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Created March 27, 2013 12:23
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Save mbrownnycnyc/5253788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
quick vbscript to send email using smtp
function IfYouGetCaught(strErr)
if len(strErr) > 1 then
strErrorLine = strErrorLine + strErr
strErrorLine = strErrorLine + vbnewline + vbnewline
end if
strErrorLine = strErrorLine + "usage: cscript sendmail.vbs /from:[from address] /to:[address1,address2] [/subject:[subject]] [/body:[message] [/attachment:path1,path 2]" & vbnewline & _
vbnewline & _
"The arguments subject, body and attachment are optional." & vbnewline & _
vbnewline & _
"If /body:stdin is specified, then body will accept stdin as the body of the Email."
wscript.echo strErrorLine
end function
Function IsUsingCscript()
Dim iPosition
iPosition = InStr( LCase(WScript.FullName) , "cscript.exe" )
If iPosition = 0 Then IsUsingCscript = False Else IsUsingCscript = True
End Function
function main()
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
If Not IsUsingCscript() Then
IfYouGetCaught("You must use cscript.exe to run this script.")
End If
If WScript.Arguments.count < 1 then
end If
if len(WScript.Arguments.Named("from")) < 1 then
IfYouGetCaught("You need to provide a from address.")
'objMessage.From = WScript.Arguments.Named("from")
objMessage.From = ""
end if
if len(WScript.Arguments.Named("to")) < 1 then
IfYouGetCaught("You need to provide at least one to address.")
objMessage.To = WScript.Arguments.Named("to")
' ToAddresses = split(WScript.Arguments.Named("to"), ",")
end if
if len(WScript.Arguments.Named("subject")) < 1 then
objMessage.Subject = WScript.Arguments.Named("subject")
' ToAddresses = split(WScript.Arguments.Named("to"), ",")
end if
if len(WScript.Arguments.Named("attachment")) > 1 then
Attachments = split(WScript.Arguments.Named("attachment"), ",")
if ubound(Attachments) >= 0 then
for each item in Attachments
objMessage.AddAttachment item
end if
end if
'accept stdin as objMessage.Textbody
if ( WScript.Arguments.Named("body") = "stdin" ) then
objMessage.Textbody = WScript.Arguments.Named("from") & " sends the following message: " & vbnewline & Wscript.StdIn.ReadAll()
objMessage.Textbody = WScript.Arguments.Named("from") & " sends the following message: " & vbnewline & WScript.Arguments.Named("body")
end if
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "server"
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 587
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") ="robot@domain.local"
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") ="nnnn"
' CDO.Message.Send() returns HRESULT S_OK if it's successful, something else if it isn't:
' HRESULT constants:
sendreturncode = objMessage.Send
if sendreturncode <> 0 then
wscript.echo sendreturncode
end if
end function
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