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Created July 7, 2020 16:10
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cljs/three.js test
<!-- /public/index.html -->
<script src = "/js/main.js"></script>
<script>window.onload = cjs1.main.main </script>
body { margin: 0; }
canvas { display: block; }
;; /src/cjs1/macros.clj
(ns cjs1.macros)
(defmacro update! [x f]
`(set! ~x (~f ~x)))
;; /src/cjs1/main.cljs
(ns cjs1.main
(:require [cjs1.util :as u]
["three" :as t])
(:require-macros [cjs1.macros :as m]))
(defn log
(.log js/console wtf))
(defn cube
(let [geom (t/BoxGeometry. 200 200 200)
params #js {"color" 0x00ff00}
matr (t/MeshBasicMaterial. params)
cube (t/Mesh. geom matr)]
(log params)
(defn main
(let [body (. js/document -body)
; WIDTH (/ js/window.innerWidth 2)
; HEIGHT (/ js/window.innerHeight 2)
WIDTH (.-innerWidth js/window)
HEIGHT (.-innerHeight js/window)
scene (t/Scene.)
camera (t/PerspectiveCamera. 75 (/ WIDTH HEIGHT) 0.1 1000.0)
renderer (t/WebGLRenderer.)
cube- (cube)]
(.setSize renderer WIDTH HEIGHT)
(.appendChild body (.-domElement renderer))
(log (str cube-))
(.add scene cube-)
(set! (.. camera.position -z) 5)
(defn animator []
; (log (.getTime (js/Date.)))
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window animator)
(m/update! (.. cube-.rotation -x) inc)
; (log (.. cube- -rotation -x))
(.render renderer scene camera))
"name": "cjs1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "public/index.html",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"three.js": "^0.77.1"
"devDependencies": {
"shadow-cljs": "^2.10.14"
{:source-paths ["src"]
:dependencies [[appliedscience/js-interop "0.2.4"]]
:nrepl {:port 9999}
{:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "public/js"
:asset-path "js/"
:modules {:main {:entries [cjs1.main]}}
{:http-root "public"
:http-port 8001}}}}
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