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Last active September 5, 2018 11:09
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Eraosthenes's sieve with Haskell's Concurrency
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel
import Data.Vector ((!))
import Debug.Trace
import System.Exit (die)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
n :: Int
n = 1000000
-- updates the mvar v with a
updMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
updMVar v a = do
_ <- takeMVar v
putMVar v a
worker :: MVar Int -> V.Vector (MVar Bool) -> MVar Bool -> IO ()
worker i v d = do
idx <- takeMVar i
putMVar i (idx + 1) -- update current position
print idx
if (idx >= n)
then updMVar d True -- if done set it
else do
forkIO $ worker i v d -- otherwise fork a worker
forM_ [idx*2, idx*3 .. n - 1] $ \j -> do
updMVar (v ! j) False
finish :: V.Vector (MVar Bool) -> IO ()
finish vec = do
ans <- V.foldM (\s v -> do
ok <- takeMVar v
putMVar v ok
return $ if ok then (s + 1) else s)
0 vec
die $ "# primes = " ++ show ans ++ "\n"
-- This is not actually the answer, but is the answer + 2
-- but this mathematical inaccuracy shouldn't affect the program.
main = do
cidxVar <- newMVar (2 :: Int) -- stores current index in sieve
cvecVar <- V.replicateM n (newMVar True) -- sieve values as vector of mvars
doneVar <- newMVar False -- is everything done?
print $ "Okay done."
forkIO $ worker cidxVar cvecVar doneVar
print "Forked."
forever $ do
-- print "This shouldn't be needed."
-- ^^ Removing this line causes the program to stop in between, and hang.
isDone <- takeMVar doneVar -- check if we're done
if (isDone)
then finish cvecVar -- then finish the job
else putMVar doneVar isDone -- else put it back and continue
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