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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save mbrownnycnyc/9075f25350e5e2168899 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
KB querier and uninstaller (not a real powershell script, just some invocations).
#query for KB on all machines in a given OU (instead of get-adcomputer, try get-content and a file with a list of IPs or hostnames for the same effect)
#note that the get-wmiobject is optimized to only request specific hotfixids, before I would request all records are parse client size (ewww)
$contents = $( get-adcomputer -filter "objectCategory -eq 'computer'" -SearchBase "OU=New York,DC=contoso,DC=corp" | select-object -expand name )
foreach ($computer in $contents)
if (fastping $computer)
get-wmiobject -computer $computer -query "select * from win32_quickfixengineering where hotfixid like '%2982791%' OR hotfixid like '%2970228%' " | select-object csname, hotfixid, installedOn | export-csv -append -NoTypeInformation -noclobber "c:\users\mbrown\desktop\evilkbsliveshere.csv" -Encoding UTF8
#invoke a command on all computer objects in an OU, in this case uninstalling KB 2982791 with the wusa.exe tool [check out `dism.exe /online /Get-Features` to have some more fun]
Invoke-Command -scriptblock {
cmd.exe /c "C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2982791 /quiet /norestart"
$env:computername + " " + $(Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss) + ": kb2982791 is now uninstalled."
} -computername ( get-adcomputer -filter "objectCategory -eq 'computer'" -SearchBase "OU=New York,DC=contoso,DC=corp" | select-object -expand name ) 2>&1 | tee -filepath evilkbcleanup.log
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