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Last active December 23, 2015 06:49
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  • Save mbrenig/6596288 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mbrenig/6596288 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Runs a simulated game of 3D snakes on a cube, and print frames to a snake.txt that can be copied into code that runs this:
# Not much fun unless you have one of these:
import random
DEBUG = True # Visualize the movement. Hit/hold return to progress the snake
ouf = open("snake.txt",'w')
# Cube is 3D array of length CUBESIZE
# Snake is represented by the integers SNAKELENGTH to 1 (from head to tail)
# Apples are represented by -1
# Blank space by 0
# cube[ updown ][ leftright ][ frontback ]
cube = []
for z in range(CUBESIZE):
plane = []
for y in range(CUBESIZE):
plane.append( [0]*CUBESIZE )
def iterate_cube(cube):
for z in range(CUBESIZE):
for y in range(CUBESIZE):
for x in range(CUBESIZE):
yield (z,y,x,cube[z][y][x])
def add_apple(cube, snakelen):
# There should be CUBESIZE**3 - snakelen empty spaces.
ax = random.choice(range(leds - snakelen))
ix = 0
for z,y,x,v in iterate_cube(cube):
if v == 0:
if ix == ax:
cube[z][y][x] = -1
return (z,y,x)
ix += 1
raise Exception("Should not get here. ax=%s ix=%s" % (ax,ix))
def find_available_moves(cube, snake_head):
# Reads the cube, and returns a list of all possible new head positions (z,y,x) for the snake.
moves = []
z,y,x = snake_head
if z > 0 and cube[z-1][y][x] in [0,-1]:
# Can move down
moves.append( (z-1,y,x) )
if z < (CUBESIZE-1) and cube[z+1][y][x] in [0,-1]:
# Can move up
moves.append( (z+1,y,x) )
if y > 0 and cube[z][y-1][x] in [0,-1]:
# Can move left
moves.append( (z,y-1,x) )
if y < (CUBESIZE-1) and cube[z][y+1][x] in [0,-1]:
# Can move right
moves.append( (z,y+1,x) )
if x > 0 and cube[z][y][x-1] in [0,-1]:
# Can move back
moves.append( (z,y,x-1) )
if x < (CUBESIZE-1) and cube[z][y][x+1] in [0,-1]:
# Can move forward
moves.append( (z,y,x+1) )
return moves
def output_cube(cube, snake_head, snakelen):
bools = []
for z,y,x,v in iterate_cube(cube):
if v != 0:
frame = ""
ix = 0
for zx in range(CUBESIZE):
for yx in range(CUBESIZE):
frame += 'B'
frame += "".join([str(b) for b in bools[ix*CUBESIZE:(ix+1)*CUBESIZE]])
frame += ","
ix += 1
frame += " "
frame += "10,"
ouf.write(frame + "\n")
print frame
print "snake_head at\tz=%s\ty=%s\tx=%s" % snake_head
print "snake length: %s" % snakelen
layers = []
for ii in range(CUBESIZE*2 - 1):
layers.append( [" "]*(CUBESIZE+2)*CUBESIZE )
for z,y,x,v in iterate_cube(cube):
fmtv = "."
if v == -1:
fmtv = "@"
if v == snakelen:
fmtv = '%'
elif v > 0:
fmtv = '#'
layers[ z+x ][ 1 + (z*(CUBESIZE+2)) + y ] = fmtv
for line in layers:
print "".join(line)
# Initiailize the cube, and snake
cube[0][0][0] = 1
snake_head = (0,0,0)
snakelen = 1
cube[2][2][2] = -1
apple_coords = (2,2,2)
output_cube(cube, snake_head, snakelen)
available_moves = find_available_moves(cube, snake_head)
while available_moves:
# Find available moves (next head positions)
def is_good_move(move, snake_head, apple_coords):
# does the move get us towarsd the apple.
mz,my,mx = move
az,ay,ax = apple_coords
sz,sy,sx = snake_head
cur_dist = abs(sz-az) + abs(sy-ay) + abs(sx-ax)
move_dist = abs(mz-az) + abs(my-ay) + abs(mx-ax)
return (move_dist < cur_dist)
good_moves = [move for move in available_moves if is_good_move(move, snake_head, apple_coords)]
if good_moves:
# Randomly select any move that moves snake head towards apple
selected_move = random.choice(good_moves)
# Select any move.
selected_move = random.choice(available_moves)
mz,my,mx = selected_move
if cube[mz][my][mx] == -1:
# move means apple is eaten:
snakelen += 1
cube[mz][my][mx] = snakelen
snake_head = (mz,my,mx)
apple_coords = add_apple(cube, snakelen)
# Move snake along by subtracing 1 from all bits of snake body
for z,y,x,v in iterate_cube(cube):
if v > 0:
cube[z][y][x] -= 1
snake_head = (mz,my,mx)
cube[mz][my][mx] = snakelen
output_cube(cube, snake_head, snakelen)
available_moves = find_available_moves(cube, snake_head)
print "Snake got to %s long" % snakelen
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