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Created July 21, 2017 15:12
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beginnings of sense home energy monitor undocumented API dive
### sense api powershell examples
# with reference:
## enter your email address and password (will use securestring later)
$emailAddress = "email@contoso.corp"
$password = "insertpassword"
## change the security protocol to TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
## these headers were used by my client as of february 2017
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Sense-Client-Version", '1.3.7-9be446d')
$headers.add("Host", '')
$headers.add("User-Agent", 'okhttp/3.4.1')
$body = @{
## create an authorized session
$senseAuthentication = invoke-restmethod -uri -method post -sessionvariable sensewebsession -Body $body -headers $headers -transferencoding "compress"
$monitorID = $(($senseAuthentication.monitors).id)
$headers.add("Authorization", "bearer $($senseAuthentication.access_token)")
## get info on your sense device
$sensedevicestatusresponse = invoke-restmethod$monitorID/status -method get -websession $sensewebsession -headers $headers
## list devices
$devicelistresponse = invoke-restmethod$monitorID/devices -method get -websession $sensewebsession -headers $headers
## get usage history
$granularity = "SECOND" #acceptable values: SECOND,MINUTE,HOUR,DAY,WEEK,MONTH,YEAR
$startDateTime = "2017-02-07T01:48:00.000Z" #start time of data in UTC
$frames = "5400" #number of data samples you will retrive. the android client default is 5400
$senseUsageHistory = invoke-restmethod "$monitorID&granularity=$granularity&start=$startDateTime&frames=$frames" -method get -websession $sensewebsession -headers $headers
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