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Created February 21, 2018 14:31
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Given a VCF file annotated with VEP (and expanded), calculate the worst consequence, gene, SIFT, PolyPhen, etc...
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import itertools
cons_key = "VEP_Consequence"
impact_key = "VEP_IMPACT"
gene_key = "VEP_SYMBOL"
csn_key = "VEP_CSN"
sift_key = "VEP_SIFT"
polyphen_key = "VEP_PolyPhen"
new_cons_key = "VEP_Worst_Consequence"
new_impact_key = "VEP_Worst_Impact"
new_gene_key = "VEP_Worst_Gene"
new_csn_key = "VEP_Worst_CSN"
new_sift_key = "VEP_Worst_SIFT"
new_polyphen_key = "VEP_Worst_PolyPhen"
impact_ranked = ['HIGH', 'MODERATE','LOW','MODIFIER']
consequences = '''1 transcript_ablation
3 splice_acceptor_variant
3 splice_donor_variant
4 stop_gained
5 frameshift_variant
6 stop_lost
7 start_lost
8 transcript_amplification
10 inframe_insertion
11 inframe_deletion
12 missense_variant
12 protein_altering_variant
13 splice_region_variant
14 incomplete_terminal_codon_variant
15 start_retained_variant
15 stop_retained_variant
15 synonymous_variant
16 coding_sequence_variant
17 mature_miRNA_variant
18 5_prime_UTR_variant
19 3_prime_UTR_variant
20 non_coding_transcript_exon_variant
21 intron_variant
22 NMD_transcript_variant
23 non_coding_transcript_variant
24 upstream_gene_variant
25 downstream_gene_variant
26 TFBS_ablation
28 TFBS_amplification
30 TF_binding_site_variant
31 regulatory_region_ablation
33 regulatory_region_amplification
36 feature_elongation
36 regulatory_region_variant
37 feature_truncation
38 intergenic_variant
39 sequence_variant'''
cons_ranked = [x[1] for x in [y.split(' ') for y in consequences.split('\n')]]
def parse_pos(line):
cols = line.strip().split('\t')
outcols = cols[:7]
info = cols[7]
info_vals = info.split(';')
info_out = []
genes = []
csns = []
gene_idx = -1
for ival in info_vals:
if '=' not in ival:
left, right = ival.split('=')
if left == gene_key:
genes = right.split(',')
elif left == csn_key:
csns = right.split(',')
elif left == polyphen_key:
worst = ''
worst_val = 0
spl = list(itertools.chain(*[x.split('&') for x in right.split(',')]))
for s in spl:
s2 = s.replace('(', ' ').replace(')','')
if s2:
name, val = s2.split(' ')
val = float(val)
if val > worst_val:
worst = name
worst_val = val
if worst:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_polyphen_key, worst))
elif left == sift_key:
worst = ''
worst_val = 1
spl = list(itertools.chain(*[x.split('&') for x in right.split(',')]))
for s in spl:
s2 = s.replace('(', ' ').replace(')','')
if s2:
name, val = s2.split(' ')
val = float(val)
if val < worst_val:
worst = name
worst_val = val
if worst:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_sift_key, worst))
elif left == impact_key:
worst = ''
spl = list(itertools.chain(*[x.split('&') for x in right.split(',')]))
for c in impact_ranked:
if c in spl:
worst = c
if worst:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_impact_key, worst))
elif left == cons_key:
worst = ''
spl = list(itertools.chain(*[x.split('&') for x in right.split(',')]))
for c in cons_ranked:
if c in spl:
worst = c
if worst:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_cons_key, worst))
for i,spl in enumerate(right.split(',')) :
for spl2 in spl.split('&'):
if worst in spl2:
gene_idx = i
if genes and gene_idx > -1:
if len(genes) > 1:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_gene_key, genes[gene_idx]))
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_gene_key, genes[0]))
if csns and gene_idx > -1:
if len(csns) > 1:
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_csn_key, csns[gene_idx]))
info_out.append('%s=%s' % (new_csn_key, genes[0]))
return outcols
def parse_main(fin=sys.stdin, fout=sys.stdout):
printed_header = False
for line in fin:
if line[0] == '#' and line[1] == '#':
elif line[0] == '#':
if not printed_header:
printed_header = True
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst Consequence">\n' % (new_cons_key))
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst Impact">\n' % (new_impact_key))
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst Gene">\n' % (new_gene_key))
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst SIFT">\n' % (new_sift_key))
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst PolyPhen">\n' % (new_polyphen_key))
fout.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=1,Type=String,Description="VEP Worst CSN">\n' % (new_csn_key))
fout.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(parse_pos(line)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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mbreese commented Jan 7, 2022

Note: this doesn't work right... it needs to split the consequences and process each value separately for each transcript (these are comma separated)

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