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Last active October 26, 2020 17:44
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fractal : A fractal generator in haskell
Author : Mriganka Basu Roy Chowdhury
Install : Preferably (if you don't want cabal hell),
form a cabal sandbox and install JuicyPixels
and optparse-applicative. Then just
cabal exec -- ghc fractal.hs -O3
Please use -O3, as otherwise, the generation
may take a lot of time.
Modifications :
Look into the source below, and change
stuff if you need to. Most of the code is
segmented, and documented, so that part
should be pretty obvious.
import Codec.Picture -- needs JuicyPixels
import Data.Complex -- in base, so chill.
import Data.List -- again in base.
import Options.Applicative -- need optparse-applicative
import Data.Semigroup hiding (option) -- in base
import Text.Read (readMaybe) -- in base as well.
import Data.Maybe -- in base.
import Control.Monad -- in base.
type R = Float -- The real used, change to Double for precision
type C = Complex R
type IterF = C -> C -- Iteration function
type Pix = PixelRGB8 -- The pixel type used.
type View = (C, C) -- Upper left, lower right complex numbers
type Dimensions = (Int, Int) -- Width, Height
inf :: R
inf = 1e20
-------------------- For general uses, just modify this part -------
baseFunction :: C -> IterF -- Change this function to your wishes, but
-- keep the signature intact. :)
-- This function currently generates mandelbrot sets.
baseFunction c z = z**2 + c
-------------- ************************************ ----------------
characteristic :: (C -> IterF) -- Iteration function
-> R -- Escape Radius
-> Int -- Iterations
-> C -- Parameter
-> Pix -- Pix value indicating color,
-- produced by calling colorFunc
characteristic f r n c =
let g = f c
l = map snd $
takeWhile (\(i, z) -> i <= n && realPart (abs z) < r) $
zip [1..] $ iterate g (0.0 :+ 0.0)
in colorFunc n (length l) c (last l)
data FractalOptions
= FractalOptions
{ iterations :: Int
, escapeRad :: R
, upperLeftX :: R
, upperLeftY :: R
, lowerRightX :: R
, lowerRightY :: R
, width :: Int
, height :: Int
, output :: FilePath
main :: IO ()
main = do
results <- execParser $ info (parser <**> helper)
( header "--- fractal : A fractal generator ---"
<> progDesc "Generates a PNG image of a fractal generated by iteration"
<> fullDesc
let (FractalOptions n r ulx uly lrx lry w h out) = results
image = produceFractal baseFunction n r
((ulx :+ uly), (lrx :+ lry))
(w, h)
putStrLn "Generating and writing the image... Hang tight."
writePng out image
putStrLn "Done. Enjoy!"
---------------- The parser for optparse ------------
parser :: Parser FractalOptions
parser = FractalOptions <$>
option auto
( long "iterations"
<> short 'n'
<> help "The number of times the iteration happens."
<> metavar "INTEGER"
<> value 30
option auto
( long "escape"
<> short 'r'
<> help "Escape radius"
<> metavar "REAL"
<> value 10.0
option auto
( long "upper-left-x"
<> short 'X'
<> help "The upper left x in the frame of the image generated."
<> metavar "REAL"
<> value (-1.8)
option auto
( long "upper-left-y"
<> short 'Y'
<> help "The upper left y in the frame of the image generated."
<> metavar "REAL"
<> value (1.3)
option auto
( long "lower-right-x"
<> short 'x'
<> help "The upper left x in the frame of the image generated."
<> metavar "REAL"
<> value (0.8)
option auto
( long "lower-right-y"
<> short 'y'
<> help "The upper left x in the frame of the image generated."
<> metavar "REAL"
<> value (-1.3)
option auto
( long "width"
<> short 'w'
<> help "Width of the image generated."
<> metavar "INTEGER"
<> value 600
option auto
( long "height"
<> short 'h'
<> help "Height of the image generated."
<> metavar "INTEGER"
<> value 600
( long "output"
<> short 'o'
<> help "Output file name of the png image"
<> metavar "FILENAME"
<> value "output.png"
------------- A few math functions ---------------------
clamp :: R -> R -> R -> R
clamp l r x = min r (max x l)
normal :: R -- center
-> R -- spread
-> R -- value
-> R
normal c spread x = exp (- (abs (x - c))**2 / spread)
sigmoidCut :: R -> R -> R -> R
sigmoidCut c s x = if x < c then 0.0 else -0.5 + 1.0 / (1 + exp (-(x - c)/s))
-- The function that generates the color.
-- The current configuration was obtained after many trials.
-- So perfecting it may require trial and error / theory.
colorFunc :: Int -- Number of iterations max
-> Int -- Number of iterations taken
-> C -- Current complex number
-> C -- Final complex number after iteration
-> Pix -- Generated color
colorFunc n m z z' =
let w = 1 + (realPart $ abs z)
w'= 1 + (realPart $ abs z')
x = fromIntegral (n - m) / (fromIntegral n)
r = normal (0.8) 0.05 x
g = normal (0.8) 0.1 x
b = sigmoidCut (0.8) 0.05 x
r'= floor $ r * 255
g'= floor $ g * 255
b'= floor $ b * 255
in PixelRGB8 r' g' b'
--------------- The function that produces the fractal ------
produceFractal :: (C -> IterF) -- Iteration function
-> Int -- Iterations
-> R -- Escape radius
-> View -- Region being viewed for the fractal
-> Dimensions -- Image dimensions
-> Image Pix -- Output image
produceFractal f n r (upperLeft, lowerRight) (w, h) =
let viewWidth = realPart (lowerRight - upperLeft)
viewHeight= imagPart (upperLeft - lowerRight)
charProducer = characteristic f r n
pixelSpace = [(x, y) | x <- [0..w], y <- [0..h]]
genFunction :: Int -> Int -> Pix
genFunction x y =
let dx = (fromIntegral x * viewWidth) / (fromIntegral w)
dy = -(fromIntegral y * viewHeight) / (fromIntegral h)
z = upperLeft + (dx :+ dy)
in charProducer z
in generateImage genFunction w h
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