { // 👈
await task.value
} onCancel: {
return await taskGroup.reduce(into: [Success]()) { partialResult, name in
func withTaskGroup<Success: Sendable>(@TaskBuilder builder: () -> Task<[Success], Never>) async -> [Success] {
let task = builder()
return await withTaskCancellationHandler { // 👈
await task.value
} onCancel: {
// Test to confirm:
func testTaskGroupCancellation() async throws {
let task = Task {
await withTaskGroup {
Task {
do {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
XCTFail("🛑 This should not be executed")
} catch {}
try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(100))
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
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