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# I was running spectaql to generate documentation for my GraphQL API and it complained about
# directives that I had in my schema file. I threw errors including
# - Unknown directive "@model".
# - Unknown directive "@auth".
# - Unknown directive "@index".
# - Unknown directive "@hasOne".
# These are all directives you would use when developing an Amplify app.
# Created this file to include as the first schemaFile in specaql.yml so that the graphql
# parser is aware of the directives and can simply ignore them.
mbreslow / gist:5301933
Last active September 20, 2017 20:36
Get a list of sessions in Oracle RDS + command to kill session
SELECT s.inst_id,
'exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.kill('||s.sid||','||s.serial#||');'
FROM gv$session s
Join Gv$process P On P.Addr = S.Paddr And P.Inst_Id = S.Inst_Id
Where S.Type != 'BACKGROUND'