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Last active August 22, 2023 16:43
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DCI in Swift - simple money transfer example
//TransferMoney context
class TransferMoney: Context {
private let SourceAccount: SourceAccountRole
private let DestinationAccount: DestinationAccountRole
init(source:AccountData, destination:AccountData) {
SourceAccount = source as! SourceAccountRole
DestinationAccount = destination as! DestinationAccountRole
func transfer(amount:Int) {
//note that we cast to base Role protocol so roles methods aren't accessible
//outside the Context by default
func getDestinationAccount() -> Role {
return DestinationAccount
protocol SourceAccountRole: Role {
func transferFrom(amt: Int)
func decreaseBalance(amt: Int)
extension SourceAccountRole {
func transferFrom(amt: Int) {
private var DestinationAccount: DestinationAccountRole {
get {
return (Context.currentContext as! TransferMoney).getDestinationAccount() as! DestinationAccountRole
protocol DestinationAccountRole: Role {
func transferTo(amt: Int)
func increaseBalance(amt: Int)
extension DestinationAccountRole {
func transferTo(amt: Int) {
//end TransferMoney context
protocol AccountData {
var balance: Int {get}
func increaseBalance(amt: Int)
func decreaseBalance(amt: Int)
class Account: AccountData, SourceAccountRole, DestinationAccountRole {
private var _balance = 0
var balance: Int {
get {return _balance}
func increaseBalance(amt: Int) {
_balance += amt
func decreaseBalance(amt: Int) {
_balance -= amt
//Hide the constructor and use a factory method instead so that
//new instances are typed as AccountData rather than Account by default.
//(The Account type would be able to access role methods from outside the Context.)
private init() {}
class func create() -> AccountData {
return Account()
//DCI library classes
protocol Role {}
class Context {
private static var _currentContext: Context?
private var _parentContext: Context?
static var currentContext: Context? {
get {return _currentContext}
init() {
_parentContext = Context._currentContext
Context._currentContext = self
deinit {
Context._currentContext = _parentContext
//Run the use case
let src = Account.create()
let dst = Account.create()
TransferMoney(source:src, destination:dst).transfer(10)
print("Source balance: ", src.balance)
print("Destination balance: ", dst.balance)
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